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MIT's AIDA Robot Is Going To Be The Ultimate Backseat Driver

Nithern says...

So basically, it records where I go, and what I do? And who can access this information? Where does it update from? Does it send a recording of where I go (for advertising) or how fast I got there (law enforcement)? Sounds like 'big brother' sort of device.

*Conspiracy ?

While, most driving aids do alot of this stuff already, what does this device really do? If you dont know how to tell when your car's fuel supply is low; you have confirmed that your to stupid to use a car in the first place. If you dont know of major events (like a fair) going on in your city, you dont read the newspaper enough. That simply shows your uneducated, and should not have a car to drive in the first place. And if you dont know how to get to your place of work, after the 58th day....your an idiot.

I could see, if this device was for rental cars, or those used for those not familar with the location's area.

Such a device would die within a week in Boston, MA. Massholes would tear that junk out of the cah (yes, cah).

A Word of Warning

Health Insurance Company Sues Maine To Guarantee Profit

Nithern says...

The sad fact is, THIS, is going on in the other 49 states of the Union on a daily basis. It is easy to dismiss someone you dont know, or care about. Rather easy to demonize them. In this video, the production group is demonizing the company directly, and health care system at large. It would have been good, to have the health care company defend itself on the charges. Frankly, I do not think I could take a company rep serious, if he said this woman could not be treated as her doctor perscriped, given that the same company has a high profit margin.

The statistics given, should be listed with a source. While the numbers sound fantastic, I'd like to know where those numbers come from in their original form. Its not that I distrust what the production team are doing, I'd like to read the information myself. I feel this *IS* important, as the other side of the arguement, typically does not want to show their sources. As those sources more often then not, come from a bias base (i.e. a 'think-tank' that opposes health care reform, because it gets it money from the health care industry).

I certainly hope that woman gets what ever treatment she needs. NO ONE, should suffer, because some citizens in our country are selfish.

Crocodile befriends future dinner

What does feminism mean? (User Poll by MycroftHomlz)

peggedbea says...

oh heres something that just happened:

i sat down to play bakugans with my 4 year old.
me: "i win!"
him: "no mom you dont get to win"
me: "what? why not?"
him: "because im the greatest champion"
me: "well how do i learn to be the greatest champion"
him: "you dont, you dont know to play, because youre a girl"


Sam Harris on Real Time with Bill Maher 8/22/09

enoch says...

then call it what it is..agnostic.
which literal translation means "not-knowing".
i am not attacking sam harris's premise.
it's his execution that is lacking.

ok,let me try it this way.
i am a man of faith.nothing you say or do will change that.
the only problem you would ever have with me is if i tried to convince you my faith should be yours also.
but i never try.i never attempt to impose my belief on you.
that by itself should suffice,but what if i am a reputable scientist?
would you feel obligated to help me see the light of reason?
would the fact i am a man a faith color or cloud my theories and conclusions in your eyes?
could you still be objective about my work knowing i had a belief system entirely different from your own?
or would you villify my work as false and unreasonable due to the fact i was a man of faith?
make it your mission to help me see reason,see the light of logic and abandon my silly,childish ways?
what tools would you use to accomplish that goal?
there is a name for that.
we call them evangelicals.
truth is a relative perception.
i agree with sam harris on many things,but when militant atheists use the same tools of the very entity they abhor,they become the thing they despise.
narrow and close-minded.
atheists core problem is with dogma and the it should be,these are tangible texts,documents and written addendums.
they should be debated and argued ad nauseum,and all contradictory points should be brought to light for the hypocritical nonsense they are.
there is honor is rebuking a doctrinal system that stunts the imagination and excretes fear.
but to be just as absolute in righteousness as a fundamentalists.
can breed the same stagnation of mind as any biblical fundamentalist.
any form of absolutist thinking is dangerous,not only for the individual but for society as a whole.which is what i believe atheists are against,but so are people of faith against.
we have been tolerant long enough,and while we slept,holding our philosophy of tolerance and understanding,those with an agenda using dogma and doctrine have exploited the weak and ill educated to foment a massive fundamentalist movement.
based on bad theology and even worse theosophy.
we all need to stand against that,because if we dont we may find ourselves in another "dark ages".
this,in my opinion,is the real crux for atheists.
it is the same crux for many people of faith.
do you think a person of faith,who is not a fundamentalist, can look at the "creation museum" and not cringe when they see jesus riding a dinosaur?
it is preposterous and silly and not a little frightening that 30% of america believe that the earth is only 6000 yrs old.
but that is the charlatans,the used car salesmen of salvation abusing the fear,and ignorance to perpetuate their own devices.
atheists see that,but so do people of faith.
dr kenneth miller of brown university destroyed the latest I.D and creationists attempt to put creationism into the science class.
he is a roman catholic.
my point to all this is simple.
call it what it really is=agnostic.
because when it comes right down to it,
you dont know,and neither do i.
and as long as i am not imposing my beliefs on you,nor you me.
there should never be a problem.
the real problem is fundamentalism and the manipulation of religious dogma to influence and control the weak and ill educated to perpetuate a system of papal dominance that lost its relevance a long time ago.
in that respect,we are the same.

New Footage Clearly Showing How 9/11 Was An Elaborate Hoax

griefer_queafer says...

>> ^csnel3:
Well it was clearly a conspiracy, so you can only argue which governments are involved, And I dont think you can.
Although your "Stupid. Bullshit, Wake the fuck up" argument, almost convinced me that you have special knowledge of the events of 911.
Just being sarcastic.... You dont know shit about what happened that day.


New Footage Clearly Showing How 9/11 Was An Elaborate Hoax

csnel3 says...

