Update on my situation (Blog Post)

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around much, I've been busy with a lot of things. I've moved in with an old friend of mine from Omaha, NE. and things are hectic. The good news is that I've found a place to live, the bad news is that it's going to be tough getting everything situated for the <b>big</b> move. Anna and I'll figure it out, we always do.

Things always look tough, but it seems no matter what happens, if I have people who care about me, and we all try our best, then things work out. I'm really glad my friend in Omaha is such a nice guy, and I'm really glad my girl loves me so much. I don't know where I'd be without those two key things in my life.

I've noticed Anna is sifted a lot lately. Way to go baby! You're doing great, and I'm really proud of you! You're my everything, babygirl, and I'm always proud of how great you really are.

To everyone else here, thanks so much for the support. Sometimes people may not realise how encouraging words mean so much, but they do.

News (Blog Post)

Looks like I might have things worked out when it comes to a place to stay and all. I'll keep the world of Videosift updated.

Whoooo (Blog Post)

Life is grand. I have 3 days to pay my landlord $1,000.00 or I'm on the streets with no place to go. Apparently my roommates have also complained about me being messy to the landlord, but yet not saying a damn word to me about it. I'm gullible sometimes. I always trust people I probably shouldn't trust, and end up getting the boot for it. Sigh.
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