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rembar (Member Profile)

Doc_M (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

Nice sifts with those Justin King posts. The guy has some massive talent, and he's a great musician all around. He's currently doing music in a very melodic light rock band called Justin King and the Apologies. You should check them out.

rembar (Member Profile)

bamdrew (Member Profile)

special_ops (Member Profile)

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

bleedingsnowman (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

Yeah、I've been watching it and on about part 11 right now. Shit's intense and silly, I generally skip a huge chunk to see where the game leads.

In reply to this comment by Bleedingsnowman:
Yeah, I saw some of those videos too and was tempted to sift his second one but I wasn't sure if it would make it since it was so long and they guy's commentary was really hit or miss. I was bored at work though so I watched about an hour of it. You can really just skip whole chunks and he is still on the same screen.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
There's a guy that seems to have a full runthrough, in a bajillion parts.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

And made it even better. Seriously, I was living in Idaho when that happened, and didn't know anybody who lost any family members or friends, but it still tears at my heart when I see videos of that, and later seeing ground zero was a powerful thing. Frankly, I find it insulting when people disrespect the lives lost there like that.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Thanks, man. I've added more to it.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
MG, I want to upvote your comment about ten times, but alas, all I can do is add praise in text form as well. Amen to that.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

rembar (Member Profile)

rembar (Member Profile)

HaricotVert (Member Profile)

9080 (Member Profile)

schnitzelboi (Member Profile)

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