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Police Murder Sleeping Couple On A Date

poolcleaner says...

NWA "Fuck Tha Police":

Right about now, N.W.A. court is in full effect
Judge Dre presiding
In the case of N.W.A. vs. the Police Department;
prosecuting attorney's are: MC Ren, Ice Cube,
and Eazy-motherfucking-E

Order, order, order
Ice Cube, take the motherfucking stand
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth so help your black ass?

You god damn right!

Well won't you tell everybody what the fuck you gotta say?

Fuck the police coming straight from the underground
A young nigga got it bad cause I'm brown
And not the other color so police think
they have the authority to kill a minority
Fuck that shit, cause I ain't the one
for a punk motherfucker with a badge and a gun
to be beating on, and thrown in jail
We can go toe to toe in the middle of a cell
Fucking with me cause I'm a teenager
with a little bit of gold and a pager
Searching my car, looking for the product
Thinking every nigga is selling narcotics
You'd rather see, me in the pen
than me and Lorenzo rolling in a Benz-o
Beat a police out of shape
and when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape
To tape off the scene of the slaughter
Still getting swoll off bread and water
I don't know if they fags or what
Search a nigga down, and grabbing his nuts
And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none
But don't let it be a black and a white one
Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top
Black police showing out for the white cop
Ice Cube will swarm
on ANY motherfucker in a blue uniform
Just cause I'm from, the CPT
Punk police are afraid of me!
HUH, a young nigga on the warpath
And when I'm finished, it's gonna be a bloodbath
of cops, dying in L.A.
Yo Dre, I got something to say

Fuck the police
Fuck the police
Fuck the police
Fuck the police

Example of scene one

Pull your god damn ass over right now
Aww shit, now what the fuck you pulling me over for?
Cause I feel like it!
Just sit your ass on the curb and shut the fuck up
Man, fuck this shit
Aight smartass, I'm taking your black ass to jail!

MC Ren, will you please give your testimony
to the jury about this fucked up incident?

Fuck the police and Ren said it with authority
because the niggas on the street is a majority
A gang, is with whoever I'm stepping
and the motherfucking weapon is kept in
a stash box, for the so-called law
Wishing Ren was a nigga that they never saw
Lights start flashing behind me
But they're scared of a nigga so they mace me to blind me
But that shit don't work, I just laugh
because it gives em a hint, not to step in my path
For police, I'm saying, "Fuck you punk!"
Reading my rights and shit, it's all junk
Pulling out a silly club, so you stand
with a fake-assed badge and a gun in your hand
But take off the gun so you can see what's up
And we'll go at it punk, and I'ma fuck you up!
Make you think I'ma kick your ass
but drop your gat, and Ren's gonna blast
I'm sneaky as fuck when it comes to crime
But I'ma smoke 'em now and not next time
Smoke any motherfucker that sweats me
or any asshole, that threatens me
I'm a sniper with a hell of a scope
Taking out a cop or two, they can't cope with me
The motherfucking villain that's mad
With potential, to get bad as fuck
So I'ma turn it around
Put in my clip, yo, and this is the sound
[BOOM, BOOM] Yeah, something like that
but it all depends on the size of the gat
Taking out a police, would make my day
But a nigga like Ren don't give a fuck to say

Fuck the police
Fuck the police
Fuck the police
Fuck the police

Yeah man, what you need?
Police, open now
Aww shit
We have a warrant for Eazy-E's arrest
Get down and put your hands up where I can see 'em
(Move motherfucker, move now!)
What the fuck did I do, man what did I do?
Just shut the fuck up
and get your motherfucking ass on the floor
(You heard the man, shut the fuck up!)
But I didn't do shit
Man just shut the fuck up!

Eazy-E, won't you step up to the stand
and tell the jury how you feel about this bullshit?

