I just saw Looper.  I loved, loved, LOVED it.  Seriously, go see it.  Now.  Might just be my favourite movie of the year so far, and yes, I have seen The Master.


dystopianfuturetoday says...

Great film. Adrenaline is still coursing through my veins. Just go see it. The less you know the better. I'm going to have to see it again.

I also recommend Director Rian Johnson's first film, Brick. It's a modern day Raymond Chandler style noir set at an Orange County high school.

This guy is a fantastic writer.

...and he also directed Breaking Bad episodes? Really? Total bad ass.

dag says...

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Just saw it - pretty good gritty SF flick. The interesting thing about SF is that it often reflects on the culture and politics of today. I couldn't help thinking that this was a wholly Libertarian dystopian future. Everyone packing heat and using it to solve problems - and nary a government agency in sight. I mean, absolutely no government.

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