I turn 40 on Easter Sunday

There's some weird religious overtones with that, rising from the dead - or end times or something. I'm feeling pretty apocalyptic. If anyone else says "life begins at 40" to me, I'll sick this guy on 'em.

I got a neat toy as an early present. It's a 4 channel mic/digital recorder good for picking up the occasional acoustic jam sessions or using as a USB mic - pod casting? It has very little hiss and so far (after 1 day of use) is the mic I'm been looking for.

Deano says...

Congrats! I turned 40 last year. I'm still here and wondering what how a 40 year old is supposed to behave.

Can you use that thing to take audio notes, do interviews, that sort of thing?

rougy says...

There's no stopping it.

I don't think anybody believes they're getting older, not really. I'm 46. Right now I'm watching some German lady, same age as me, dance around on her webcam, and she's pretty hot. Last night it was a 51-year-old brunette from Massachusetts who was still pretty damn fine.

I think that, with a little effort, we can at least stay younger for longer than our parents and grand parents did.

Life may not really begin at forty, but it doesn't have to end there.

Happy Birthday.

(what I'm really saying is, will you dance around on your webcam for me?)

blankfist says...

New tech toys like that help to ease the aging process. What are you going to use it for? I don't think we've ever heard your voice on here, so we know you don't do the Dag Weekly News on here or anything. Are you keeping a voice journal? Or did you want to hear your ideas played back to you in higher fidelity?

Anyhow, happy birthday, or being that it's Easter, should we dare call it a rebirthday? Huh? Huh? Who's with me?!

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I think I might be slowly turning into Peter Ustinov. "Do those cracks in your face hurt?"

The mic is mainly for recording musical get-togethers at friends. Because of the 4 directional mics, you can put it in the middle of the room and it picks up everyone. I also might start podcasting - who knows. I remember a while back we were talking about having a "Sift Week" .

Sagemind says...

LOL, I turned 40 at the beginning of January - Welcome to the club, I guess.. All I got was a Clone Helmet and a clone, Nerf Gun. My son picked it out because that's what "He" really wanted. He couldn't wait for me to open it all up for him... lol

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