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spoco2 (Member Profile)

Beyonce Gives Taylor Swift her acceptance speech

schmawy (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

I'm glad you liked it.

Also, if you still want to keep the Motorhead video on the Wheels channel page, you'll need to replace the one that's there, because the audio was swapped with classical piano music (because the record label forced him to remove the audio portion). Here's where you can find an embed to replace it, and it shouldn't go dead or be altered because it's hosted by Spike TV - a division of Viacom that's deep in cahoots with the music industry:

Or if you want to replace it with the choo-choo video that's cool. Change is good. I won't throw a tantrum. I think.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
You know me too well. Thanks. I might make it the wheels channel page video, but I still love the motorhead one I got from you. I don't even know it it's still there, now I think about it.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Something for your inner engineer:

Robot Chicken - Magical Unicorn Mayonnaise

Behold: The 10th Annual Redneck Olympics

Jay-Z - Death of Autotune (Live at BET Awards 2009)

Jay-Z - Death of Autotune (Live at BET Awards 2009)

Chappelle's Show - Slow Motion

Nitro Circus - Monster Truck Back Flip

Fox News' Video Cropping Shenanigans

enoch says...

kids kids kids..
no need to argue,
their is plenty of crapola for everyone.
so play nice and share-fair.
you both are actually agreeing,
yet caught up in semantics...BLAAAAH.
thats boring.

i have stated this on a different thread,
second times the charm.
maybe i can help put some perspective and context here.
/rubs hands together..
/takes a big breath...
the number one lobbyist in america is NOT..
big oil..
big pharma..
nor the health insurance industry.
its it.../drum roll
broadcast,print and televised.
they spend THREE times what the number two lobbyist spend (big oil)
in order to influence legislators to vote on favorable legislation
A.K.A MONEY,the green,cash,profits
up until the mid 70's television news was NON-profit.
it was a badge of honor to be the most trusted news in television.
that changed in late 70's.
news become FOR-profit.
which meant they now had to start generating revenue.
ever wonder why we were subjected to an almost 24hr barrage of anna nicole?
because we live in a country of semi-retards who wanted to see anna nicole.
ratings go up?
sometimes as much as 47%.
in 1993 michael powell(yes..he is colin's son) head of the FCC at the time,
allowed single ownership of multi-outlet media companies.
and so america gave birth to the mighty media conglomerate:
disney..viacom..and murdoch's FOX.
leaving america with only 5 owners for its media.
/takes a breath...
ok,now that i have posted SOME relevant history.
lets take a look at what this means.
lets get some context here.
we have three branches of government:
executive,judicial and legislative.
but we also have an unofficial fourth.
its called the fourth estate.
freedom of the press anybody?
who would like some extra credit and tell me which federalist paper addressed this very issue?worth 100 pts.
the fourth estates job was to WATCH the elected and the powerful.
basically rat out any wrong-doing in public office.
and for almost 200 years,this system worked relatively well.
but when an institution relies on the very people it was designed to expose
for its very financial existence.
how willing would that institution be to expose...anything?
to risk losing access,beneficial legislation,maybe even their well-crafted monopoly.
answer=they wont and they dont.
they will not risk profit for journalistic truth.
they is in every corporate charter,profit comes before all else.
the losers are the public at large.
who have to "sift" through the massive amount of jargon,half stories and outright bullshit,to get to any modecum of context.
the american media no longer works for the public trust.
they work for those who pay their bills,and give sweetheart deals,so they can retain access and keep the cash flowing.

/wipes brow
while some media companies are more egregious in their attempts to obfuscate
than others (FOX),
all have their hands in the cookie jar,
and all of them no longer work for us.

Who are the Real Pirates?

Colbert Gets The Space Station Tread Mill Named After Him

In The Flesh - Pink Floyd

NadaGeek says...

ok,,vh1 classics keeps showing this movie ,,YEA!!
but , this scene , at the start where he is pointing out his enemies,, the queers , the coons IS CUT .
i just don't get it, yes the language is offensive , but it makes the point .
the guy has flipped his wig and is going mad with hate , so he picks on those most different.
watch the the eunuch version sometime,,you'll end up wanting to slightly slap some viacom exec silly.

VideoSift 4.0 Roundtable (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

As edeot already mentioned, I also believe nested comments would be great. The threads would be more interesting and/or entertaining if this were available. Other ideas:

1. I've said it a hundred times before, but it bears repeating: More video hosts. Here are some solid hosts that have had a presence on the internet for over a couple of years already:

- FunnyOrDie
- 5MinLife
- - Sure, it's a German-language host, but they already have many videos here.
- Current TV
- Reuters - hopefully that will encourage more world news videos

BTW, none of those are region-blocked

2. Fix Vimeo and CollegeHumor so that sub-Gold members can post videos. It's my understanding that they're unable to post videos from them right now.

3. Replace the iFilm logo with Spike TV, because that's what iFilm became well over a year ago. Go ahead and type in '' and see what happens. iFilm is no más. And then fix it so that sub-Gold members can embed their videos.

4. Thumbnails, thumbnails, thumbnails! I'm not talking about thumbnails for every video site under the sun; just give us thumbnail pictures for all of our approved hosts. Right now none of these approved hosts have thumbnail pictures:

- Google
- The Onion
- VideoJug
- Spike TV (formerly iFilm)
- MySpace
- Yahoo!
- DailyMotion
- MTV Music
- Comedy Central
- Hulu
- Game Trailers
- Veoh

In fact we only have seven out of the 20 approved hosts that have thumbnail pics. Those are CollegeHumor, YouTube, Metacafe, Vimeo, Break, Revver, and LiveLeak. If you want people to post from more approved sites, I think you need to give us more thumbnail pics. They usually boost vote tallies, as most experienced members already know.

BTW, both Atom Films and Comedy Central use the MTV Music player, so if you can get thumbnail pics for MTV Music videos then you should be able to do the same for Atom Films and Comedy Central, which are both owned by Viacom. Viacom also owns Spike TV, but they still use a different player than the others I just mentioned.

5. Get rid of both the hobbling and Siftquisition features. Like I said before, they're good ideas in theory, but in practice they've done more harm than good.

6. Give us the option to block any user from commenting on our profile pages. This should hopefully lead to less squabbling.

7. Put up all the unassigned channels for bid, going to the members with the most star points. We have too many unassigned channels, and many of those get misused because of this.

8. Provided it doesn't significantly increase bandwidth or other operational costs, give us a game room. The membership was in favor of it, so make it so, but ONLY if it doesn't increase your costs significantly.

9. Crown members get the privilege of prima noctis with probationary members, as God has ordained it our right.

CBS: Jon Stewart Is Right

NetRunner says...

^ You're right, CBS is owned by Viacom.

However, it still takes guts for any journalist to admit Stewart is right, since the whole thing was an indictment of modern TV news reporting, specifically with regard to the economic crisis, though most of his commentary could have been (and has been) about the Iraq war and how the press handled that as well.

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