A little bit about Anti-Theists... (Blog Post)

This is actually a comment I made in response to some thoughts on anti-theists and atheist and their relation.  I felt like I would clear up a few areas as I see them.  Feel free to add in other insights you've noticed on the matter as well.  If some of the writing seems semi-off topic that is due to it's original location.  A few topics brought up at the other comment section was the usual barrage of @shinyblurry 's posting in response to a video that was targeted against religion--fair reason to join in as I see it; although as I point out he did bring into play some very questionable physics hypotheticals.  One being that the Milky way is at the center of the Universe do to information provided by "quantisized" red-shifts.  Then of course @GeeSussFreeK 's anti-theism comments directed towards atheists that have decided to put religion in their crosshairs. ... more inside ...

From Nothing Comes Something (recent experiment...) (Blog Post)

This is actually a concept very well known in Quantum Mechanics.  The fact that space is constantly full of particles and anti-particles (so, for example a virtual muon and a virtual anti-muon) coming in and out of existence annihilating each other.  Here comes the fun part...

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The Internet should have been patented... (Blog Post)

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I think this is one of the worst ideas I've ever seen come along; spanning more than a decade from today  to the back-in-time batshiat crazy world we live(d) in--circa the second Bush term.   It's almost as though everyone is trying to trump anyone elses insanity & inanity with upgrades to Cuthulhu & a Blabk Hole, likewise.



A Small Idea... Concerning Dark Matter and the Expanding Universe (Blog Post)



Dark Energy...

 The point of this little note is for me to retain some of my ideas.  Some of which may already be at odds with proven theories or lab experiments (that I'm unaware of).  This is most likely not true as very little is known about Dark Energy anyway.  It is also not a proven or data driven theory (other than the measured acceleration, but there is no attribution directly linking it to ANYTHING), it's more in a state of semi-hypothesis and semi-theory (it does fit with our perceived notions and calculations of the known Universe).

One thing to make clear here is that this is very much a hypothesis with data points that "match up"--that being the educated guess part.

What I'm pondering about here is what role Dark Energy will play at end result of our Universe (if there is one; I'm thinking it'll be more of a "new chapter" rather than an end cover for a book that's finished...).  The idea I have is one that might cause the Universe to "reset" itself using quantum mechanics and a unified force/field (Unified Field Theory).  This would also take quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics (QED & QCD, respectively) into consideration.  I've done no number crunching on this so it may be possible to get a quick answer (and by quick answer I mean dis-proven; however, there is A LOT of information that is needed in many of these fields before we could even attempt to positively prove it or dismiss it; the LHC is a good start) if someone knew the proper calculation or algorithm to use for this type of situation.  This also relies on one other quantum mechanical system called "quantum foam".  Other ancillary subjects are things such as E8 Symmetry, and Euler's number. 

An interesting experiment showed that an electromagnetic (specifically, this was more "magnetic" in practice) resonance--the resonance frequency was near or at Euler's number or the natural number, "e", created an event called a "quantum critical state".  It showed that not only was E8 Symmetry correct in many aspects it also showed that "e" played a role in particle physics and quantum mechanics.

With that said I'm wagering "a guess" as to a possible ending for our Universe and perhaps even the start of it originally.  I know some aspects of this have been talked about in the Physics community and that there is atleast one physicist that talked about this very subject, with very close similarities, in a talk.  Hopefully, I can find the video of the speech--I believe Richard Dawkins was one of the speech givers or atleast the presenter.

The quantum foam (Wikipedia also names it, "spacetime" foam) could be said to be a writhing, penetrating, integral piece of spacetime with a strange world of constantly obliterating sub-atomic particles that appear due to the uncertainty principle, and in fact could be called the "fabric" of our Universe.  It writhes and continuously expels and breathes, what Heisenberg's uncertainty principle talks about--virtual particles that appear, because of the statistical chance that it can happen (and it does, A LOT--space is FILLED with it)--in spacetime at or near the Planck length (this is incredibly small). The constant random appearance of "virtual" paired particles that are each others antithesis, expelling each other nearly instantly in a sudden cancellation of each other creating a leftover points of energy (sometimes called zero-point energy, or vacuum energy) precisely matching each others inverted attributes (mass, spin, and so forth...).  The distance that this occurs at, everywhere all the time, is around the Planck length; a manifestation or attribute of quantum foam. Here is something I will take straight from Wikipedia's entry on quantum foam as it is very important to what I'm ascribing to and talking about later: "As the scale of time and space being discussed shrinks, the energy of the virtual particles increases. Since energy curves spacetime according to Einstein's theory of general relativity, this suggests that at sufficiently small scales the energy of the fluctuations would be large enough to cause significant departures from the smooth spacetime seen at larger scales, giving spacetime a "foamy" character.".  The important bit is in bold.

