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Karl Pilkington Gets His Prostate Examined Under Duress

Skeeve says...

The problem is that people do get treated unnecessarily.

The real problem, though, is that doctors do not have a reliable way to determine which of these very small cancers that are caught by a biopsy are potentially dangerous and which will never bother a man in his lifetime. (Indeed, autopsy studies show that more than half of men in their 50s and three quarters of men in their 80s in the U.S. had prostate cancer but died of something else.)[...]Such ambiguity would not be so bad if the treatments were virtually risk free.[...] Surgery (open radial prostatectomy) often results in urinary leakage [...] damage to the nearby muscle that controls urination may lead to incontinence. [...] Meanwhile, the nerves and blood vessels controlling erections may be severed during surgery, causing erectile dysfunction (impotence).[...] Radiation therapy of the prostate often ends up damaging the rectum and bladder because it is hard to avoid radiation scatter[...] Moreover, rectal bleeding and fecal soiling are frequent but commonly unreported side effects of both radiation therapy (including radioactive seed implants) and surgical approaches.

People do get treated unnecessarily. And those treatments have side effects that can be far worse than living with the cancer. Only 4 percent of prostate cancers spread to the bones or organs. Medical organizations now advise that asymptomatic men should not have routine screening unless they have a strong family history of prostate cancer.>> ^alien_concept:

@Yogi Perhaps because it's the most common form of cancer here in the UK and so many men remain undiagnosed because they're too scared to have it done and he though, fuck it. I dunno. Because it was funny and he knew it would be? I don't really understand what's dangerous about it @Skeeve? I can guarantee you that here they wouldn't treat anyone unnecessarily here on the NHS

Pranking The Police

Car disintegrates.

Porksandwich says...

As I think it's relevant to the discussion and it was left as a little quasi threat on my profile.

In reply to this comment by BoneRemake:
Disagree with what ? your intent or interpretation of the events in the video are completely void because of this statement " Our definition of "snuff" does include but is not exclusive to any short clip in which a human fatality occurs whether or not any victims are actually visible on camera. ?

Is clearly is in violation of the posted rules. I'd make a big stink about it if it was 2 pm and not 2 am. I'll do it in the morning

Please do make a big stink, this site has a lot of rules that don't get enforced until someone gets a bug up their ass about it. And without enforcement whose to know what videos are allowed or not when my video CLOSELY resembles some of the videos I've linked below. And I'll say right now that you putting extra tags on my video was in poor taste and mocks the events of the video. I don't think you are the right person to be making judgements on my videos when you can mock the video with those tags.

These are the videos I found in the first 20 pages of the "death" channel. - Has a short intro screen and a exit screen. No news coverage, no documentary claims. It would fall under your rule, yet it's been voted very high up there and no one complained. - This video was taken down by youtube because it showed a guy dieing in it. The comments on THIS SITE even reflect it. No one ever questioned it. - I can't confirm those men on the ground are dieing or dead. It shows corpses, wounds and all being defiled for ENTERTAINMENT of the troops. I'd classify this as snuff. - Shows a building where 100+ people died. - Shows the tv footage of a car crash where the driver died. No informative news network or documentary. Snuff. - Shows a plane crash, no news or documentary. Snuff. - Shows footage of WTC where we know people were dieing inside. We can't see them dieing, but that rule still applies. Snuff. - Police office shoots a man to death. Snuff. Stage collapses people die. Snuff. - Police kill a guy on film. Snuff. - I didn't watch this one all the way through. Video Submitter claims death occurs in it. Could be animal, could be people. You watch it and decide if it's snuff...I saw some animals attacking people but never saw the outcome to tell if they were dead or not.

Legalize Everything - Senator Einstein Gives Us A Song

eric3579 says...

When you look on this stage
Under all these bright lights,
You just see some guys
That you don't really like
At all, grow some balls
When you choose tonight!

