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Louis CK at the Coffee Shop (Louie)

The Walking Dead AND Episode 11, Season 2 --Spoilers-- (Scifi Talk Post)

probie says...

1. Yes, Randall should die. It's unfortunate, but by his own admission, he's already confirmed that the group he was with are not the most savory characters. He knows where the farm is and who Maggie and her family are. Plus, he knows that most of Rick's group are keen to kill him, which makes his motive for escape that much more enforced. At least his former group never tried to kill him. (We can't speculate here; only that facts that are presented to us, the audience) So he's definitely a liability to Rick's group.

2. Karl wants to prove himself. He's got two father figures telling him what to do, on top of a guarding mother. How should his parents approach the situation? Well...they haven't seen anything "wrong" yet, other than mouthing off to Carol. They don't know he stole Darrel's handgun, or confronted a zombie in the woods, etc. As for Karl wanting his Dad to shoot Randall, I'm sure Rick will have a sitdown and try to explain to him the logic behind his initial decision, and then the subsequent change of mind. Will he confess responsibility about the zombie? Tough call; if the writer's stick with the old Karl, he will. But Karl has changed (per his actions in this episode) and we never saw an apology to Carol. He could just shut down and harden up. Will the guilt get the better of him? I'd say yes, due to 1) he seems to have been brought up with a sense of justice and "doing the right thing" in part because of his father being a cop, and 2) at that age, when you screw up that bad, you don't just hide it away. He'll either confess, or confide in someone. I would have said he would have confided in Dale, know....

3. Was it the right time to kill off Dale? Is it the right to ever kill of a character? Well, seeing as they've COMPLETELY strayed from the original Dale/Andrea story line in the original source material, I guess now is as good a time as any. My guess his Hershel will step up and take the mantel of the archetypal wise old man; it could give his character some redemption, if the writer's choose to go that route.
My immediate reaction to him dying was thinking "Well, Jeffrey DeMunn's off the show....I wonder what he'll do next with Frank Darabont..." Was his early death motivated by television politics....who knows. It seems to me that when you get an actor/director pairings, like DeMunn/Darabont, Russell/Carpenter, Depp/Burton, those tend to be pretty strong allegiances. I'm sure if there was some background gaffing over Darabont leaving the series, DeMunn was more than onboard with Darabont and wasn't surprised his character was killed off. I'll wait for the eventual news story/tell all book.

***Possible spoilers ahead if you haven't read the graphic novels***
As an aside, I'll cut back to season 1 for a moment, and what Jenner whispered to Rick before blowing up the CDC. I don't think he whispered some major secret to Rick; I have a feeling Jenner explained to Rick that "they" were the walking dead, and not the creatures outside. This is given in a huge, revelatory speech at the end of one of the books, don't remember which, after Rick breaks down from all the stress/guilt/death (that will eventually happen?). Seems a perfect fit into the storyline as they haven't mentioned it since the beginning of season 2 (when he's trying to reach Morgan on the radio). And I'm still waiting on Merle to show back up as the Governor.

TDS: Rick Santorum's Conservative Rhetoric

Yogi says...

>> ^MaxWilder:

What is up with Jon totally blowing character? Funny Freudian slip, but he rubbed John's nose in it. Not cool.

I think it show's that they're friends...I was hoping he'd whisper something to him like "You're Fired! Even Steve Carell didn't fuck up that badly."

Murderous Devil Dog

Innocent Man In Gitmo For 6 Years Without Trial

Up Close and Personal with Mountain Lion

The "One Album Per Sifter" Quest (Rocknroll Talk Post)

Skeeve says...

One album I can listen to all the way through is Anberlin's album "Cities". It has a good mix of harder (for this kind of alternative rock) and softer songs, the instrumentation is interesting and the lyrics are pretty mature.

Alexithymia is my favorite song, but they are all good.

No. Title
1. "(Début)"
2. "Godspeed"

3. "Adelaide"
4. "A Whisper & a Clamor"
5. "The Unwinding Cable Car"

6. "There Is No Mathematics to Love and Loss"
7. "Hello Alone"
8. "Alexithymia"

9. "Reclusion"
10. "Inevitable"
11. "Dismantle.Repair."
12. "(*Fin)"

Ron Christie destroyed on Real Time

Fletch says...

"Parrot" is right. I can't tell if it's his nasally voice or his tendency to deliver his BS in over-dramatic near-whisper, but he comes off as an extremely condescending and phony tool. His stance that Democrats promised things to the American people and didn't deliver was predicted near the beginning of Obama's term to be the main Republican talking point in 2012 as the Repugs joined in unanimity and became the "party of no". Unfortunately, Obama and the Democrats either ignored their mandate and capitulated on everything, or showed their true colors as the sellout blueblood corporatists they really are.

Either way, this guy is nothing but a Republican prag.

TDS - Jon Stewart Interviews Bill Clinton (Full Interview)

DARPA's gigantic new quadruped "AlphaDog"

Fletch says...

Not very stealthy, is it? Imagine approaching an enemy camp...

Alphadog: [STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! STOMP!...]

Soldier: {quietly} "Alphadog! Shhhhhh! Quiet..."


Soldier: {whispering} "Alphadog... shhhhh! Uhhh, I mean... Alphadog, initiate Stealth Mode"


Soldier: {whispering desperately} "Alphadog, I told you to initiate Stealth Mode! You are going to give away our position!"


Soldier: {looks at soldier #2} "WTF?!"

