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MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

newtboy says...

What’s their problem, he says he waited until his wife’s sister turned 16.
Certainly it was fine for him to force himself on a 16 year old and for 10 years afterwards.
That’s not grooming.
ANY baseless charge Republicans lob at Democrats is projection…every time.

That’s what makes me worried that somewhere out there is a pizza place with a basement where Republicans rape, murder, then eat babies to magically retain political power.

luxintenebris said:

just wanted to make sure you caught this tidbit...

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

luxintenebris says...

just wanted to make sure you caught this tidbit...

Republicans’ use of “grooming” rhetoric comes as one of their own, former state House Speaker Lee Chatfield, is under investigation for allegedly sexually assaulting his future sister-in-law starting when she was a minor.

Clips from NBC NEWS: The sister-in-law of a former, high-ranking Republican leader in Michigan accused the lawmaker of sexually assaulting her for years when she was an underaged teen, officials said Monday.

Lee Chatfield, 33, who served as speaker of the state House of Representatives in 2019 and 2020, denies any criminal wrongdoing and instead admits to extramarital — but consensual — sex with the accuser, defense attorney Mary Chartier said. (he claims the affair began after his wife's sister turned of age)

“He destroyed me, and has controlled my life since I was 15-16, the past 10-11 years,” she told the non-profit news outfit.

a couple of items didn't list that add more 'ickiness' to the mix.
link to the story:

any wonder the Right thinks someone is after their kids - their own Party members are!

IMAX projection. 1000%

newtboy said:

100% Projection.

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

newtboy says...

It’s almost like you forgot that every congressperson charged with child trafficking is a Republican, every one charged with pedophilia a Republican, every one that knowingly covered for years of forced sexual abuse of children a Republican. Everyone trying to pass laws making it legal for adults to marry 9 year old children and have sex with them is a Republican. Every person claiming their political colleagues have wild drug fueled orgies is a Republican.
Every one filmed lusting after 10 year olds and cat calling them in public is a Republican. Every one who said the thing they have most in common with their young daughter is “sex” is a Republican. Every one that bragged about trying to buy their way into their friends wife’s pants repeatedly is a Republican. Everyone we know that left their pregnant wives to sleep with porn stars without protection is a Republican. Every one that hosted private parties for Epstein, some they attended with no other adults allowed was a Republican.
🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️
The way you people project this nonsense makes me believe that somewhere out there is a pizza place with a basement where your elected officials rape, murder, and eat very small children. It sounded completely insane when the accusations were made, but you people ARE completely insane AND guilty of EVERY charge you morons lob at Democrats.

Democrats, on the other hand, are never brought up on child rape and sex trafficking charges, never have photos come out proving their debauchery, do not have a party platform based entirely on scapegoating and hating huge groups based on skin color, nationality, sexual preference, gender, etc….all protected classes under the constitution btw.
Democrats also don’t try to overthrow democracy because they lost an election and can’t accept it.
Democrats also don’t legislate based on frauds like Desantis, don’t put out insane lies about their opponents, accusing them of child molestation without evidence, certainly not just as a fund raising plot. They don’t set up straw men like CRT to give their base something to be outraged about despite it being fantasy. They don’t create a big lie that the election they ran was fraught with fraud (with absolutely zero evidence besides the frauds they committed themselves).

You really should try looking in a mirror sometimes. If you think you hate Democrats over these false charges, you are going to really hate yourself. Party of debauchery….if you really believe that’s the Democratic Party and not Republicans, you had a clinical break from reality and need professional help before you hurt yourself or others.

You are so delusional you could be committed if we only knew your real name.

Edit: I suppose I should thank you for being such a ridiculous blowhard that always buys into the Republican lies, without you I would have no idea what nonsense needs debunking. You couldn’t be a better straight man even if your name was Laurel.

bobknight33 said:

She belongs to the party of debauchery.

Big difference between hate and truth.

Too many straw man arguments .

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Mitch is a RINO with a Chinese wife.
He needed to leave decades ago.

newtboy said:

This is you party? This is you pick…. over America, democracy, and decency?

You choose the Anti-American, Anti-democracy failed wannabe conmanarch (just coined that word, not a typo) and his self serving hypocritical directionless sycophants over democracy and rule of law?…and you really think anyone believes you’re even an American, much less a patriot? No one here thinks that, not for a decade +.

It is to laugh.

PS…..Bayraktar, comrade. I hope they’ve taken out some of your close family by now….more neonazi russian scumbags turned to compost….the best thing they ever did.

How To Fill My Wife’s Beaver

BSR says...

I wonder how many coins he has to pay for the goodies he gets?

BTW, didn't he just force his way into his wife's Beaver?

Will Smith Slaps Chris Rock @ The Oscars | KYM Breakdown

BSR says...


Will Smith shocked the world when he slapped Chris Rock at the 2022 Academy Awards after the comedian made a joke about the Oscar winning actor's wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. But was the confrontation real or staged? Learn expert level body language and behavior analysis and find out what to look for to know when people are lying to you!

Jim Carrey reacts to Will Smith Chris Rock Slap @ The Oscars

luxintenebris jokingly says...

has the same vibe as the Givens/Tyson relationship. the 'entanglement' announcement in particular. only Mike got the beating over his narcissistic, manipulative, & fabulist wife.

entanglement? get knee-walking drunk than try "dear, i got in an entanglement w/the bartender" and see how that flies.

Will should have listened to his own advice...

BTW: she looks happy, and now the healing begins?

