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'This is called the PenisTron...'

What is the best sci-fi/fantasy movie series? (User Poll by Throbbin)

deputydog says...

in terms of a series, it has to be lord of the rings - all 3 films are at least good.

half of the star wars movies are frustratingly wank, the majority of the star trek movies are wank, the first matrix movie was followed by an incredible amount of wank, and as i've never seen a harry potter film i'll just have to guess that they're all pretty wank.

best individual film though: empire strikes back

What those girls were mumbling... Push the Button

Jim Jeffries on Cock Cancer

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'stand up, australian, wanking' to 'stand up, australian, awkward rape, wanking, thats it really, dry hand sorta guy' - edited by calvados

Don't take Wii remote to the bathroom

Don't take Wii remote to the bathroom

Don't take Wii remote to the bathroom

The Church of Science & Knowledge has found the 'One'

dannym3141 says...

^ What!? Why are you so certain they're taking the piss out of anything in order to say "it must be scientology there's nothing else"? The sketch is funny independantly of piss taking, i don't even SEE any piss taking, just a typical pattern of a big train sketch, did you even watch the damn show?

They're not taking the piss out of anything. The sign is the only thing there. The personality test is NOT a trademark system of scientology, i remember stories about cults when i was 5 that started you out with a personality test, and as for the professional manner and appearance of the staff - that is so crucial to the rediculousness of the rest of the sketch. The sketch follows the line of a LOT of big train sketches in which a rediculous situation meets a serious situation. Like the sketch where they wank in the office at work. Or a super smooth sexually active guy who can't operate doors.

Anyway, i take back my comment, you've changed the title and shown that it wasn't just for votes, so i apologise and i do look like an idiot... it just happens a lot on this circle-jerk video upvoting website and it irks me

Don't take Wii remote to the bathroom

Don't take Wii remote to the bathroom

Jay Kay Receives Tremendous Headbutt (Richly Deserved)

Should the queue escape limit be raised? *Please read before voting (User Poll by EDD)

Deano says...

>> ^MINK:
>> ^deputydog:
dig a bit deeper around here, stop upvoting videos of cats wanking just because a friend submitted them and who knows - maybe the top 15 will change for the better.

unfortunately that's like putting a sign on a broken door saying "please close the door" instead of fixing the door.
@dag all i am really proposing is you have a "follow" button on people's profiles, and a "mysift" tab in the menu or filter in the queue/sifted pages that shows only sifts from those members you are following. then you could probably cut out a lot of the other high serverload dynamic stuff in the sidebar that currently tries to attract people to user profiles and playlists every time a page loads. just an idea. because users are a more predictable guide to "quality" than channels.

This suggestion might annoy you but you can follow people using the RSS feed on their profile.
Having said that I think it's an interesting idea to link users together and group content that you probably will want to see.

Should the queue escape limit be raised? *Please read before voting (User Poll by EDD)

deputydog says...

>> ^MINK:
>> ^deputydog:
dig a bit deeper around here, stop upvoting videos of cats wanking just because a friend submitted them and who knows - maybe the top 15 will change for the better.

unfortunately that's like putting a sign on a broken door saying "please close the door" instead of fixing the door.

i disagree. i'd say it was more like putting a sign on a functional door that says, 'please come in, have a look around and stop gathering on the doorstep complaining that the door itself is broken'.

Should the queue escape limit be raised? *Please read before voting (User Poll by EDD)

MINK says...

>> ^deputydog:

dig a bit deeper around here, stop upvoting videos of cats wanking just because a friend submitted them and who knows - maybe the top 15 will change for the better.

unfortunately that's like putting a sign on a broken door saying "please close the door" instead of fixing the door.

@dag all i am really proposing is you have a "follow" button on people's profiles, and a "mysift" tab in the menu or filter in the queue/sifted pages that shows only sifts from those members you are following. then you could probably cut out a lot of the other high serverload dynamic stuff in the sidebar that currently tries to attract people to user profiles and playlists every time a page loads. just an idea. because users are a more predictable guide to "quality" than channels.

Should the queue escape limit be raised? *Please read before voting (User Poll by EDD)

deputydog says...

DON'T TOUCH THE FLOODGATES. it'll do absolutely fuck all to stem the flow of sewage that splashes all over the front page.

the only thing you can do to improve the quality of the videos you watch/upvote is to look harder and stop being so monumentally lazy. there is shitloads of quality on the sift and it's there to be seen and applauded - the problem is that everyone wants it all on a single plate and can't be bothered to lift their fat little index fingers some more and click a few extra links. the idea that raising the escape limit could enhance the quality of published videos absolutely baffles me.

dig a bit deeper around here, stop upvoting videos of cats wanking just because a friend submitted them and who knows - maybe the top 15 will change for the better.

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