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JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

If you can get through the sticky molasses that make up the political system to a place where you can actually have an influence, then by all means go for it. You (we) need more politicians who don't politick so much and say what's actually on their minds. We need more Weiners, Greysons and Pauls.

The sad thing is you'll have to swear allegiance to a supreme creator, lobbyists, special interests and whatnot to ever get near having an actual influence. So to get forward you have to betray your principles and lie your way forward.

Does the end justify the means?

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
Yes, it's a bit scary actually. I'm out of a job and debating going back to school to get my masters in political science in the hopes of eventually being a politician. It's not what i want to do exactly but maybe that's why i'd be good for the job.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
On your way to a fascist state, eh? Freedom of the press is slowly going down the drain.

*fear *talks

ponceleon (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

I don't feel bad. If making fun of stupid people on the internet is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
She's right though, I wouldn't make fun of her in person. I have a fear of gravity wells.

In reply to this comment by ponceleon:
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Waaaait..@ 2mins "she deleted her account".. well, shit. Color me surprised.
Hah, this is a treasure trove
"You think I don't look like much"
I wouldn't put it that way...

Lol, man I feel guilty... but yeah, it is just so chock full of comedy. Deep down I feel bad though, seems like such a miserable hate-filled person in so many ways.

Sigh (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Right. Good bye.
In reply to this comment by Sigh:
Riiiight. I fell into the moron trap. You start talking politics on the internet. I remember now why I never posted on here and just laughed at the idiotic statements like yours of people who think they can change things. You are just another peon who means nothing. I'm done with you and posting on this site. There's too much agenda pushing by faggots like you who try to twist every word someone says until they believe their own bullshit. Good luck with life failure. >> ^NetRunner:

>> ^Sigh:
Except I'm not a right winger. I actually voted for the idiot. I want my vote back. He is as bad as bush.

Oh yeah? You one of these left-wingers who think they're moving the overton window left by reinforcing right wing attacks on Obama (i.e. dumb, failure, just like Bush, etc.)?
Seriously, I don't think conversion to metrics is worth fighting for. It'd be nice to see it happen some day, but the big problem is the stupidification of our political system. We can't have a rational conversation about anything anymore, least of all something like making our measurement systems compliant with the international community.
You may not be right-wing, but you totally fell into the moron trap -- I mention Obama's name, and you had to talk shit about Obama yourself, rather than simply agree that anti-Obama insanity plus our normal cultural insanity would make it completely impossible for us to do anything about trying to move to metrics (or deal with the economy, or deal with the environment, or deal with banking regulation, etc.).

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