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Alien Queen Chestburster Alien 3 - studioADI

Conan Visits the Guinness Brewery in Dublin

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^bareboards2:
Put a shot of blackberry cordial in the glass before pulling the pint.... 'tis grand, I'll tell ye that fer nuttin'.

HERESY!! You don't mess with Guinness. It is sacred.
I'm about to go all shinyblurry on everyone.
Whoever that unfunny ginger bloke is should learn some respect. It is a privilege to learn how Guinness is made. Much like Bruce Lee and Kung Fu, learning to pour a pint correctly is something that we only just recently started teaching foreigners. Woe betide the heathen who drinks before the pint has settled, and may god/allah/buddah/hitchens have mercy on your soul should you attempt to refill a pint .
Arthur J be praised.
Guinness: serious business.
I have to admit I was genuinely appalled when he did that.

Now that's pretentiousness!

Conan Visits the Guinness Brewery in Dublin

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^bareboards2:

Put a shot of blackberry cordial in the glass before pulling the pint.... 'tis grand, I'll tell ye that fer nuttin'.

HERESY!! You don't mess with Guinness. It is sacred.

I'm about to go all shinyblurry on everyone.

Whoever that unfunny ginger bloke is should learn some respect. It is a privilege to learn how Guinness is made. Much like Bruce Lee and Kung Fu, learning to pour a pint correctly is something that we only just recently started teaching foreigners. Woe betide the heathen who drinks before the pint has settled, and may god/allah/buddah/hitchens have mercy on your soul should you attempt to refill a pint*.

Arthur J be praised.

Guinness: serious business.

* I have to admit I was genuinely appalled when he did that.

Guild Wars 2 Angry Review

RFlagg says...

I've been a fan of the game for some time. I started playing Beta Weekend Event 1 and every BWE after, and any stress test that I could. Since launch I haven't spent as much time on it as I would like, but unlike a certain other MMO it doesn't matter as there is no monthly fee. You can drop it and come back days later without feeling you wasted time playing other games or living life because it is buy to play. With WoW and SWTOR I often felt I had to play at least $15 worth each month to make it worth while. I really don't know why SWTOR is going full Free to Play rather than Buy to Play given the costs to make the game. Most games are going to cost the same amount anyhow, and then you get a game with a huge amount of content for that $60.

The only complaints I've heard were those who wanted endgame raids, those who miss the trinity, and the usual launch woes. (I still can't link my GW1 and GW2 accounts and customer service hasn't fixed it yet, though I've had a ticket open since the early launch for those who pre-purchased the game.)

I like WoW, and keep my free account. Even if they went BtP or FtP, I would still play GW2 more as I think it is just a better game play experience. I liked SWTOR, and while I don't pay the fee anymore (soon to be moot anyhow) I keep the client up to date and still dip in on the free trial on occasion as I do WoW. But for me, I much prefer GW2. I find it near the perfect game experience for me... now I don't watch people play it on Twitch as I do other games like DOTA 2 or some others, but then I don't watch people play any MMO.

I got an i3 and a GTS 450, so a very low powered system, but it plays very well and still manages to look nice. The new beta drivers I installed from nVidia seem to favor over heating the card and shutting the machine down, so I had to turn some detail down to stop that, but the game still looks great.

Now I must level up so I can find that frog juicing quest if it is real...

Man With Briefs Around Ankles Has Shopping Cart Woes

doug stanhope explains liberty

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. -Churchill

That said, can America still be considered a democracy at this point?

Philip Glass - Facades

Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!

rottenseed says...

Check the video description on the youtube page. ddpyoga, ddpyoga all over the place. This is just an advertisement...not saying that this didn't really happen, but advertisements suck the life and caring out of me. Nothing like capitalism to suck the romance out of everything.>> ^CrushBug:

>> ^rottenseed:
I said it on reddit, and I'll say it here: why the fuck do I feel like I'm being sold something?
I'm sorry for being so jaded, but I do have a decent (if not hypersensitive) bullshit detector.

It is always good to exercise caution on things like this, but I think this is safe. Short of mentioning a Yoga instructor's name, there is no other promotional text or Send money here, or captioning to visit a web site, or any of the other indicators. Seemed like an honest "Thanks and don't limit yourself" video.
I watched it, and I just felt fucking pumped. Woe be to he who puts a challenge in my way today!

Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!

Quboid says...

