Justice? 12 Years in Prison for enrolling child in wrong school (Blog Post)


A homeless woman enrolled her son at a Norwalk school, even though she had a mailing address with friends.

This so called theft of $15,000 worth of education, cost the woman 12 years in prison, 5 of those years not eligible for parole.   


Her son, 6, will see his mother get out of prison when he's 11.  Or 18 if she doesn't make parole.


Guest Post: When Debt Is More Important Than People, The System Is Evil (Blog Post)




Submitted by Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds

When Debt Is More Important Than People, The System Is Evil

The Empire of Debt has only one end-point: a death spiral. It is evil and must be dismantled.

Ethics has no place in the Empire of Debt. The financialized Status Quo is careful to limit the language used to describe the situation in Greece to the subtexts of "obligations" and "avoiding chaos."

The reality being masked is that debt is now more important than people. The suffering of the people of Greece is presented as a footnote to the financial play being staged; when the suffering is noted, it is presented with a peculiar set of unspoken subtexts:

Albedo: My favorite global warming theory (Blog Post)

Earth reflects solar radiation.  But what if the surface of the earth absorbs more solar radiation?  If it reflects less energy, the earth heats up.
But this angers global warming scientists.  They assert that CO2 is the driver for climate change.
It's possible to measure the earth's reflected solar radiation?  But the truth is so inconvienient.
I say we must let scientists measure the albedo, and we'll know the truth about global warming. 

Why The economy isn't growing. (Blog Post)

Why The economy isn't growing.

 Have you ever made a bet to settle an argument when you were a child?  That your dad could beat up their dad?

Let's say you made and won that childish bet...for a million dollars.  Then you went on a spending spree, running up huge bills in farmville. But the money never appeared.  The bills for your farmville purchases came, but the million dollars never showed up. 

You can barely pay the minimum payment on the bills.  Nothing left over. 

When this happens to a whole economy, it's called a recession.

and we'll stay in the recession until "farmville" writes off our debt.

Why We killed SOPA and why we should never expect another easy victory (Blog Post)

1.   Our outrage against SOPA had a long incubation phase.
  We knew about PIPA over a year ago.  Enough people educated themselves about it.  But instead of lapsing into apathy, they STAYED ANGRY.  People on reddit KNEW that SOPA would shut reddit down.  The anger kept people passionate about the issue.

2.  Powerful allies like Wikipedia.  When 96% of people have never heard of SOPA, then congress can 96% ignore the outrage.

3.  The media Presstitutes ignored or didn't cover SOPA, so they didn't have a counter-narrative to throw mud on SOPA opponents.

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