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The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

Obsidianfire says...

Wow I almost missed this!

Okay, I'm 22, My first name is Justin. Born in Indiana, now living in the same city as the HQ for the nutjob Scientologists. Um, my screen name isn't really anything special, just something I conjured up as a kid. My avatar is Waldo. If you don't know what it means then you didn't grow up in America, or you had a sheltered childhood. Everyone ^ above and below v this post has a more interesting life then I've had. I'm kind of a computer geek, and I love to learn about all religions. I enjoy all types of rock, indie, electronica, etc. I like the old stuff and the new stuff, the hard stuff and the soft stuff. I'm 6'3 178lb, here's a pic. Me. Um.. I've been on the site since Dec 2006, didn't really do anything but lurk, and I did much lurking before I actually registered. My sifting tastes are usually unique. I'm completely in love, she's Finnish. Not much else to say about me without giving away my serial killer identity. Ohcrap.
I just gave like 6 people a star by upvoting comments on this thread.

Edit: I got tired of the Waldo. I like the colorful balls more.

Child prodigy shows off amazing language skills

Do you feel the Tension? Or is it Manufactured?

Farhad2000 says...

"Recent pictures from Iran show Waldo in the background, as if to mock American children in their inability to find him."

One caveat to your comment NetRunner, Iran is not a superpower in the Middle East, its a Shia state that is surrounded by Sunni states, it doesn't really enjoy any influence bar supporting Hamas in Lebanon, who also happen to be compromised of Shia.

Iran as a superpower was only created by the American media by constantly saying they are developing nuclear weapons. The president in Iran is now not enjoying majority favor with the people, as his reforms to help the poor has amounted to nothing more then political talk. The more we build up Iran as a superpower the more paranoid the Iranian government will become.

How to synchronize 5 metronomes?

TF2 - New Medic Weapons and Goldrush

RedSky says...

Achievements work best when they're virtually or entirely cosmetic but you do have to admit that unlockable content is a great way to add play-time and force players to try out different gameplay facets, which they may have otherwise dismissed all too quickly.

As for gritty realism over cartoony graphics, no thanks. I'm thoroughly sick of CoD4 but end up playing it because everyone else does. Realism in FPSs particularly, is a synonym for camp whoring. Nothing says squat and wait more than overly dense foliage, non-contrasting colour schemes and players taking 'real' damage. Game designers, if I wanted to play Where's Waldo I wouldn't be playing a videogame would I?

Frankly realism along with overt reward systems are just an allure for the console crowd, which developers have serendipitously realised they should be catering for. The problem is it ends up taking a backstage to gameplay and is further accentuated by gimmicky gratuitous rewards. Look, if my score of 60 for a CoD4 map is composed of 20 gun kills, 15 grenade kills, 15 air strike kills and 10 helicopter kills, there is something wrong.

Founder of Christian School Solicits Sex for School Fees

The revolution is now the institution: DFT hits 500 (Dark Talk Post)

Hillary WASN'T LYING! Bosnia gunfire footage discovered...

jwray says...

When the Chuck Norris goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Hillary
Hillary is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
Hillary is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for her left and right legs.
Hillary doesn't read books. She stares them down until she gets the information she wants.
Hillary can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.

How many examples of douchebaggery can you spot?

Crazy design of house sparks neighborhood protest

Bourne Parody

Bourne Parody

Bourne Parody

Bourne Parody

10385 says...

Thanks for the welcome!

and @ budzos: If that guy is Waldo, and the room is filled with giant candy canes, Canadian flags, barber poles, and hundreds of people dressed in red+white stripes, it'd be hard even for multiple FBI agents to find him... or his girlfriend... or his dog... or 9 Santa Clauses.

Bourne Parody

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