>> ^CrushBug:

>> ^rottenseed:
I said it on reddit, and I'll say it here: why the fuck do I feel like I'm being sold something?
I'm sorry for being so jaded, but I do have a decent (if not hypersensitive) bullshit detector.

It is always good to exercise caution on things like this, but I think this is safe. Short of mentioning a Yoga instructor's name, there is no other promotional text or Send money here, or captioning to visit a web site, or any of the other indicators. Seemed like an honest "Thanks and don't limit yourself" video.
I watched it, and I just felt fucking pumped. Woe be to he who puts a challenge in my way today!

I'd tag this viral, made by someone smart enough to be subtle as the internet is a cynical place. Especially here at

Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!

CrushBug says...

>> ^rottenseed:

I said it on reddit, and I'll say it here: why the fuck do I feel like I'm being sold something?
I'm sorry for being so jaded, but I do have a decent (if not hypersensitive) bullshit detector.

It is always good to exercise caution on things like this, but I think this is safe. Short of mentioning a Yoga instructor's name, there is no other promotional text or Send money here, or captioning to visit a web site, or any of the other indicators. Seemed like an honest "Thanks and don't limit yourself" video.

I watched it, and I just felt fucking pumped. Woe be to he who puts a challenge in my way today!

Cats: How does the Sift feel about our furry counterparts? (User Poll by UsesProzac)

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Lilithia:

I don't hate cats, but it annoys me that everyone who owns a cat apparently has nothing else to do with his life than to capture every move their cat makes on video and upload it to YouTube. There is an excessive amount of cat videos and pictures on the Internet - some of them are really cute, but if you have seen the 10th video of a cat doing the exact same thing (mostly uninteresting things, like sitting in a bucket with vigorous inaction while looking cute) it just leads you to dislike cats. Anything that is used or shown to an excessive amount becomes annoying or boring with time. I don't have anything against the animals themselves, I sometimes even like to play with them, when I visit somebody who owns one or ten cats.

But woe betide anyone who owns between 2 and 9 cats!

Pretend Its Obama

Inmate gets the run-down from a realist prison guard

criticalthud says...

>> ^raverman:

America has some of the highest rates of crime and imprisonment of most developed nations per capita.
I bet most Americans don't even know that... or believe that the freedom and democracy makes the US a safer place to live.
but why?
Culture? Too much sense of individualistic entitlement?
Guns? How might criminality be linked psychologically to arming individuals that suggests a constitutional entitlement to personal violence?
System? Does Imprisonment reduce re-offending? are long jail time sentences better than rehabilitation? Are sentences appropriate to crimes committed?
Everyone's focused on reducing crime and not asking if the cycle of punishment may be part of the problem.

theFreak pretty much nailed it above.

America has turned prisons into a profit generating system. In fact, crime itself, including terrorism, has created an enormously profitable system - private prisons, private guards, private security, private counter-terrorism (espionage, etc.). all funded with the taxpayer buck by means of politicians who claim to "reduce" government at the cost of incredible windfalls to private contractors (and nice "donations" back to the politician).

To keep the motor humming, the lower classes are generally targeted.
From a propaganda standpoint, being poor (and black) in this country is pretty much equated with being a criminal. It is an essential element in the "blame the poor" lie for the woes of this country. Since it is drilled into our brains, our society largely doesn't give a fuck that the laws and enforcement of the laws are generally inequitable to the lower income class.

and so the wheel turns.
Only an informed public can fix this crap.

Austerity Policy Destroying Greek Society

EMPIRE says...

Yes, this is all terrible, but let's not forget that the Greek government was actively engaged in a huge cover up of their financial woes. They were severely debted and still acting like nothing wrong was happening, and lying about it.

Gallowflak (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Indeed. But who the fuck cares. No one.. 'cept you. and that other guy maybe.

In reply to this comment by Gallowflak:
Your sarcasm does you no credit. Anyway, it's not about being forced to do anything, and you know that. It colours the conversation, the discourse, and increases the distribution of shinyblurry's fetid bullshit across the comment threads. That's all.

In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
Yeah, I bet it's really annoying to be FORCED, against your will, to read his and my comments.

Woe is you, and all because of my want of a few lulz. Shame on me.

In reply to this comment by Gallowflak:
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since January 21st, 2011" class="profilelink">shinyblurry
So if Humans are Yahweh's greatest creation..
Why do octopuses/octopodes have perfect eyes with no blindspots.. but we don't?

So often, you're shinyblurry's enabler. And it's becoming really annoying.

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