But if you vote for me
You'll be doin the country
A really, really big favor--trust me, you can thank me later
When I legalize everything

I can guarantee you'll be
Much, much more happy
With me
I can satisfy all your needs
For shady activities
As you please, like

Prostitutes and drugs
Panda skin rugs
Automatic weapons
Exposin your erections

It's high time
You vote for Einstein
I'll legalize everything

Euthanizin old people
Poachin bald eagles
I'll fire the regulators
Of asbestos toilet paper

It's high time for Einstein
I'll legalize everythiiiiing

If you vote for him
You'll be helpin the nation
- God's favorite nation -
Live like the founding fathers did
And never have to bother with
Laws against anything

He can guarantee you'll be
Much more happy and free
If you wanna see tyranny's demise
Realized we should legalize

Public urination
Without taxation
Buying the election
Exposin our erections!
You got it!
It's high time you vote for Einstein
I'll legalize everything:

Extreme religious sex/sects
Interspecies sex/sects
If you're wondering how i spelled those
Then you'll just have to guess ...

It's high time for Einstein
He'll legalize everythiiiiiing
Every single
Smokable, drinkable thiiiiiiing

wave pool in Tokyo is invading your personal space

Truck Driver Destroys 25,000 Bottles Of Beer In 5 Seconds

Diogenes (Member Profile)

Marines Urinate on Dead Afghans

notarobot says...

How we treat our dead is equally as important as how we treat the living.
>> ^MrMark4000:

I'm not seeing the problem here. They were shot dead. They should not have been fighting in the first place knowing they would be killed. Soldiers need to be allowed to be soldiers. Many of the U.S. Soldiers are busy getting themselves killed because corrupt Afghan officials keep Fing things up. If soldiers could be soldiers and not peace keepers there would be no war because everyone in Afganistan would be dead that fought back. Instead we try our best not to insult the population and putting ourselves into bad situations with a No Win Scenario. What is really worse: Peeing on a dead body or bombing city after city with incendiary bombs (WW2)? We should treat this war exactly as the Taliban do to beat the Taliban. We call ourselves an Advanced Society, but if we really were advanced we would not have the need to fight. Besides, an uneducated society is not working on the same level as the U.S. Morals are the last thing on the Taliban's minds.

Marines Urinate on Dead Afghans

Diogenes says...

Details: CNN article

As both a human being and a former US Marine, I find this behavior deplorable and sickening. I hope that these individuals are quickly identified and face the full extent of the law.

Not only are the actions barbaric, but they also threaten to undo any "good" our mission in Afghanistan has tried to achieve; it undermines whatever positive influence we may yet possess on the Arab Street; it emboldens our enemies and critics; and it disgraces USMC forces who have and continue to serve with honor.

Whee for Wee!

bareboards2 says...

I think these will be a huge failure -- at least in terms of a clean urinal station. There will always be those who will test the boundaries, yeah? Can I pee in the next urinal? What happens if I pee too far left, too far right?

I predict pee splash. EVERYWHERE.

New drug kills fat cells

Payback says...

>> ^deathcow:

Try using HCG... OMG does that work.... I mean, its positively surreal. My parents, overweight for 20 years, just deflated to normal size. You lose a pound a day I think.
Personally, I like the eat right and exercise idea. However... I have seen enough HCG results to know that after I do another round of eating right and exercising, and my abs STILL dont show... I am going to do a round of HCG to shrinkwrap myself.

Yes. Everyone should consume the urine of pregnant women.

No really, Google it.

Ken Shimura's Skit and Frozen Urine.

"Corporate America is Using Our Police Depts as Hired Thugs"

ghark says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

News from the Internet -- FTW

Agreed, mainstream TV news is so disconnected from the real issues. I think back to my childhood, I remember my grandparents thought of the evening 6 o'clock news being the most important half hour of the day. Being spoon fed a variety of fear mongering stories by a model with a serious face and smooth voice the following:

Catchy musical intro...
Tsunami expected....
Another rape...
Rugby player caught urinating in public...
Serious issue of the day...
Some breaking news about new bank fees...


A murder conviction for a famous person's ex-lover..
Corruption in the animal petting zoo society..
Some more rape, and a stabbing in broad daylight...
Stocks are up in Asia, but the FTSE index is down...
Some sports team won something...
It's raining... (thank GOD I watched the news to find that out, instead of looking outside!)

Thank god for the internet.

Cow Urine Cocktail

EMPIRE says...

of course the ignorant healer with no medical knowledge knows that cow urine is good for you. I mean... it's not like they worship cows in India or anything right?

Yeah, I'm sure the cow urine, and not the western medicine he used, was what cured his cancer.

Oscar winner Tom Hanks sure does pee a lot

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