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Payback (Member Profile)

Payback (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx says...

Oops. Yeah, BBMaps keeps data locally. AT&T blocks BBMaps because it competes with their AT&T Navigator program which is $10/month. There's ways to get BBMaps on AT&T anyway but I haven't bothered because I rarely have any real need for it.

In reply to this comment by Payback:
About the maps on your Bold.

That's really weird. I have almost 1MB cached at the moment, seems permanently.

Are you running stock storage? I have a 2 GB card. Maybe that has something to do with it, or at least where you store your cache.

Oh shit, I just noticed we're talking apples and oranges. I'm using Blackberry maps. Sorry.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx says...

I seem to be finding more and more javascript-based embeds from the small sites, particularly MMA videos that I'm trying to sift or resurrect. Any chance VS will allow them in the future?

EDD (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx says...

I wasn't entirely positive on all of them. I just scrolled through the user list and picked out some big names that I knew were generally liked. Well, except from karaidl... he's my hero.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
Very nice of you to mention this. James Roe isn't completely inactive, as far as I know, and edeot is on active service in Iraq since beginning of summer, so I hope he'll be back in some months' time.

arvana (Member Profile)

arvana (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx says...

A small observation that you might be able to fix in 4.1...

At the bottom of the page where it lists who upvoted the video you're currently looking at, sometimes a username will be on the far right with their star/gem/crown wrapped to the beginning of the next line.

Pretty sure you can wrap each name & icon in a span and specify no wrapping in CSS.

peggedbea (Member Profile)

arvana (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx says...

I might be telling you something you already know here...

I just did a fresh install of WinXP and found that the star VS uses to indicate an applauded comment is not part of the default fonts. I had to install Arabic and Far East language support (presumably I only needed one of them to get the right font, but I just did both) for the star to show up.

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx says...

I was just trying out the Firefox 3.1 beta and found an oddity.

A little digging revealed that the image ( is actually a png, which seems to be the root of this problem. Up until now I thought tinypic actually converted uploads to jpeg, but apparently they just rename them .jpg and hope nobody notices.

I'm still tinkering as I write this... The picture of mine above is also a png which it has renamed a jpeg. I see that I can change the extension back to png and it still works fine but when I try it with your image, it's still yellow.

Think you might need a different image host in the future.

swampgirl (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx says...

Speaking of which, I saw the post you made a while back stating the decision to make Vintage < 1980. However, the channel description still says otherwise.

In reply to this comment by swampgirl:
Well, I don't sift as much anymore. There are a couple of reasons I suppose. I'm a little busier than I used to be, and well... I kinda miss the old days. Many of the people I "played" with aren't here anymore.

It's still home for me though, and I'm invested here. I check in daily if only to check the comments, blogs and talk posts. On the weekends I might post some old clips and kick some 80s and 90s sifts out of my channel

Aww, shucks folks I've grown attached to you all over the years.

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