Happy Anti-Valentines! (Blog Post)
It's that time of year again, the time where capitalism and marketing laugh in the face of the single/desperate and encourage the ones who are already in a relationship to part with their money for fuck all reason!
I despise this day for several reasons:
1. It's a waste of money
2. It's buying into a marketing goldmine
3. It makes single people feel shit about their relationship status
4. It makes couples smug
5. Why the fuck does there have to be a special day to show your love?
6. I'm a miserable, single, lonely, bitter and hate filled woman
Alright that last one isn't true, but I know it's what you're all thinking! Actually I am and have been for a long time completely and disgustingly besotted with the most extraordinary man i've ever come across and I have it on good authority that he feels the same way too. (See you didn't really wanna hear that gush did you ) Yet still Valentines makes me angry, and I refuse to celebrate it and I can guaranteee I never will. So here's to Friday the 13th and the new best day of the year, anti-valentines! The day when you celebrate that you shouldn't ever feel the need to be with someone, that everyone must learn to be on their own to ever truly be happy in a relationship, and that if you are with someone you should be showing your love every damn day! And if you dont feel like doing that, why the hell are you with them.
Oh and tomorrow i've been here a year, Happy Anniversary to me