The biggest reason for universal healthcare

In a system where healthcare providers earn a la carte fees for services, their only economic incentives to keep patients healthy are reputation maintenance and fear of malpractice lawsuits.  They have conflicting incentives to generate more service fees through superfluous treatments and iatrogenic disease.

In a system where doctors are salaried government employees, there is no such conflict of interest.   Their bonuses can be based on how healthy they keep their patients, not how many procedures they perform.

In practice service fees will cause some patients to delay diagnostic procedures until intolerable symptoms develop.

 Much like the software industry, where the startup cost is high and the marginal cost is very small, service fees that grossly exceed the marginal cost lead to inefficient use of resources (idleness of medical imaging equipment or narrow distribution of software)

choggie says...

No, It's much more insidious than all this oversimplification. This is but another case of crying foul the symptoms of a much larger scenario-

Nazis need guinea pigs tpo conduct their preliminaries-take for example, the latest indication, of the core values that shape the medical industrial complex. The autism vaccine, which is what it should be called until proven otherwise-Humans have been groomed to accept the "official" and "expert" explanations of all manner of horseshit. How about one of the most famous socio-medical nightmare experiments, the Tuskeegee institute's syphilis innoculation, on subjects they deemed as undesireables, black males(went on for over 20 years when monkeys had their heads shoved further up their asses with the wonderous masters of medicine). The church for centuries provided the means by which fear of mortality and positioning in the afterlife is used to manipulate and control monkeys and meatbots. Fast-forward to the now, and you have the worship of the god of science, the fear of sneaky terrorists, ready to smash and tear asunder, all the more reasonable monkeys of the planet. The fear of mortality and quality of life, has been handed over to some other so-called,"experts" of mortality, the grail-keepers of the medical establishment.

In steps in the knights in shining shitsuits, to dictate with regard to the fear they have instilled, the final solutions. Medical experimentation and the idea that everyone needs to be given access, is a control mechanism......see here, as yet another dupe has been conditioned, to spew the venom so deftly implanted over years of systematic propaganda.

Wanna get healthy so you'll never need more than the occasional stitches or set bone??? Stop eating shit. The way to "repair" the medical crisis we have in the U.S., is to re-educate and deprogram the next couple of generations-teach them how to eat, how to avoid snake-oils in the form of pharmaceuticals and vaccine cocktails, outlaw pharmaceutical advertisements, reconfigure the FDA by destroying it, and I would venture to guess, that the numbers of healthier, happier monkeys will be the result.

We have been sold a bill of goods, and at the same time, we have been groomed to consider voices crying in the wilderness, as crazed, uneducated, simplistic, naive crackpots, this all by well-crafted, time-honored tactics of the masters of agenda and control.

Fuck universal health care, in the paradigm as it exists today.....the whole goddamn medical establishment needs an enema.

choggie says...

This is what you can expect to be set up while Hillary is in office-the groundwork will be laid for universal health care. You will pay through the nose, a down-payment in the next four years, on your own fucking demise. More and more power will be given to the new and improved, Joseph Mengele mechanism. All the while, other bought and sold systems will break down, as their bastardized versions grow in their effective power and control, in every aspect of what we are being told we need for our pathetic, work till you drop, existences. Sounds fun, huh kids??

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