I'm tired of the motherfucking jacking
Sweating my gang, while I'm chilling in the shack, and
shining the light in my face, and for what?
Maybe it's because I kick so much butt
I kick ass - or maybe cause I blast
on a stupid-assed nigga when I'm playing with the trigger
of any Uzi or an AK
Cause the police always got something stupid to say
They put out my picture with silence
Cause my identity by itself causes violence
The E with the criminal behavior
Yeah, I'm a gangsta, but still I got flavor
Without a gun and a badge, what do ya got?
A sucker in a uniform waiting to get shot
by me, or another nigga
And with a gat it don't matter if he's smaller or bigger

Size ain't shit, he's from the old school fool)
And as you all know, E's here to rule
Whenever I'm rolling, keep looking in the mirror
And ears on cue, yo, so I can hear a
dumb motherfucker with a gun
And if I'm rolling off the 8, he'll be the one
that I take out, and then get away
While I'm driving off laughing this is what I'll say

Fuck the police
Fuck the police
Fuck the police
Fuck the police

The verdict

The jury has found you guilty of being a redneck,
white bread, chickenshit motherfucker
But wait, that's a lie! That's a god damn lie!
Get him out of here!
I want justice!
Get him the fuck out my face!
I want justice!

Fuck the police!
Fuck the police!
Fuck the police!

This is what Rush Hour looks like in Copenhagen

Zawash says...

When I lived there, I daily took the bus through that very intersection you can see how short the interval is between each 3A bus (the yellow and red one) - but when I moved further out (Søborg) I started riding a bicycle instead.

NOX said:

so what i take from it is that taking the car would be faster...

clinton and sanders clash during feb 4th democratic debates

TheFreak says...

Simple observation.

If campaign contributions don't sway politics then why would there be so much money in pilitics? You could argue that weathy donors are supporting politicians whose preconcieved policies will benefit them...but then they wouldn't be donating to multiple campaigns for individuals who take conflicting positions? Which they're clearly doing.

They'll keep telling you red is yellow until the claim seems reasonable.

Honest Kids Say The Darndest Things

newtboy jokingly says...

Jeff Bridges said the same thing in Starman.
"Green means go
Red means stop
Yellow means go very fast."

bareboards2 said:

This man in my avatar. That's my poppa. He repeated the story for DECADES about a particular truth-telling little girl.

Art Linkletter had a show called "Kids Say the Darnedest Things." Methinks Eric3579 remembers this show. There was a segment where Art would ask kids questions, just to see what they would say.

He asked this one memorable girl -- the red light on a stoplight means stop, the green means go. What does the yellow light mean?

She leaned forward into the mike and said "Step on the gas."

My dad would tell that story and chuckle and chuckle and chuckle.

Honest Kids Say The Darndest Things

bareboards2 says...

This man in my avatar. That's my poppa. He repeated the story for DECADES about a particular truth-telling little girl.

Art Linkletter had a show called "Kids Say the Darnedest Things." Methinks Eric3579 remembers this show. There was a segment where Art would ask kids questions, just to see what they would say.

He asked this one memorable girl -- the red light on a stoplight means stop, the green means go. What does the yellow light mean?

She leaned forward into the mike and said "Step on the gas."

My dad would tell that story and chuckle and chuckle and chuckle.

EEVblog #825 - Your Printer Is Spying On You!

oritteropo says...

This is talking about laser printers, so it's yellow toner cartridges affected. The ink cartridge scam is a separate issue.

dannym3141 said:

So that's why ink cartridges run out so soon. Seriously, i'm annoyed that someone is stealth-using so much of my ink.

Jar Jar Binks Sith Lord Theory

More studies confirm Calcium still doesn't prevent fractures

artician says...

It could also be my monitor causing the subtleties to stand out, but If you kind of step back and look at him, he's quite yellow in some areas, quite red in others, and you can see brush strokes between some of the layers of makeup.

eric3579 said:

Not sure what that's all about But *promote and *quality the information contained within.

RT-putin on isreal-iran and relations with america

RedSky says...

1 - Well let me deconstruct that a bit. Presumably you rely on news, how can you rely on any of it to be trustworthy? Several ways obviously, I would say the main are (A) Ownership, (B) Reputation and (C) Funding.

