Sweet Jesus, I'm seeing Inception tomorrow. UPDATE: My mind = blown

So I wasn't sure if I'd get to go or not, but I just found out -- I'll be joining my brother at an Inception screening tomorrow night.  HOT DAMN I'm excited.  It's like the night before Christmas!  If this movie is anything less than the MOVIE OF THE DECADE, I'll be very surprised.

Hmm... I'm beginning to think my expectations may be a tad too high.

UPDATE:  They weren't.  HOLY SHIT that was amazing.  Christopher Nolan just keeps getting better, and in terms of his big budget action stuff, you can definitely feel the progression in quality from Batman Begins to the Dark Knight to this.  Everything about it is amazing, from the performances to the action to the frequently jaw-dropping visuals.  The whole thing is just so damn compelling.  I'll definitely be seeing it again this weekend.


Sarzy says...

Way too late, kymbos. Way too late.

Oh, and I had no idea that Taking Care of Business was co-written by JJ Abrams -- seriously, look it up. I guess I need to watch that again.

Farhad2000 says...

Watched it. While it is amazing. It's what I expected from Nolan but little else it filled out my expectations but the hype built it too much into something Kubrick would make. It's very rigid. I didn't know most people dream in structured forms.

Sarzy says...

Yeah, I noticed that some people are complaining that the dreams in the film are too normal -- but that's one of the (many) things I like about the movie. I like the fact that the dreams aren't the typical Hollywood bizarre WTF-fests. I don't know about you, but my dreams pretty much always resemble reality, like the ones in the film.

berticus says...

Saw it last night and now have mad crush on Tom Hardy. Totally epic and big and sprawling and interesting etc. Also, creepy wife is creepy. Also, please stop perpetuating the myth that we use a fraction of our brain! I suspended disbelief for all the other stuff but that line made me twitch.

if anyone can pull off the "was it all a dream?" cliche - it's christopher nolan

I give it 6.3 pineapples on a scale from 0 to infinity+1 bananas.

mintbbb says...

Saw it with Net on Sunday. I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed. Again, the best visual scenes were already in the trailer, so there really was nothing to totally blow me away. Also, Leo DiCaprio yet again plays a person who might, or might not be sane/real/seeing things to f*ck things up for others. It was a good movie, but it wasn't one where I'd go 'Oh! oh! We have to go see it again!'

Yes, dreams there were way too normal. Mine are not like that. If I could just make my dreams into movies, Steven King stories would look tame. Too bad I don't remember enough details to write them down in the morning! But just last night I had an ax murderer in the basement, Net insisted on going down there and I was trying to call 911 and they didn't take my calls because they though I was just joking. And then some.. I really don't like sleeping..

I was axpecting more. Though I was happy to see Cillian Murphy again! I think I just have to stop watching any movie trailers and I'll be good!

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