Albedo: My favorite global warming theory

Earth reflects solar radiation.  But what if the surface of the earth absorbs more solar radiation?  If it reflects less energy, the earth heats up.
But this angers global warming scientists.  They assert that CO2 is the driver for climate change.
It's possible to measure the earth's reflected solar radiation?  But the truth is so inconvienient.
I say we must let scientists measure the albedo, and we'll know the truth about global warming. 
spoco2 says...

Ahh, the good old armchair critic. Thinking your simplistic notion of how something works is noticing something that scientists who have devoted their life's work to a topic have somehow overlooked.

Typical, and as NetRunner shows, easily debunked nonsense.

NetRunner says...

Incidentally, this is the actual thing that "angers global warming scientists," not people raising skeptical questions in good faith.
>> ^spoco2:

Thinking your simplistic notion of how something works is noticing something that scientists who have devoted their life's work to a topic have somehow overlooked.

quantumushroom says...

When governments need scientific evidence to expand tyranny protect society under the guises of health and safety, they can always find scientists to back their position. That these scientists are funded by governments is strictly coincidental.

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