Zonbie just got his 250th brain star!!! Meow Brains???

ZONBIE YAY 250!!!!
VideoSift's resident zombie-cat Zonbie just got his 250th brain star, so that means it's DIAMOND time, cats and kittens! Yes, it's true: The kitty corpse of Bredish origin (British chap living in a Swedish city) done good. In case you didn't know, Monsieur Zonbie is a professional artist working in the gaming industry. How cool of a job is that? You know what else that means: Don't get on his bad side, or he'll use your avatar as a crude caricature of a prostitute in Grand Theft Auto V. And we ALL know what happens to prostitutes in GTA.
Scandinavian culture must have rubbed off a little on Herr Zonbie, because he seems to enjoy some of their Gothic metal. His comedy videos also reveal a dark sense of humor (which I appreciate), but I don't think the Swedes want to take credit for that. So he's fun to have around here.
You all Know Mr Zonbie has done a lot of contributions to the sift and he always likes to help others sifters when ever he can

Don't forget To take a Look at Mr Zonbie's PQ
He still have so many nice videos In there to watch

Leave your comments and donations of brains of course are accepted too.
Special thanks to mr. Kronos for helping me with this post,You always Rock!
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