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Quick 'n' Easy Home made MAYO

oritteropo says...

It's not called ground nut oil here either... we'd call it peanut oil. Maybe it's a UK thing?

I expect any mild tasting oil would work, but I don't think you'd want something strongly flavoured like extra virgin olive oil. I'd probably use grape seed oil, because I have that and not peanut.

My recipe says that if it splits, pour the mix out, add another egg yolk, and slowly add the split mixture back in like you added the oil the first time around.

Here is another recipe,

Sagemind said:

Did I mention anything about an accent?
No, no I didn't.
I just can't understand him when he names the type of oil he uses - Which makes sense because I've never before heard of "Ground nut oil"

How to squeeze inside a giant balloon - a tutorial?

Ever See A Giant Lava Lake Collapse? Kilauea's Pu'ue

Seth Rogen Talks About Being Rejected by Megan Fox

WW2 experimental cargo plane: Fairchild XC-120 Packplane

Speech 101 Prank FINAL

Sagemind says...

Si Senior..., you want to buy my sister...?
She is a virgin...
Or, at least, she one was one...

Kudos to him for pulling that off, I couldn't have pulled it off after the first hour without confessing

Beyond Scared Straight - 40 Inmates Rush at Teens in Prison

SevenFingers says...

I'd prolly feel fine around them... I was in Tijuana for like 15 minutes.... the guys that rush you trying to get you to buy stuff was scarier than that, tho I should have taken that one man up on his offer to buy his virgin sister for a night now that I think about it.

Mourdock gets his ass handed to him by Righteous Woman

jimnms says...

>> ^Payback:

This fucktard is OK with the idea of a God that forces someone to rape another?
Can someone look up the chapter and verse of at least one instance of God calling on an Apostle to "teach that skanky little whore a thing or two about respect"?

If Mourdock were a true Christian he would be pushing for the death penalty for rapists and their victims that didn't cry out loud enough, or the rapist has to pay the father of the victim and the victim must marry her rapist:

If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city. But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay with her shall die. ... For he found her in the field, and the betrothed damsel cried, and there was none to save her. If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days. -- Deuteronomy 22:23-29

Brazilian Woman Auctions Her Virginity for $780,000

Millionaire Banker Stabs Cabbie, Charges Dropped -- TYT

Stormsinger says...

>> ^cosmovitelli:

>> ^Stormsinger:
I've got to say, that unless someone has some evidence that the prosecutor's statement is a lie, or they have a confession, I'd more or less agree with dropping the charges. Why would the driver keep silent about the weapon in his possession? Sounds a lot like a drunk guy makes a pretty good target.

OK if this was a junkie skinhead attacker and the victim was a virgin princess would you say the same?
I'm assuming you are from some oligarch/monarchist society where one person is better than the other or you wouldn't dare speak such hateful hypocrisy in the open.. would you also let him fuck your wife on your wedding night? This is what trials are for brother, some of us are glad the middle ages are over..

As a matter of fact, I would. I'm something of a believer in the idea that you need fucking evidence to convict someone. Not "he said", not "the victim said", not even eye witnesses (who are almost totally unreliable). But when evidence is hidden away by the victim for months, then suddenly becomes available at the last minute, there's something fishy going on. And when there is fishy goings on, the accused gets the benefit of the doubt...what was it, better ten guilty men go free than one innocent man be wrongly convicted?

And if you think I support someone just because he's rich and white...well, either you've read none of my posts here, or you're a moron. You pick which one fits.

Mount Kilauea: Reaches Highest Recorded Level

skinnydaddy1 says...

Help Wanted: U.S. Geological Survey seeks Highly depressed virgins to placate volcano god. Applicants will get 3 days and 2 nights at one of Hawaii's finest hotels followed by a quick ceremony and a relaxing dip in Mount Kilauea's Halema'uma'u lava lake. Be a part of the team and apply today! Non-virgins need not apply.

Millionaire Banker Stabs Cabbie, Charges Dropped -- TYT

cosmovitelli says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

I've got to say, that unless someone has some evidence that the prosecutor's statement is a lie, or they have a confession, I'd more or less agree with dropping the charges. Why would the driver keep silent about the weapon in his possession? Sounds a lot like a drunk guy makes a pretty good target.

OK if this was a junkie skinhead attacker and the victim was a virgin princess would you say the same?
I'm assuming you are from some oligarch/monarchist society where one person is better than the other or you wouldn't dare speak such hateful hypocrisy in the open.. would you also let him fuck your wife on your wedding night? This is what trials are for brother, some of us are glad the middle ages are over..

Felix Baumgartner freefalls at 1000kph

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Mauru:

Seems like the core of the question is if human achievement requires branding.

No, but it does require money. This was not a cheap endeavour and sponsorship is one of the more reliable ways of paying for it.

>> ^Mauru:

I wonder- has anyone ever checked if any of those (max speed, max height, ...) actually carry the brand-name they were achieved under with it?
Is it like the redbull height record or the virgin speed record? The malboro weather balloon?

The records themselves (outside of being catalogued by Guinness) are not branded. I assume the apparatus used to break the record is mentioned.

Felix Baumgartner freefalls at 1000kph

Mauru says...

Seems like the core of the question is if human achievement requires branding.
I wonder- has anyone ever checked if any of those (max speed, max height, ...) actually carry the brand-name they were achieved under with it?

Is it like the redbull height record or the virgin speed record? The malboro weather balloon?

I guess as long as that does not hold true I can aprecciate the idea and work, doesnt mean I have to like this shitty video representation of it though.

Bottles beware! He has a Katana

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