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Economic Advice for Obama: "Be Bold"

Economic Advice for Obama: "Be Bold"

How Big is the U.S. Debt?

heropsycho says...

Even tea party supporters, by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, declared significant cuts to Social Security "unacceptable."

Sixty-four percent [of Tea Party supporters] believe that the president has increased taxes for most Americans, despite the fact that the vast majority of Americans got a tax cut under the Obama administration. Thirty-four percent of the general public says the president has raised taxes on most Americans. (Not pertinent to this discussion, but hilarious regardless since Obama is apparently some socialist out to raise everyone's taxes.)

62 percent [of Tea Party supporters] say programs like Social Security and Medicare are worth the costs to taxpayers.

So... they're big on balancing the budget, but don't want to cut these social programs, but think we have to cut spending. *scratching head*

We should just magically pay for them and balance the budget I guess by cutting spending on other programs that don't amount to a hill of beans.

And FYI, I don't mean to pick on Tea Partiers specifically. Most supporters of any political party or faction doesn't understand the federal budget, etc. They want everything without paying for it.

>> ^bobknight33:

Get you head out of the sand. your so wrong its embarrassing.
>> ^longde:
Bullshit. Here's what really happens:
Democrats: Borrow, but raise taxes to pay off debt
Republicans: Borrow, lower taxes, pass costly entitlements, start huge costly wars
Teabaggers: Refuse to pay debts; refuse to borrow; OK with spending on costly entitlements; cut entitlement for "less deserving" groups to save cost
>> ^bobknight33:
Democrats say We should keep borrowing money and create more debt.
Republicans say We should keep borrowing money and create more debt.
Tea Party say Stop borrowing and stop spending.
Which group has the right answer?

Man Arrested For Barking At A Dog. Court Upholds.

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^SDGundamX:

He wasn't arrested for animal abuse, he was arrested for "willfully teasing a police K-9" which is an misdemeanor offense in Mason County (see this WSJ law blog). The reason for the law should be obvious--unlike your normal house pet, these dogs are actually trained to bite people and if you get them agitated enough they may attack without command and not respond to an officer's orders to stop biting.
From this web site on the behavioral nature of police dogs:
No matter how well-trained in suspect apprehension a police dog might be, all police dogs can easily make behavioral mistakes, such as attacking at the wrong time, attacking out of context, attacking a suspect when not commanded to do so, and failing to stop an attack after being commanded to do so by the handler. Because of the behavioral nature of aggressive responding in dogs, and despite the extensive training most police service dogs have been subjected to prior to being deployed in the field, they will make behavioral mistakes, thereby causing injury to a victim that was uncalled for or far beyond what was probably needed.
Teasing the dog increases the likelihood of that happening. The drunken dumbass who was barking at the dog was putting people at risk and got arrested for it. I love the 1st amendment but I have absolutely no problem with these charges sticking. First amendment rights don't mean you can say whatever you want to say whenever you want to say it. You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater just for lulz and you can't intentionally agitate police dogs into a frothing rage.
I love how Judge Napolitano apparently made a snap judgment himself about the situation without bothering to look at the facts of the case (as reported in the WSJ link above). Upvoted to promote yet more awareness of the stupidity that airs on Fox News.

I agree with everything you said, except the part where you said stuff about the law. While there could be a case for civilly responsible for acts of speech (suing), the constitution on clear on criminal charges. I have been in a movie theater when a false alarm of the real system went off, we didn't send the alarm maker to jail...double standard. Two people were injured in that false alarm of the alarm system. It is pretty dubious to just start arbitrarily dissecting speech, even more so when no one was ACTUALLY harmed. We have enough problems and we take time to legislate theoretical ones, great. That is the only reason drugs are still illegal, because of all the theoretical stuff that could happen. Let real crime be punished, and let fake crime fall away as dodging a bullet.

</lunch rant>

Man Arrested For Barking At A Dog. Court Upholds.

SDGundamX says...

He wasn't arrested for animal abuse, he was arrested for "willfully teasing a police K-9" which is an misdemeanor offense in Mason County (see this WSJ law blog). The reason for the law should be obvious--unlike your normal house pet, these dogs are actually trained to bite people and if you get them agitated enough they may attack without command and not respond to an officer's orders to stop biting.

From this web site on the behavioral nature of police dogs:

No matter how well-trained in suspect apprehension a police dog might be, all police dogs can easily make behavioral mistakes, such as attacking at the wrong time, attacking out of context, attacking a suspect when not commanded to do so, and failing to stop an attack after being commanded to do so by the handler. Because of the behavioral nature of aggressive responding in dogs, and despite the extensive training most police service dogs have been subjected to prior to being deployed in the field, they will make behavioral mistakes, thereby causing injury to a victim that was uncalled for or far beyond what was probably needed.