Well it was clearly a conspiracy, so you can only argue which governments are involved, And I dont think you can.
Although your "Stupid. Bullshit, Wake the fuck up" argument, almost convinced me that you have special knowledge of the events of 911.
Just being sarcastic.... You dont know shit about what happened that day.

How Did Adam & Eve's Kids Have Kids?

We Are 3rd Place In PC Demo At Breakpoint 09! (Blog Entry by Zonbie)

vairetube says...

Cool...That made me dizzay!

Totally add some more dynamic lighting/texturing and post again!

If anyone wants to play around with stuff sort of like this, but you dont know how to code, etc.... download a program called Alice.. its free from carnegie melon and can animate things while showing you a little about object oriented programming. Your imagination is pretty much the limit.

"Free scripting and prototyping environment program for 3D object behavior. Runs on Windows 95/98/NT."

Your demo ran ok after locking up for a quick second on starting up the exe as you stole all my databases j/k.

Here's my baby's specs fyi:

System Information
Time of this report: 6/30/2009, 23:40:23
Operating System: Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6001) Service Pack 1 (6001.vistasp1_gdr.090302-1506)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Gateway
System Model: P-7801u
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
Memory: 4090MB RAM
Page File: 2338MB used, 6046MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 10
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
DxDiag Version: 6.00.6001.18000 32bit Unicode

Display Devices
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce 9800M GTS
DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_062C&SUBSYS_0696107B&REV_A1
Display Memory: 2797 MB
Dedicated Memory: 1007 MB
Shared Memory: 1789 MB
Current Mode: 1280 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz)

Lowes Truck Driver Busted With Hooker

enoch says...

good god this video drove me nuts!
self-righteousness on steroids.
conform-obey-live/think/breath the way you are told.
THIS is how this man is going to "clean up" his neighborhood?
typical hypocritical bullshit.
longde and others have it right.
you got a problem that you think needs to be dealt with?
then DEAL with it!
mainly,deal with the women selling sex around and near your home if it bothers you so much.
but this man didnt do that did he?
no...he stalked,invaded then berated this man.a man,that to me..seemed pretty ashamed,and the man STAYED to take this dickheads abuse!
who was this driver?why was he paying for sex?what is his financial situation?
what kind of marriage does he have?what are his kids like?
mentioned being in what capacity?military?civilian?
you dont know?
well neither does mr fancy pants with the camera and neither do i.
who the FUCK am i,or anyone to judge this man?
seems the camera man felt justified to demeanor this man.
i remember they did something similar in salem quite a few years back,how did that work out?
walk a mile in this mans shoes,then get back to me.

TV news station weather computer needs to update NAV!

vairetube says...

>> ^robdot:
why is this a fail? can someone explain please. also, i have never had anything but hassles with nortons. the viruses i have had were not prevented by nortons.the two times i got serious viruses i had to format and start over,even wih nortons installed. so what was the point of nortons?? my previous comps networks were constantly seen by nortons as some kind of invasion and the program argued with my computers about it ) crashes ensued. i have had no anti virus for the last 3 years with no problems. i do use superspyware remover and spybot. they are the most useful.
for me nortons has always been worse than useless as it caused more damage than good.

right on. yea, its a catch 22... if you dont know what you're doing, Nortons is a false sense of securiity... and if you do... you don't need anti virus because you don't fuck around on the web.

freeware is the best solution if you need AV

Christopher Hitchens vs Ken Blackwell - USA = Christian?

enoch says...

"the united states founding documents are secular,if you dont know that,you dont know anything"
could i LOVE hitchens any more after that comment?
i laughed so hard it brought tears.
ken blackwell defeats his own argument,hitchens just bitch slaps him the whole can anybody go on a national TV show to talk about historical origins of america and NOT know the history??
FACT: America was not founded on the principles of christianity.the founding fathers were deists,NOT theists.
and for mr blackwell to regale in the fact that in the late 70's early 80's many evangelical TV preachers joined with a little known political group known as "the neo-conservatives" is just repugnant.
to even infer that the "25 years of religious growth" was somehow good for this country makes me livid.for almost 200 years religion and politics remained relatively separate until that unholy union of televangelist and neo-con,which hi-jacked a party and drove it straight into the ground.
good to see blackwell get his ass handed to him.
fuckin twat....

Pick Up Artist World Summit - Watch and Learn Dudes!

enoch says...

what westy said^^^^
the only thing i would add is....LMAOROFL.
ok...maybe a few things:
first-real responds to real.
be who you are and everything will fall into place.
woman can smell bullshit at 50 paces,the ones who dont are the ones you really should avoid.
second-while a mans first impulse is usually sexual,contain that compulsion.
and dont insta-judge i.e:i could get her,but NOT her.this paradigm is flawed thinking because is inherently based on an arbitrary system created by your own
esteem issues,knock it dont know..start from that perspective,because ultimately it is about two people meeting each other,and you dont know.
ever start a conversation with a really pretty woman,only to find she is intellectually challenged?huuuuuge turn-off.
other times you may not get a girlfriend,but end up with a really great friend.
thats a win-win in my book.
speaking only for myself,
i have had the pleasure of having some of the most beautiful,intelligent woman
in my life.all have been a blessing,and to this day i cant for the life of me
figure out why.
im not exactly the prettiest dude around,nor the richest.
im kind my friends like to say..king of the dorks.
this is SO me....
minus the coolness of course...

Olbermann to Hannity: Fox Got Your Tongue?

JiggaJonson says...

^Bruti79 I don't feel like we'd be crossing over any moral boundaries by water boarding a volunteer. People are waterboarded in the military in specific training situations and that isn't torture either. Not in the sense that you're using the word, as the interviewee stated 'there is nothing that can simulate the futility involved when you dont know' (paraphrased)

$50 to the sift if he does it. Mostly because I'll be shitting myself with glee.

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