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Will Smith Making Bald Jokes Doesn’t Age Well

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

Smith lost a lot of fans right there….me included.
If you don’t have a sense of humor about yourself, don’t go to awards shows where the audience is fair game for jokes at their expense. Same for your wife/husband.
If being bald is a touchy subject, wear a wig. (Coming from a bald guy who’s been bald by choice for 25 years and never once got mad at a Mr Clean or penis head joke).

Will can fuck right off with his violent tantrum (or pretend tantrum if this is some scripted ploy). Chris should have decked him back in the face, kicked him in the balls, and kicked him off stage head first. What a child. I hope charges are pressed and lawsuits filed….he deserves them. If there aren’t repercussions, that’s a good indicator this was scripted to boost dismal ratings, which IMO might be worse.

Thank you 81 million, thank you!

luxintenebris jokingly says...

bobby, baby...check your head. slow your roll.

do you know don jr's squeeze was ca gov newsom's wife? go easy on the 'sleeping to the top' garbage. (sound like an old out-of-touch geezer)

your man-boy raw-dogged a porn star. go easy on the imprudent sexual escapades. (more fossilized thinking)

and the idea of 'selling out' shouldn't be a thing if you're truly a covfefool fan...or any of his that is the m.o. of the all of the russian-loving rascals. (the amount of gall would cover a forest)

honestly, try freezing your cantankerous old-coot comments. it solves nil, proves null, and offers zilch of a challenge to any other's viewpoints. (babe, you're missing more than realized)

succinctly; it's taking more away than giving. escape the trap...ya' angry badger.

[omitting what our patriotic grandparents had to do without during their fight against fascism - gas was only one]

bobknight33 said:

anti American,??? Think again.

blah...blah...blah...spit - hiss - cry - wail - tears of fear - confused sobbing

Critical Race Theory: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

luxintenebris jokingly says...

gave this some thought...if teachers can't teach 'uncomfortable' history, then they'd have to steer away from all the Americans that experienced some form of xenophobia, bias, or bigotry during their times...


- Germans
- Italians
- Irish
- Japanese
- Chinese
- Hawaiians
- native Americans
- African Americans

...and more.*

so it's more a wish than honesty.

how can they give an accounting of any president's administration or trials during their terms? trail of tears, teapot dome, watergate, iran-contra...presidents sleeping w/women not their wives - and even one w/their wife but still adulterous.

but if those who don't want to know can do what the rest of the people in my h.s. did: ignore it and squeak by. then they can qualify to be Republicans.

(btw: wasn't "truth matters: not your tears" a popular refrain recently?)

sure. sometimes i don't want to know...but that should be MY choice and not YOUR'S.

*if i missed your group, it was on purpose. less spoken, better said (satire)

BSR (Member Profile)

My Wife vs. Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Lock

STUDY: $500 Per Month Life Changing For The Homeless

newtboy says...

Did they offer that in the program, or was it only random individuals….or are you extrapolating, assuming the program became universal? I thought this plan was just for the indigent.

$500 each for 4 works out to more than my wife brought home for 40 hours a week after 15 years at her last job…..barely livable for 4 anywhere in California, a nice income in some states. Not a huge amount to provide for 6 months. How much does temporary housing, services, extra law enforcement, etc cost over that time for 4 people? I assume they’re close.

Yes, universal income is costly, but most on the right won’t consider giving the destitute money if they don’t get a handout too, that likely multiplies the amount by over 10 times. With a means test, it would be billions, maybe under $100 billion. We spent nearly $6 trillion on bad Covid response in 2020, including trillions to corporate welfare handouts with no strings attached and they still fired millions of workers. I think if that’s ok we can afford to invest in making people productive again instead of drains on society (of course, not everyone will benefit, but 75% success must be a win overall). If not, socialize any corporation that took a bailout, we bought em, we should own them.

…Or taking on more debt like every government project, but the increase in gdp from turning costs into profits likely pays for the program without a dime in new taxes, just a reduction in costs of handling the homeless and new taxes from their incomes….especially if you have a means test and not universal income.

Yes, they convoluted by calling it universal income but focusing on homeless. It should be UMI. Universal Minimum Income….under employed get less than unemployed up to a certain minimum livable combined income, fully employed (with living wages) get nothing….IMO. Sadly, a large portion of people can’t see what’s in that plan for them (no homeless, less crime dumbshits) so won’t consider it unless they also get $500 even though that’s not even a noticeable amount to them….one more ivory backscratcher.

bcglorf said:

I'm gonna have to be that guy. $500 a month for a family of four is $2k, which is a very good chunk of money to drop in your lap.

