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Zero Punctuation - EVE Online

Hex says...

Totaly right and totally wrong.

It is boring boring boring if you play missions for 14 days and expect that to be it. The skills are so many that you dont know where to begin. The character creation thing is truly pointless.

But the rewards are so massive compare to what other games offer. It takes way longer than 14 days to get into the game and belive it or not, the game is built for those people who spend most of their waking hours running a corp. Its those people that make the game awsome!

Glad I ditched that crack years ago. Still the only real mmorpg game released since Ultima Online.

Epic Documentary On Cleveland's Foreclosures By Bill Moyers

12468 says...

I live in a Republic, not a Democracy nor an Oligarchy. The Government should not get involved. The people should loose their house if they can not afford it. Others , ( the American people) should not have to pick up the slack because they were sold a load they can't afford. Also, Fanni Mea and Freddie Mac and Bear Stearns all should fall or bear the weight of their decisions, not the public.

If you dont know what a Republic, not a Democracy, Oligarchy is the you owe it to you self and your country to find out. Here is a link to a 30 minute clip. Watch it and learn.

If it does not work the go to google video and search " Overview of America "

You owe it to yourself.

Fred Phelps: George Carlin is now in Hell

Raigen says...

As an atheist though, it is a matter of disbelief, not essentially "belief", persay. I don't believe in any gods. It is not as though I believe there are no gods. I can't say such a thing, because that is a matter of certainty which I can't have without evidence.

Therefore, I don't know if there are any gods, and can remain agnostic to that position, while still not believing in the existence of them.

And, I know, that all looks like a lot of wordplay, however, it is how I see the terms in the way I look at the world and universe and the most simplistic way I can describe it.

>> ^Jordass:
That doesnt quite make sense to me Raigen. As an Agnostic you dont know but as an atheist you know. As an atheist you have a belief and as an agnostic you you're not sure so it seems to me that though there is a fine line you cant be both. You either think you know and stand by your belief or you dont so if you KNOW there is no god then how can you be not sure?

Fred Phelps: George Carlin is now in Hell

9058 says...

That doesnt quite make sense to me Raigen. As an Agnostic you dont know but as an atheist you know. As an atheist you have a belief and as an agnostic you you're not sure so it seems to me that though there is a fine line you cant be both. You either think you know and stand by your belief or you dont so if you KNOW there is no god then how can you be not sure?

McCain Gets The Facts Wrong... Again

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
I won't enjoy voting for RINO McCain, but it's either him or one of the two marxists.

Lol, You dont know who Karl Marx was, do you? Have you ever read a book? ANY book? I know reading is probably a bit too Marxist for your liking, but maybe you could try it as a sort of "know your enemy"-type experiment?

Chris Matthews DESTROYS Right Wing Talking Head

The most adorable little swishy robot ever.

Daft Punk - Harder better faster stronger (Alive 2007)

Thylan says...

With this kind of thing, you dont know, but making it live, building ont he music and altering it live adds a lot of the pleasure for the artists and it's likely to be for that reason alone. "live" in some sense, for their own enjoyment.

LSD research and why it was stopped

9058 says...

Acid can still be very dangerous but nothing is for sure. I know a couple guys in highschool died doing stupid things while on it. One thought he was on fire and ran away from the "sitter" but before they could catch him he got hit by a truck. A friend of mine that sat next to me in computer class had some sort of flash back and started sweeting, I leaned over to ask if something was wrong and she started screaming and proceeded to scratch and claw the shit out of me. Then ran out of the room and I never saw her again. Of course im not making a general statement of this is what always happens (since tons more people did it without incident) its just you dont know what can happen good or bad

Mitchell and Webb: Writer meets publisher

9058 says...

Gotta love the creative process and how its castrated right at the door leaving some confused mess of strangeness that people dont understand so they say "wow that was interesting, how creative". Interesting doesnt mean creative, just because you dont know what the hell they are selling you doesnt mean its deep, but if it makes a buck then so be it

Checkmate, Atheists!

8959 says...

Sad Sad person:
1) We dont say it's not real. We say the word is not real. It's not a message from GOD or some Higher Entity. Question the origins.

2) I dont even want to comment on this one. If the origins of your Bible are untrue, you believe in something unreal. Superstition.

3) Big Bang. Go study proper science, or just read up on it. The thought of a higher being/creator/Superspirit having anything to do with it, is a joke. And then again it's assumed that God is the only thing that did/doesnt have to be created. Alot of assumptions without any proof. The bible does not provide any evidence to what the weird man in the video said about this point, which obviously cant just make it true.

4) Radiometrics. I'm sure it's easy to just say Radiometrics (Science) is wrong. Pfffft... Pull your Head out of your arse. If Radiometrics were so wrong, why are we still using this technique. Maybe we should ask God to write paper to help us properly do it.

5) A banana fits a mans hand... OMG... You use that as a point??

6) Hmmm... Praying is 100% successful, IF GOD WANTS you to have it. Then it's pretty much 100% unsuccessful. Nothing is free. If you want something you're probably gonna work for it. Religious or not.

7) You are brainwashed by the bible. Quoting from the bible is not going to help make that fact any less true. "Perfecting Holyness in the fear of God" Read that a few times. That does not sound like a God that is too nice and good. Oh yeah... We Burn in the end. That's a loving deed.

Homosexuality isn't an abomination in the eyes of God... If we actually thought god existed we could have a chat about it then. You're easy to say it wrong even though you dont know what those people go through. You're not allowed judge anyway. Not all atheist say Homosexuality is right, same as not all Christians believe its wrong.

9) Nope... We didn't evolve out of dust, you moron. Although it would make sense in your bible (From ashes to ashes, dust to dust). Sooo... Umm... No who said that?

10) And the Creator just confirmed it with you... Oh how nice. Pity he doesn't talk to me. Guess I'll just burn in Hell with my Banana in my hand.

I really hope we dont have get such closeminded person doing videos about why Atheism is right.

Hip Hop Furries

Police chase and shooting

eric3579 says...

Dont you think that maybe the video which you can see with your own eyes is easier to believe than some guy you dont know or have any idea who he is. The vital parts have been cut? which parts? The ones that would be there to match the polices story. Im amazed that your willing to say, as if it was fact, that this video has been tampered with to make the police look bad. Your basing this on "what you think" and what you think is based solely on this video.

"what I am saying is that the full story as told by the Police Captain does not match with the video"

Dont you think it possible that the police captain made up his story and thats why they dont match.

Amateur Video shot on September 11th [raw footage]

kennn says...

oh and the conspiracy implying guy is a dumbass.. im sorry, but if you are older than 18 i would highly reconsider the material you consume .. if you are under 18 .. thats ok .. i believed anything a well written pamphlet and a an Anti-Flag CD would tell me .. and if you dont know Anti-Flag, then you should because with that particular mind set you would find paranoid leftist punk enjoyable ..

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