Teasing the dog increases the likelihood of that happening. The drunken dumbass who was barking at the dog was putting people at risk and got arrested for it. I love the 1st amendment but I have absolutely no problem with these charges sticking. First amendment rights don't mean you can say whatever you want to say whenever you want to say it. You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater just for lulz and you can't intentionally agitate police dogs into a frothing rage.

I love how Judge Napolitano apparently made a snap judgment himself about the situation without bothering to look at the facts of the case (as reported in the WSJ link above). Upvoted to promote yet more awareness of the stupidity that airs on Fox News.

Blank embedded video. (Geek Talk Post)

ant says...

>> ^lucky760:

There is a space missing after the quotation mark before "name":

Insert a space there and it will work.

Nope, it didn't work. Feel free to play with it.

Blank embedded video. (Geek Talk Post)

Obama Flubs Toast To Queen Elizabeth

Milton Friedman and the Miracle of Chile

blankfist says...

What Chile did have was intellectual capital, thanks to an exchange program between its Catholic University and the economics department of the University of Chicago, then Friedman's academic home. Even before the 1973 coup, several of Chile's "Chicago Boys" had drafted a set of policy proposals which amounted to an off-the-shelf recipe for economic liberalization: sharp reductions to government spending and the money supply; privatization of state-owned companies; the elimination of obstacles to free enterprise and foreign investment, and so on."

In left-wing mythology—notably Naomi Klein's tedious 2007 screed "The Shock Doctrine"—the Chicago Boys weren't just strange bedfellows to Pinochet's dictatorship. They were complicit in its crimes. "If the pure Chicago economic theory can be carried out in Chile only at the price of repression, should its authors feel some responsibility?" wrote New York Times columnist Anthony Lewis in October 1975. In fact, Pinochet had been mostly indifferent to the Chicago Boys' advice until the continuing economic crisis forced him to look for some policy alternatives. In March 1975, he had a 45-minute meeting with Friedman and asked him to write a letter proposing some remedies. Friedman responded a month later with an eight-point proposal that largely mirrored the themes of the Chicago Boys.

For his trouble, Friedman would spend the rest of his life being defamed as an accomplice to evil: at his Nobel Prize ceremony the following year, he was met by protests and hecklers. Friedman himself couldn't decide whether to be amused or annoyed by the obloquies; he later wryly noted that he had given communist dictatorships the same advice he gave Pinochet, without raising leftist hackles.

As for Chile, Pinochet appointed a succession of Chicago Boys to senior economic posts. By 1990, the year he ceded power, per capita GDP had risen by 40% (in 2005 dollars) even as Peru and Argentina stagnated. Pinochet's democratic successors—all of them nominally left-of-center—only deepened the liberalization drive. Result: Chileans have become South America's richest people. They have the continent's lowest level of corruption, the lowest infant-mortality rate, and the lowest number of people living below the poverty line.

Ron Paul on The View 04/25/11

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

^Us per usual, JesusFreak is clueless. Had safety valve regulations been in place - as is the case in many other countries - the BP oil disaster would have been averted.
Enlighten yourself here:
"U.S. regulators don't mandate use of the remote-control device on offshore rigs, and the Deepwater Horizon, hired by oil giant BP PLC, didn't have one. With the remote control, a crew can attempt to trigger an underwater valve that shuts down the well even if the oil rig itself is damaged or evacuated."
Pro tip: If you accuse others of stupidity, you should be careful to not pair the charge with obviously stupid commentary of your own.

You mean the regulatory body in charge of regulating it wasn't regulating it well enough? How is that any different? If only government could solve problems with hindsight, we would be set! Pro tip, if you make a point, actually make one.

PS. Are those laws even in place yet? Also, "PAGE UNAVAILABLE". I will have to take your word on the government being inept.

Ron Paul on The View 04/25/11

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^Us per usual, JesusFreak is clueless. Had safety valve regulations been in place - as is the case in many other countries - the BP oil disaster would have been averted.

Enlighten yourself here:

"U.S. regulators don't mandate use of the remote-control device on offshore rigs, and the Deepwater Horizon, hired by oil giant BP PLC, didn't have one. With the remote control, a crew can attempt to trigger an underwater valve that shuts down the well even if the oil rig itself is damaged or evacuated."

Pro tip: If you wish to accuse others of stupidity, you should be careful to not pair the charge with obviously stupid commentary of your own.

Fox News Bites and Rep. Weiner Bites Back

bobknight33 says...

