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Ron Paul on the Daily Show - June 4th 2007

choggie says...

lessseee....nicey-nice white guy conegressman, richer than any American will ever be, mannish Senator from NY, straight outta no-where token politician hoo-doo man, some cunt named Mitt, named after his smarter counterpart, the "catcher's", a john, a joe, some Gravel and Kiswhosich???, some guy Biden Ricardson... Brownback,Giuliani,Gilmore,Paul; Huckabee,Hunter,Skeletor(mccain),Newt, Tacredo and Tommy Tom Tom....oh and, roll the founding farthers over in their dirtnaps, for the potentials....Gored and Coldburns, and Rear Admiral, Wesley Clark......Miss Any??? Is she running, too???......
Then there's the pathetic rub of this roulette wheel of oblivion-
In January 2007, Federal Election Commission Chairman Michael Toner stated that the 2008 U.S. presidential race will be "the most expensive election in American history". Toner estimated that the 2008 race will be a "$1 billion election", and that to be "taken seriously", a candidate will need to raise at least $100 million by the end of 2007.

Your choice, ladies and gentlemen, simply touch your lighted score pads and count up those clever sound bites, all votes tallied in as meaningful a way as possible-and remember, don't miss Dancing with the Idol Wifeswap, coming up after the next cold war........

There is another choice, but expatriation will have to wait for the grocery trucks to stop rolling........

thanks for the platform fedquips-cheers on this the 5th......

TayTV Situation (Sift Talk Post)

Fedquip says...

"Fedquip, Go Fuck yourself" This is the messege I received in my inbox not too long ago. From a videosifter. And this morning I wake up and that user is going through each of my posts, voting them down, adding cute comments like "Cocksucking punk.....burn in your own hell-", I don't believe this is the type of community I joined.

I started videosharing online years ago, before youtube, before videosift. I created a forum called metronews.

It was a great idea but the time was slightly off as I had to deal with personal stuff I couldn't maintain the site.

When I discovered vsocial and used the service as a host to maintain a blog I <a rel="nofollow" href="*/<a rel="nofollow" href="">">created called TayTV, check out the history. This hobby was about highlighting clips from documentaries and comedy shows. The simple concept is that on the Internet you have the opportunity to research and learn more about the media that is being presented to you. I enjoy the progression in media we are seeing here on the Internet and believe me videosift plays a major role in the future of people consume media and information.

TayTV was widely successful, the "wall street journal" named me one of the most influential people in social media. The "Globe and mail" did a story on my internet labour, hired me to supply them with video links and more recently AOL News hired me to blog and research online video, yes mlx the description is flattering if you ask me, but I don't think getting a job sifting is a bad thing. I have spoken to Brian about this and he told me that it was great to see sifters turning pro. I am a firm believer that through hard work you can achieve anything and if you want to share video all day, you can do that.

Now TayTV crashed a few months ago and I couldn't maintain it with my new appointments. I didn't want to let my community down by simply closing down the website. I spoke with Brian and James about moving the community to videosift. I have been a sifter since April 2006 and with the recent addition to the collectives to the sift I could combine taytv with the sift. Sifters embraced TayTV and people joined the collective, the sift community enjoyed the labour I was providing as I got voted up into the top 15 in a very short period of time after the collective was built.

And why not, taytv was all about finding interesting videos, I feel I provide more then just a video, I usually add additional links that give the user a more all round experience with the video. The taytv philosophy is more then just "getting votes", the votes here on the sift are not important to me, sharing videos is what I do and coming here my sole goal was to help Brian and James by sifting videos the community here can enjoy.

Now, I love videosift, I am forever thankful that Brian and James took me in and allowed me to continue my TayTV project here in a collective. I have literally thousands of videos I want to share with you all. I honestly believe what I can bring to videosift is nothing but positive.

Ok.. so I uploaded this clip, guilty as charged. It's a fascinating clip from James Burke, very philosophical clip about media. Because a couple sifters don't like me does that mean we have to remove this clip from the sift? I submitted it to the sift because I know this community appreciates James Burke.

I don't upload clips as much as I used to but I have thousands of clips that I have been dying to share with this community and now with vsocial in the mix I can do that. With the blessing of this community I look forward to sharing more.

Now the AOL job is something new to me, but I have been very open and honest about it, I am not a corporate douche trying to push any agenda like some have suggested. They have given me a forum to post video that will reach far and wide and I want to do it with the best of my ability and If I can help out the sift at the same time I will. For example this post made it to the front page AOL News. I found it here on the sift and gave a hat tip link back to bl968 here on the sift. I am not a full time AOL employee, I am under contract to provide video research, I hope I can continue with new opportunities after this one expires.

Anyway, I have been preparing for radical changes in the way that I do research and those changes will be visible in my future sift participation. Being in a position where I present media to a wide audience I want to do so in a unique manner, I don't want to be just a normal blogging pundit I want to make online media interesting and informative for people to watch. And if I learnt anything in the past two years with TayTV is that I have to adapt and evolve to change.

Anyway, ultimately it's not up to me. I love the sift and I want to include the collective in my ongoing experiment with media, I will respect the decisions made by the powers that be. But what I would like the most is the support from my video researcher peers here on the sift to tune this craft.

Theft by Deception - a history of tax law

yaroslavvb says...

This reminds me of, and other income-tax non-payment scams. The word "scam" is appropriate, because the people behind these websites exploit people's tendency to fall for "feel-good" theories to hawk their books and videos.

This particular video was directed by Larkin Rose (who sells these videos at, and it's promoting what's known as the "861 scam". On the link below you can read stories of some poor naive souls who fell for it (including an actor Wesley Snipes, lol), and ended up successfully prosecuted. In fact, Larkin Rose was himself found guilty of not paying federal income tax by a federal jury and sentenced to 15 months in prison.

Here's some history of the tax protest movement

People targeted by Larkin Rose don't have enough legal experience to be able to tell what law really is. There are many refutations to his arguments on the net (including ones by other "taxes are illegal" protesters like Irwin Schiff), but the fact that he was found guilty in a jury trial is the strongest refutation of all.

QLIMAX - The Most Insane Rave Party Ever.

Wesley Autrey describes his New York Subway heroics

maudlin says...

The man he saved had a seizure on the platform, seemed to recover, then fell onto the tracks. Wesley was standing there with his two daughters, got a bystander to look after them, and jumped onto the tracks.

Plug his name into Google News for more details.

Wesley Willis- "Alanis Morissette"

sometimes says...

Wesley Willis (May 31, 1963 – August 21, 2003) was a musician and artist from Chicago. A diagnosed schizophrenic, he gained a sizeable cult following in the 1990s after releasing several hundred songs of unique but simple music, with emphasis on his stream-of-consciousness lyrics. Most of his exposure came as an internet phenomenon during the early days of peer-to-peer file sharing (via Napster).

Sore Loser, Healthy Penis

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