Soldier #2: "Windows XP"

Lucky760 Programs Your Requests! (Sift Talk Post)

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

My cat is afraid of the vacuum cleaner
The way it goes, "Vroom, vroom, vroom"
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom

My cat is afraid of the vacuum cleaner
The way it goes "Vroom, vroom, vroom".
And the way it makes calls in the middle of the night
To shadowy men with underworld connections
It's conversations sound innocent enough,
But then, why is it whispering
And saying things that are obviously codes
Like, "Go to the laundry and pick up my shorts"?
It's a vacuum cleaner, it doesn't wear shorts.
But it does have a secret hidden room
Full of instruments of torture from ancient times
That were stolen from a little-known Idaho museum.
And on the wall in the secret room
Is a picture of actor Anthony Hopkins
Taken from the movie "Silence of the Lambs",
The one where he wears the scary mask.
And next to the picture of Anthony Hopkins
Is a picture of the vacuum cleaner
In the same scary mask, but a smaller version.
It's cute in a way, but in other ways no.
And also on the walls are some scribbled words.
Incoherent paranoid rants
Written in a language called Vacuumese
Derived from French and the operating manual
Of a 1972 Electrolux.
And what is written on those walls
In the language known as Vacuumese
Sends icy chills up my little cat's spine
And makes it toss and turn at night.
But the thing about the vacuum cleaner
That scares my cat the very most,
That makes it wake in a cold, cold sweat
And haunts its days and haunts its nights
And makes it jump at the slightest noise...

Is the way it goes, "Vroom, vroom, vroom".
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Christopher Hitchens on why he works against Religions

jmzero says...

A few thoughts:

1. Personal Revelation: I'm not sure why "God Told Me" is accorded a privileged, absolute position (by many, not sure if by sb) in terms of an information source. Surely a universe that includes supernatural beings interested in human behavior could also include a trickster-God capable of whispering things to someone or creating literally any kind of mental experience or situation (you know, for giggles)? Now, this could be claimed as a counterpoint to almost anything, and it's not really evidence for anything. It's not a good reason to not believe the whispering or something. However, doesn't it preclude absolute surety here? I mean, sure you could say it's more likely the whispering would be from the more powerful, "right" God - but, again, can you be absolutely sure? And if you can say "OK, I'm not absolutely sure - but I'm pretty dang sure" I think that's healthy. There's nothing wrong with picking what you feel is the vastly more likely explanation for an experience, I'm just objecting to the way some attribute absolute value here (again, not sure if this applies to specific participants of this discussion, but would value their thoughts here).

2. Punishment: I don't believe there's any "virtue" to justice or punishment. I think there's a practical societal requirement for deterrent to certain behaviors, and I think jail is a horrible, currently necessary evil (jail is marginally better than some other options, I think, because it mechanically prevents further offenses during incarceration as well as being a deterrent - and ideally it would provide education for reform, etc.. though I don't have much faith that that's happening currently). I don't understand the value of "justice" as an ideal or why it's seen as a virtue independent of these practical concerns. If people have free will and some are good and some are bad... well, whatever. As long as we can keep the bad people from hurting the good people (which, again, doesn't require any notion of justice), I don't see why we'd need to go about punishing anyone.

3. The End of Days: I will point out that shinyblurry's vision of how the whole final judgement scenario goes down is not shared by all of Christianity. There's significant variation between Christian denominations (though many of those, I assume, sb would not consider actual Christians - like Catholics or the previously mentioned Jehovah's Witnesses).

I think some of the confusion in this thread revolves around differing visions of judgement, differing ideas about what "Hell" constitutes, and the nature of God's omnipotence (which I think is a very big question). SB's posts here are essentially Theodicy, and that's a muddy job when these premises aren't well defined. I have some general ideas on SBs positions on these ideas, but I think it might clarify the discussion a bit if we knew his positions more clearly on things like:

1. Who will be in Hell, and does Hell include actual pain/torment (or is the torment more like, say, regret)?
2. What is the nature of God's omnipotence? Does it extend to control/creation of logic? What is his general relation to virtue/right?
3. What is the nature of God's omniscience, and what is your general conception of free will?

To be clear, I'm not trying to ask gotcha questions, or suggesting these questions don't have answers. I'm just asking what your answers are, as I think it'll clarify the discussion.

Imperial Senator Dick Durbin and his loyal media thugs

quantumushroom says...

The real focus here is the antics of "your" imperial senator. Since he's on "your" side, do ya think he doesn't have to answer questions or be accountable? You'd think he'd be better prepared to defend himself since he's a big mouth crap talker.

Sure, you can attack the journalist and suggest Reverend Moon is whispering in his ear, even though the man's identified himself as an independent social journalist at (an) event sponsored by (the) City Club of Chicago and open to media and the public.

As for the other thing, what else can the left do but flip the script and blame Republicans for the debt crisis? Saint Obama is infallible as long as you ignore the effects of his runaway spending. While the Right isn't innocent, this debt crisis is the baby of this clueless administration. Or did the Tea Party cause Greece, Portugal and Ireland's economic meltdowns?

>> ^shuac:

Anyone who works for the Reverend Sun Myung Moon (publisher of the Washington Times who proclaimed himself the second coming of Jesus Christ) is immediately suspect.
I mean, you can see this reporter's not unstable at all. <- sarcasm.
Another stellar clip, Roomie. Thumbs up, buddy.

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