I agree with QM

>> ^quantumushroom:

>> kceaton1:

>>> Show me a nation--any nation throughout history--that's taxed itself into prosperity, especially by the tactics of a centralized government courting a planned economy, pitting one class against another and cannibalizing the productive members of society to get votes from the other kind. Show me a Euro-Union that isn't going bankrupt country by country.
>>> I notice that no one at the sift ever disses, say, MS-DNC over CNN, and the reason for this is both are parroting each other and the taxocrat party line. Don't let something as little as perceived rudeness on M. Kelly's part lead you to believe otherwise.
>>> Do you really want to argue about which side is spoiled and drowning in media groupthink? Assuming "The Right" has Fox (which I don't watch anyway) here's a partial list of the left-leaning propaganda machine, which did the world a favor by 'coming out' in 2008 and openly joining Obama's election (and now reelection) campaign.
THE (partial) LIST
Media Matters (feeds most of these "credible" media their talking points)
The old Big 3 networks: ABC, MS-DNC, CBS
Comedy central (talk about nightly propaganda!)
Air America radio (bankrupt)
NPR - (MY tax dollars pushing your agenda---at least Glenn Beck does his thing on his OWN dime)
Most newspapers besides the WSJ
Magazine fluff like TIME and Newsweak
Hollywood's "product"
Most of the crap on tv
Most "rebellious" musical acts and assorted "artists"
Of course, I could be imagining things. It's not like a singer slipped in a message to OBAMA during the Superbowl half-time show.
The left values equality more than truth, and views life as rich versus poor instead of right versus wrong. This is why leftist policies fail to create jobs, wealth, security, confidence and yes, SUCCESS.
The truth (aka "what works") is more important than our self-esteem and feelings.

Fox News Bites and Rep. Weiner Bites Back

quantumushroom says...

>> kceaton1:

Seriously, QM, I hate to make a personal hit, but in this case (as your taking a shot at a lot of us) maybe you should get checked out for a mental illness or brain tumor.

>>> Are you joking? The left specializes in ad hominem attacks! You're HOME!
And no, I didn't say anything against anyone at this sift, but I do see now that the association of the word 'dunces' was too far away from 'media outlet' and so could be misinterpreted.

>>> To reiterate, the aforementioned "dunces" in question are the libmedia networks.

I'm actually very serious. If you don't have a medical issue and you're not trolling (I usually think you're trolling) you might want to consider, for one month, using only pure logic and facts that can be attained only directly or through scientific study (look at who does the study--if the world uses them as a source you're OK to use them--if it comes from a Christian College, I would go ahead and not use that) see if your viewpoint changes at all.

>>> I knew I was dealing with no one but supremely logical, liberal Mr. Spocks when someone mentioned hating the woman based on the spelling of her name (fortunately still legal according to Big Brother Hate Crime Law Series J11013).

>>> The tragedy is that YOU might be serious. A troll, much like the libmedia, hits and runs long before the ambulance of facts and logic arrives. I'm more than ready to defend my POVs, but since I am not paid by VS I do so at my leisure.

>>> Do you really think insulting the world's 2 billion Christians (I am not one, but there's worse associations out there than Jesus) adds gravitas to your arguments?

If you REALLY want to make sure you're not getting brainwashed throw yourself into the opposite stream of traffic mentally for about the same time; again using what you consider logically the best choice. If you change you're mind AT ALL (as in, "I have doubts on this subject that was a core belief") you should seriously consider that you're looking out at the world, with a window that's orange and has a screen in front of it.

>>> Not only am I huge fan of facts and logic, I'm really big on RESULTS. Does this current rash of leftist "leadership" (2006 - 2010 Congress, 2008 to present White House) have any positive results to share? If so, they were not communicated properly before November of last year.

>>> Show me a nation--any nation throughout history--that's taxed itself into prosperity, especially by the tactics of a centralized government courting a planned economy, pitting one class against another and cannibalizing the productive members of society to get votes from the other kind. Show me a Euro-Union that isn't going bankrupt country by country.

>>> I notice that no one at the sift ever disses, say, MS-DNC over CNN, and the reason for this is both are parroting each other and the taxocrat party line. Don't let something as little as perceived rudeness on M. Kelly's part lead you to believe otherwise.

>>> Do you really want to argue about which side is spoiled and drowning in media groupthink? Assuming "The Right" has Fox (which I don't watch anyway) here's a partial list of the left-leaning propaganda machine, which did the world a favor by 'coming out' in 2008 and openly joining Obama's election (and now reelection) campaign.

