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Muslim Vikings and Magic Letters

artician says...

I think the words he was searching for were "Rape" and pillage. Unless it's actually historically incorrect, let's not sugar coat it?

The Teen - A nordic commercial

Sekrin (Member Profile)

WeedandWeirdness (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

WeedandWeirdness (Member Profile)

artician says...

If only Sam Waterson weren't *THE* exception to that rule!

WeedandWeirdness said:

Hahahaha!! Mustache-douche?!? Oh geezus, I am dying over here!! I can see if I could re- purpose the footage for a Don't be a Mustache-Douche PSA. You have already given me one hell of a tagline. Now every time I see a gent with a stache, I will hear your words in Sam Watersons voice saying, "Mustaches: They're just not worth it."

How to get rid of a Dam

Don't...Don't be this guy...

elrondhubbard (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

artician says...

No idea why it reverted on my end, or why I then thought those options were located at the top of the page, so thanks!~

lucky760 said:

On the new layout pages (the front page, Unsifted, and single-video page) there is a "light | dark" toggler in the middle of the page footer. Please give that a try and let me know.


lucky760 (Member Profile)

artician says...

Heya. Other than my and others' profile pages, all of Videosift has reverted to the bright-white theme. I couldn't find a way to return it to the dark theme, so this seemed like a weird site bug.
Just thought I'd mention it in case it needed fixing.

Babymech (Member Profile)

artician says...

Always Sunny, Season1 Ep2: Throwing eggs as a sign of protest during an abortion rally...

That is some amazing symbolism, the likes which I've rarely seen. This show is awesome. Thanks for the recommendation!

newtboy (Member Profile)

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

artician says...

I didn't actually think your "snuff" video was out of place, but I wanted to ask: you're not actually banned, are you? I only saw the comment, and ... you know what I mean.
I once had a coworker paste a video around the (3000+ person) company mailing list that was a video of a grainy black-blotch (guy) being mowed down by what was said to be the mini-gun of an Apache helicopter in the gulf war. Granted that the coworkers commentary was celebratory and offensive, but even that nearly-abstract video insulted me more than what you posted, and your tone clearly had no such intent.
I hope you stick around. Please don't take offense, and I'll be writing to those who flagged you later to hopefully calm them the fuck down too. This is the best community I've been a part of online in more than a decade, and I am sad to lose anyone who's a contributor.
I didn't think the video was snuff, and I don't think the majority of the community would think so either.

Hybrid (Member Profile)

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