A - Ownership - RT (and it's web of shadowy news sites pretending to be local) are owned by the Kremlin or clearly Kremlin linked oligarchs. Their incentives should be clear, promote the Putin narrative. When all independent TV news has been shuttered within Russia or taken over, you would expect these outfits to be heavily biased towards propaganda. I would similarly have to be suspect of outfits like Voice of America (US government funded). Corporate news sources have their own incentives. I happen to like the Economist but I'm mindful of its ownership involving the Rothschild family and Eric Schmidt (Google) being on the board for example. After all, every news outfit is owned by someone.

B - Reputation - This is the main one to me. You can say what you will about Western media, but there is a cultural expectation among its people and its reporters of the freedom to report newsworthy stories. There are obviously biases and those form part of the news source's reputation. We know TV news tend to be short on fact and sensationalist. Equally, we know Fox News to be right wing. We inevitably find these things out because no matter how much a news owner might want to control its message, freedom of speech sees the reputation leak out. We have reports (regarding Fox for example) that memos go out to use specific language like "Climategate" or we have controversies such as when photos of NYT reporters were photoshopped with yellow teeth.

C - Funding - Advertising vs Subscription, but that's not really relevant here.

My main point is, relying on Putin directly or any of his web of 'news' to get information about Russia or America is particularly silly. We know their ownership, reputation and thereby incentives. Or any state backed news. For corporate news, ultimately any bias from ownership, reputation or say government influence will leak out.

2 - I don't see him as any more politically effective or intelligent than necessarily any other major leader. If I've expressed anything here it should be that what Putin says is just as calculated and manipulative as any politician. Just because it has a veneer of 'speaking truth to power' or recounts some truths does not mean it is true in its entirety. Bluster and waging wars is politically popular in Russia, he is simply playing to a different audience. I would say any notion that he is more 'objective' is farcical. After all the kind of imperialism that he decries of America is the exact kind he's engaged in in Ukraine and now Syria!

coolhund said:

1) Thinking that any other western media outlet doesnt do exactly that is naive to put it friendly.
2) If you would have seen several interviews with Putin by western media, you would have realized that he is extremely well informed and prepares himself much better for interviews than any western politician I know. I would go as far to say that he is a political genius and very intelligent. He can talk any western politician into the ground and even the interviewers look extremely stupid when talking to him, since its made obvious how PC they are and how much they follow their agenda, which is not neutral or objective in the slightest.

Motorbike makes a run for it

A most beautiful demolition

Soylent Commercial

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

If I remember correctly, there was solylent yellow and some others as well. It was only Soylent *green* that was made of people. I'm going to have to rewatch that movie. It was pretty damn good for the early 70s .

Stormsinger said:

Hell, their own FAQ makes it absolutely clear that they're well aware of the previous use of the name. They picked it from the book. Seems remarkably tone-deaf to me, but it's not my money invested.

Frankly, I can't think of any way I could be less interested in is more than just nutrition. I'd no more use this pablum than I'd be interested in the dinner-in-a-pill from the Jetsons.

But it's a cool commercial, nonetheless.

Rubik's Cube Magician Steven Brundage fools Penn & Teller...

BicycleRepairMan says...

I solve the cube at like a minute or so, so I'm not terrible at the cube, but Ive only caught one trick so far , at 1.57 he only solves the red/green/white side and leaves the blue/orange/yellow sides looking scrambled. he then simply flips the cube so it now looks solved, you can see he starts scrambling* right away so they wont catch him out.

*probably isnt scrambling but actually a trained sequence to get to the next trick.

Why are bugs attracted to light? - Smarter Every Day 103

Zombie Banana!

lucky760 says...

Cool trick and I think my kids will get a kick out of it, but it's mostly bullshit because this will likely only work for a banana that turned brown from sitting in the fridge. Such bananas are still fresh and just become discolored probably from absorbing moisture in the fridge, hence sucking that moisture out returns it to yellow (like if you soak a cloth then dry it out).

There's no possible way this would work with a banana that's turned brown from aging (unless it has the DNA of a naked mole rat and has stopped aging).

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