THE (partial) LIST

* Media Matters (feeds most of these "credible" media their talking points)
* The old Big 3 networks: ABC, MS-DNC, CBS
* Comedy central (talk about nightly propaganda!)
* Air America radio (bankrupt)
* NPR - (MY tax dollars pushing your agenda---at least Glenn Beck does his thing on his OWN dime)
* Most newspapers besides the WSJ
* Magazine fluff like TIME and Newsweak
* HuffPo
* Hollywood's "product"
* Most of the crap on tv
* Most "rebellious" musical acts and assorted "artists"

Of course, I could be imagining things. It's not like a singer slipped in a message to OBAMA during the Superbowl half-time show.


The left values equality more than truth, and views life as rich versus poor instead of right versus wrong. This is why leftist policies fail to create jobs, wealth, security, confidence and yes, SUCCESS.

The truth (aka "what works") is more important than our self-esteem and feelings.

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Quantum, can you restrict your quotes to the video you're watching, or at least provide a source to your quotes? Or maybe quit being a part of the propaganda machine you try so hard to pretend you're not a part of...

Mine was merely a fine summary of this nudnik's "powerful" speech. Or did he not start with Godwin?

Glenn Beck is a businessman who has to sell advertising to stay on the air? Amazing. Unlike Leg-thrill Matthews or Oldberminn or Ste-wart or Colbare?

You "freethinkers" really want to argue about who is drowning in propaganda? The Right has Fox (which I don't watch anyway) but here's a partial list of YOUR left-wing propaganda machine, which did the world a favor by 'coming out' in 2008 and openly joining Obama's election campaign. They were/are free to do so as I am free to call them on it.

THE (partial) LIST

* Media Matters (feeds most of these "credible" media their talking points)
* The old Big 3 networks: ABC, MS-DNC, CBS
* Comedy central (talk about nightly propaganda!)
* Air America radio (bankrupt)
* NPR - (MY tax dollars spread YOUR lies! Beck does his thing on his OWN dime)
* Most newspapers besides the WSJ
* Magazine fluff like TIME and Newsweak
* HuffPo
* Hollywood's "product"
* Most of the crap on tv
* Most "rebellious" musical acts

And remember, unionized government school teachers are biased in favor of (drumroll) MOAR BIGGER GUVMINT!

Of course, I could be imagining things. It's not like a singer slipped in a message to OBAMA during the Superbowl half-time show.

Now even with all that relentless liberal brainwashing, slightly over half of Americans still identify themselves as conservative. Wow! It's almost like the one-third of peeps working and supporting the other two-thirds don't want to work for Uncle S(c)am from January to August!

So what are these 'radical' Tea Party ideas that keep the left up at night?

Obeying the Constitution's limits on government power
Stopping confiscatory taxation
Stopping runaway spending
Government Accountability
Controlling the borders

For all I know, I'm the only "resistance" you meet all day to liberal brainwashing. How 'bout a hug?

Tea Party Crasher - Deprogramming

quantumushroom says...

Quantum, can you restrict your quotes to the video you're watching, or at least provide a source to your quotes? Or maybe quit being a part of the propaganda machine you try so hard to pretend you're not a part of...

Mine was merely a fine summary of this nudnik's "powerful" speech. Or did he not start with Godwin?

Glenn Beck is a businessman who has to sell advertising to stay on the air? Amazing. Unlike Leg-thrill Matthews or Oldberminn or Ste-wart or Colbare?

You "freethinkers" really want to argue about who is drowning in propaganda? The Right has Fox (which I don't watch anyway) but here's a partial list of YOUR left-wing propaganda machine, which did the world a favor by 'coming out' in 2008 and openly joining Obama's election campaign. They were/are free to do so as I am free to call them on it.

THE (partial) LIST

* Media Matters (feeds most of these "credible" media their talking points)
* The old Big 3 networks: ABC, MS-DNC, CBS
* Comedy central (talk about nightly propaganda!)
* Air America radio (bankrupt)
* NPR - (MY tax dollars spread YOUR lies! Beck does his thing on his OWN dime)
* Most newspapers besides the WSJ
* Magazine fluff like TIME and Newsweak
* HuffPo
* Hollywood's "product"
* Most of the crap on tv
* Most "rebellious" musical acts

And remember, unionized government school teachers are biased in favor of (drumroll) MOAR BIGGER GUVMINT!

Of course, I could be imagining things. It's not like a singer slipped in a message to OBAMA during the Superbowl half-time show.

Now even with all that relentless liberal brainwashing, slightly over half of Americans still identify themselves as conservative. Wow! It's almost like the one-third of peeps working and supporting the other two-thirds don't want to work for Uncle S(c)am from January to August!

So what are these 'radical' Tea Party ideas that keep the left up at night?

Obeying the Constitution's limits on government power
Stopping confiscatory taxation
Stopping runaway spending
Government Accountability
Controlling the borders

For all I know, I'm the only "resistance" you meet all day to liberal brainwashing. How 'bout a hug?

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