That works out the same as it they were on a single income, working 40 hour weeks at $10/hr, so almost equivalent to a full time job. No doubt that's gonna be a big deal and noticeable financial improvement to the recipient(s).

As always with UBI schemes, the devil is in how you pay for it. If it's truly universal, paying $500/month to ~330 million Americans would cost $1.98 Trillion dollars, meanwhile the current entire US gov budget for 2022 is estimated at $1.2 Trillion.

So, to implement $500/month universally in America would require not only increasing overall tax revenues by almost 50% it would also require the cancellation of 100% of every single other expenditure. That not includes military spending going to zero, but even cancelling the jobs of everyone that collects taxes and would presumably have been responsible for distributing the $500 checks.

If the 'fix' is to just tax the pants off anyone earning more than the $500/month, or limiting who we give it to, then it ceases to be a UBI scheme, and is instead just a mundane modification of the existing social security scheme by shuffling more money back and forth between different folks.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Name 5 examples of this in the last 100 years….by name, not “some swimmer” “some weightlifter”. An actual trans athlete consistently dominating their sport with the stats to prove it, not one win.

Trans athletes have competed in the Olympics for almost two decades, yet non trans women still win the medals….explain.
It’s pure snowflake drivel, and since you’re a Republican it’s obvious you are somehow guilty of the thing you rail against. You guys always are. Are you competing as a trans athlete, or is it your boyfriend/wife? I know there’s a connection.

Let’s all remember, this is exactly the argument once used to keep blacks out of sports made by the same group making that argument today.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly some transgender will enter and win hands down.

Vote While It Counts

newtboy says...

So delusional and backwards, Bobby. The sky, sea, and land are all orange through your eyes, aren’t they?
4500% increase in voter registration refusals, but no increase in fraudulent applications found. All Republican driven. A vote wrongly denied is the same as a vote wrongly cast, and Republicans are undeniably guilty of both but can’t point to any verifiable examples from the left of in proper vote denial or intentional voter fraud, only cases they make up (like the poster boy for vote fraud claims that finally admitted he voted as his wife for Trump).

It’s all Republican fuckery. Name the Democratic fuckery you mean, be specific with verifiable examples. I know you can’t, snowflake.
Every instance found, all Republican vote fraud. There were many, but not at levels that mattered (for the direct vote fraud, other Republican frauds like the violent coup attempt and fraudulent Republican electors, those mattered).

Every hurdle to vote, Republican written, all directly targeting minorities….it’s only Republicans creating racist targeted roadblocks for certain voters they wouldn’t accept as roadblocks to their own firearm ownership, because it’s not about safeguarding rights it’s only about underhanded power grabs by the political minority in this country, the party who only won one presidential election in the last 8 by getting more votes….they’re Republicans. Democracy isn’t a friend of Republicans.
They’re the party that’s openly anti democratic. They’re the party that admits that if every eligible voter voted they would NEVER win another election. You vote Republican because you’re an infantile sucker that likes to trigger the libtards (no matter the cost to America) and who can’t ever admit he’s w-w-w-w-wrong.

You’re Eric Cartman. Dim, dishonest, and despised.

bobknight33 said:

That's exactly why I will vote Republican. To keep Democrats from their fuckery.

Scared Shitless Fitness

luxintenebris says...

same theme in a video story once saw. guy hires a firm to help him stop smoking. they guaranteed he'd quit.

turns out agents of the firm would cut a joint off a finger of his beloved wife each time he'd try to sneak a puff.

they always saw; they always responded.

odd, that. him giving up something 'precious' for the safety of someone else.

think there's a moral in that story somewhere.

Nicole Smith-Ludvik & Emirates have done it again!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Math is the main requirement for engineering. If you can’t do basic math, it’s incredibly unlikely you could earn a degree in any kind of engineering. If your wife couldn’t write a sentence I would also doubt any journalist credentials she claimed, if she couldn’t do basic arithmetic I would doubt any degree she claimed. There are basic minimum requirements to graduate that you don’t seem to meet. So much for your stupid rebuttal.

Clearly it’s not…but what is? Not math. Not critical thinking. Not history.

As I’ve said repeatedly, clearly, and directly, no. I don’t think he’s achieving as much as even I hoped for in my unbounded cynicism, and I never had high hopes from him, he’s not my choice….but I understand exactly why he’s not getting much done and don’t hold him 100% accountable for much of it. Without a functional congress, his hands are tied on many fronts.
Foreign policy, that’s on him. I wish we had soldiers in the Ukraine so Russia would be forced to attack America if they want to attack the Ukraine….like we said we would when they gave up their nukes by treaty.