 What would happen to the Universe if it ends up in a "Big Rip" condition?  What if it renders the speed of light or it's constant "c" meaningless (by "ripping" faster than the speed of light--it can do this as it doesn't break any relativistic laws)?  Then add in the fact that it may begin to "rip" everything apart eventually into the smallest of particles and energy that make us...

To me the bolded sentence above might apply to the "shrinking of spacetime" due to the rip.  The Planck length and the uncertainty principle might begin to behave in a much different matter when the "rip" gets to these extremely small distances.  What I wonder is if these same conditions existed before the Big Bang. 

If space becomes ripped apart so far that it "mimics" or actually IS the quantum foam, what happens in this scenario (Remember the "foam" is already there, so in essence my question may actually just answer itself, intrinsically.)?  What I wonder is if at this point all matter may be able to annihilate itself due to all the energy being removed from a system of what we know now,  and then setup into a quantum foam system.   Perhaps with a quantum critical moment where the Universe becomes "untangled" from any of it's matter the whole Universe would be seen as ONE object and completely subjected to the uncertainty principle.

As the rip continues, possibly increasing our "virtual particle" density due to the "rip" creating more as it rips old matter apart and leaves them in this "virtual" state; alternatively, the matter that is ripped apart may remain entangled on a Universal scale, creating a "virtual Universe particle".  This "virtual Universe particle" would eventually be an entangled particle that exists in many places at the same time due to Dark Energy seperating every bit of matter from each other.  With time, the virtual particles may become part of the quantum foam and leaving a possibility that it could find or become part of a new quantum foam reaction. 

 But, the difference between this reaction and what we usually witness is that the energy and attributes of the "virtual Universe particle" are no where near the same condition of the other virtual particles that constantly appear and annihilate; this one would have an energy level that could possibly create a Big Bang type event or even a Great Unzipping event.  One idea could be that as Dark Energy aprroaches the speed of light or the natural constant "e" (how this would manifest is beyond my mathematical skills and it may need testing to find out exactly "what" would "resonate" at e; it could be the change in certain constants, the rate of change, "new" virtual particles that bind at that frequency, through many different processes physics wise...).

If a virtual particle comes into existence and interacts with the "virtual Universe particle" then they would annihilate.  But, the energy is so far offset (the Universe particle as an energy density equal to what we have now; while the other would be ridiculously small in comparison) that it CREATES a new Big Bang.  All that is needed for this to happen is time.  Statistics, like the weatherman, could say about our new potential of a Universe, "Their is a chance for rain in the morning and a Big Bang tonight".  This is completely due to the difference between virtual particle energies and the Dark Energy spreading us so thin that the Universe is returned to it's natural environment--the quantum foam.

Anyway, if you have thoughts or ideas please comment and add on.  If some areas are impossible or would 'possibly' be able to be changed to match current theory that I'm not listing here, please do so.  If some areas are bunk, point it out, but if you "think" you may see around it, please share.  Besides that feel free to leave behind any other comments and concerns.


Kimball/kceaton1 (Paper originally on Facebook)


Topics worth noting and some looking up on Wikipedia or elsewhere:

Quantum Electrodynamics & Chromodynamics, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Time, Entropy, Universe (specifically it's death, usually called heat death: baryons and photons are left--all visible matter is baryonic matter), "The Big Rip" (Dark Energy), Quantum or Spacetime Foam, Planck's Constant & Planck Length, Uncertainty Principle, Superposition and Duality, Symmetry (Specifically E8), Euler's Number, Quantum Entanglement, Vacuum Energy or Zero-Point Energy

I suggest www.physorg.com (new window) and wikipedia.com (new window); I may come back to this later and add references and sightings as there are actually a lot for what I've written (in other words I didn't write it on a whimsical whim ).

Below is a very neat picture of E8 Symmetry, if you read about it and understand it's implications it'll mean a lot more.  There is also (as I talked about the magnetic resonance experiment that found a correlation between Euler's number and the "Quantum Critical State" of the electrons in the atom used.  It was a tie in with E8 symmetry as E8 had partially expressed that this may occur, where as no other theory on hand had this possibility demonstrated mathematically.

My "paper" was/is originally on Facebook under my name Kimball Eaton or my pseudonym yogurtforthesoul.  Make sure you watch the videosift link above as well.


Dream Cycles (Blog Post)

 The cycle is complete.  Update for later.  Intentionally left blank for now.
This thing is a little dusty so maybe I'll do another one when it's new and I have a few more ideas (to make it sound: less dorky *chuckle*).
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