Jim Carrey reacts to Will Smith Chris Rock Slap @ The Oscars

newtboy says...

I had heard that not only is he selling out now, tickets are $750!! That said, in a month when the excitement dies down, who’s to say it won’t swing the other way.

And there’s the damage to his reputation, if not his career, that is also worth something. Not $500million, but you start big…who knows, maybe Will would hand it over to escape. He’s got it.

I think the appropriate measure is what would Will say was enough restitution if someone did that to his loved one, wife or child, on an international broadcast…that’s what he owes Chris’s family. That’s got to be in the hundreds of millions, not a few thousand….but I don’t decide so my opinion is moot.

Edit: really, I think the DA should press charges. He doesn’t need Chris, he’s got it on video from a dozen angles. Case closed.

cloudballoon said:

That's hard to prove. And actually the end result would be the opposite. His recent tour's sold out. He's (rightfully) benefitting from the incident financially because he took the high road. Sue for the physical damage, sure, but whatever the amount a judge & jury would award him, it'd be just a drop in a bucket from Smith. Probably end up settled out of court. But I would most definitely take all the money from Smith. Then give it to charity to rub it in.

Demi Moore Does One Armed Push-Ups!

cloudballoon says...

I though so too. Watching the red carpet segment just before the Oscars, both my wife & I were talking about how great Jada looks bald (we don't pay attention to celebrity news, and we had no idea she got Alopecia before the slapping scandal).

I went bald once (accidentally) and due to the shape of my head, bald just doesn't look good on me, so I kind of envious of people like Jada, the Rock, etc. I'm weird I know.

newtboy said:

Better than I could do in my prime.

I think she looks pretty good…I thought Jada looked good too. Makes me wonder why “looking forward to GI Jane 2” was seen as an insult.
Unless you have a weird shaped head, bald is beautiful.

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

I can at times be all three, for sure, but it’s not something I would be proud about.

There’s a big difference between verbal confrontation and this.

I still say it’s impossible for me to believe both intelligent stars (with their pr teams) and the Oscars all got together and said this would be a good trick to play for ratings. Maybe I’m naive, I just can’t believe that many people would be that stupid with time to think it over.

The best evidence it wasn’t staged came from Colbert….Will Smith isn’t that good of an actor! *slam*

I’ve spent a lot of time in the bad part of towns, living in East Palo Alto before gentrification, etc. I just kind of expect every random third person to be armed and a powder keg. Confronting a stranger in anger over a joke, even a joke at my wife’s expense, seems risky. I’ve seen people stabbed over less.
In her physical defense, I’m happy to take that risk.

vil said:

What did you say? Say that again! Come back! What did you mean by that? Who do you think you are to insult us like that? Apologize instantly or..

Yeah context matters, but if I dont stand up for my wife when she feels insulted or endangered, and it does not have to be a physical or escalatory response, I can expect to be considered part of the problem. Sometimes you cant keep sitting on the fence and be all moral and philosophical about stuff. Either you fight or you retreat, a quick decision must be made on how far you want to take it.

That is why I think it was staged. No party planned to follow up, take this further. If theyd never speak about it (or to each other) again, I would believe it.

LOL at my wife wanting me to take risks. Unless I was taking on a perceived risk to her.

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

vil says...

When I was like 20 something I had a moustache which I mistakenly considered manly. I was in a theater when one of the actors chose me as the member of the audience to mess with. He leaned over a couple of rows of seats and grabbed my prized facial hair and shouted "take that off I know its fake. stop resisting". I normally dont like to be the center of attention but in the context of the show this was hilarious (even for me).

If something similar happened to my wife or kids it would be much harder to process and my first concern would be are they OK with this? If not, how do I stop this from happening?

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

vil says...

What did you say? Say that again! Come back! What did you mean by that? Who do you think you are to insult us like that? Apologize instantly or..

Yeah context matters, but if I dont stand up for my wife when she feels insulted or endangered, and it does not have to be a physical or escalatory response, I can expect to be considered part of the problem. Sometimes you cant keep sitting on the fence and be all moral and philosophical about stuff. Either you fight or you retreat, a quick decision must be made on how far you want to take it.

That is why I think it was staged. No party planned to follow up, take this further. If theyd never speak about it (or to each other) again, I would believe it.

LOL at my wife wanting me to take risks. Unless I was taking on a perceived risk to her.

newtboy said:

So you’re saying you and your wife are insecure infants and thugs?

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

So you’re saying you and your wife are insecure infants and thugs?

Verbal confrontation? If you think physically assaulting someone over a perceived slight is proper, stay out of the south where they can shoot you dead for threateningly advancing on someone like Will did. Also, please avoid comedy shows, because insulting the audience is often part of the show….like here.

If your wife really believes you should put your life at risk (and make no mistake, confronting a stranger puts your life at risk) over such an innocuous joke, she doesn’t love you, you’re her replaceable bodyguard. 🤨

vil said:

My wife thinks it was the right thing to do.

I think the whole thing is fake.

If someone makes fun of my wife in public immediate confrontation is the only option I can think of. Unless drunk or stoned in which case I might laugh at the joke. And get confronted by her.

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

vil says...

My wife thinks it was the right thing to do.

I think the whole thing is fake.

If someone makes fun of my wife in public immediate confrontation is the only option I can think of. Unless drunk or stoned in which case I might laugh at the joke. And get confronted by her.

Will Smith Making Bald Jokes Doesn’t Age Well

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