I invite you to explain how I’m wrong at any time, but without facts and reliable sources to cite you’ll likely fail like so often before.

? Grand master? I pointed out a basic fact, GDP under Obama was double GDP under Trump. What delusional fantasy are you railing against now?

Didn’t watch. Guaranteed it was more informative and less self aggrandizing than any Trump “press conference” ever, with fewer exaggerations and outright falsehoods.

Incomprehensible. Take a deep breath and try again. Use your words.

Massive debt, unequalled corruption, isolationism, nationalism, and division certainly don’t make America better, and that’s the Trump legacy. Investment in America makes it better, Biden’s already done that and wants to do more.

bobknight33 said:

My wife has a journalism degree but can't do any meaningful math.

So much your stupid argument.

Everyone is different, grammar is not my strong suit.

You know so much that just ain't so. You in a bubble. Are you 1 of the 30% that think Biden is doing a great job?

You sit here thinking up on you high horse but you are so often wrong is it laughable

Trying to put the failed OBAMA on some grand master of a POTUS truly shows how much shit for brains you have.

Truly I bet you think Bidens 2 hour press conference today was pretty fucking all right.

80% failure where you most likely 80% success. This is how shit you are.

You, like Obama, Biden Clinton are good at speaking BS. Just keep giving your failed ideas of what makes America better.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

My wife has a journalism degree but can't do any meaningful math.

So much your stupid argument.

Everyone is different, grammar is not my strong suit.

You know so much that just ain't so. You in a bubble. Are you 1 of the 30% that think Biden is doing a great job?

You sit here thinking up on you high horse but you are so often wrong is it laughable

Trying to put the failed OBAMA on some grand master of a POTUS truly shows how much shit for brains you have.

Truly I bet you think Bidens 2 hour press conference today was pretty fucking all right.

80% failure where you most likely 80% success. This is how shit you are.

You, like Obama, Biden Clinton are good at speaking BS. Just keep giving your failed ideas of what makes America better.

newtboy said:

You claim to be an engineer that couldn’t pass 6th grade English. Knowing many engineers, actually being raised by one (dad was a chemical engineer by trade, creating new molecules for specific purposes) I do understand that language is sometimes not a strong suit, but I’ve never known one with half your struggles in that area, including the maintenance and disposal engineers at the company lab.

Passing basic English is a requirement for a degree, even an engineering degree, at every reputable university in America.

You’ve shown not only a severe deficiency in language skills, but also in math. For instance, recently deriding Obama, lamenting the nation returning to what you were told was an appallingly low GDP of near 2% but you are unable to realize it was near double the often negative GDP under Trump, who finished his single term with a GDP of 1% per year….basic and simple math. (So you know, if Biden’s first year has a GDP of 2%, that’s an increase of 5.5% from last year, and double Trump’s 4 year average).
It’s impossible to be an engineer without good math skills, and you have not demonstrated any over the years.

It begs the question, did you get your degree from a Trump (or similar) school? (You know, the ones closed for being diploma mills with no accreditation, the ones Trump had to pay students back from and admit they were cons, fraudulent schools).
Something doesn’t add up.

I Crashed My Plane

StukaFox says...

The FAA is up there with the TSA, DHS and the NSA as far as TLAs you should NEVER piss-off.

I got pulled over by DHS while I was driving through North Cascades National Park a few years ago. They weren't even marked trucks. One pulled ahead of me, the second one was right on my rear bumper and the "PULL OVER NOW!" was like the voice of God.

I was going camping and they made me pull every fucking thing out of my Subie. Then they went through it all. They confiscated my two pre-rolls and my pipe ("you're on Federal land"), then they called "backup". I sat on the side of the road at Newhalem for about two hours while they dug through all my stuff like a half-dozen times and kept asking me the same stupid-ass questions ("why are you here", "do you know anyone in this area?", "have you ever been arrested for a crime in the US or abroad?") over and over. People where driving by and looking at me and my wife like we were the whitest ISIS fighters ever.

They gave me the ol' "You're free to go" and drove off.

Fuckers took my dope!!

Ashenkase said:

The FAA report will be out in a year. I hope this goes to criminal charges, a complete disregard for human safety (not his).

True Romance (Trailer) - aka How Marketing Failed This Movie

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