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App that Sees for Blind People

Fausticle says...

Actually I think it uses Amazon's Mechanical Turk. That means they pay real people on the other end to identify the photo.

Check it out here

The going rate for photo identification is about 2 cents for 5 photos identified. This is paid to the person who takes the contract on Mechanical Turk.

Here is TapTapSee's subscription model.

50 Picture Pack for $4.99 (no time limit)
100 Picture Pack for $7.99 (no time limit)
One Month of Unlimited Pictures for $9.99
Three Months of Unlimited Pictures for $24.99

A.I. that can identify objects using picture is not here yet. At least not like what you would believe watching the above video.

Here is a video about actual A.I. object recognition and what it involves.

Sniper007 said:

That's pretty wicked sick object recognition. I suppose your object needs to be in their database, but even then, I'd love to see that algorithm. I did some work with OCR and it's no joke.

Morality and the Christian God - Sam Harris

Lawdeedaw says...

Why did we make penicillin? Because we all have unlimited happiness and no sickness or death? Or because of my argument? We learn such happiness through successes such as medicine. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just the way life is. We see colors by the contrasts.

Also, you argue that you are "pretty sure Harris is aware" which means "I am just bullshitting and have nothing more to add." Does he? He hates Christianity so much I doubt it; also, and would it matter? I mean all blacks, I mean Christians, are alike. When we hate all blacks, I mean Christians, the exceptions don't matter. They all like fried chicken, have big lips and have little education.

I have to point this distinction out because Harris hunts ALL Christians with his argument, and so spreads out the batshit arguments against them as applying to ALL of them.

BicycleRepairMan said:

This argument is certainly dumber by far. On this logic, we should never have invented vaccines or penicillin, after all, these medical advances, and countless others, means we are bereaved of thousands of opportunities to fuel our happiness with tragedy every day.. Trying to justify tragedy by Gods pragmatism is nonsensical on so many levels.

And yeah, there is more than one Christian denomination, and many of them contradict each other, I'm pretty sure Harris is aware of this fact. However, he is arguing against a common or at least widespread interpretation, and the logical consequences of such an interpretation. I believe this video is from a debate with William Lane Craig, who is a catholic, which may explain why it seems to be focused on classic catholic themes (Suffering of Jesus, threat of hell etc.) If you don't believe in hell, then obviously many of the arguments in this video does not apply. Fine. Many believe in hell, thus the arguments applies to those people.

The Problem with Civil Obedience

Trancecoach says...

Actually, 99% of human behavior is entirely anarchic. I make millions of large and small transactions with other humans on a daily basis which have absolutely zero government involvement, whatsoever. Billions of other people on the planet do the exact same thing. Daily. Government is a fiction by which some people live at the expense of everyone else.

Even Somalia, as you may have seen, grew and improved on almost all counts after the government collapsed, built more roads and infrastructure during its 20 years without government than it did with the government.

What we have now, with a centralized government, is (because people, let alone government, is far from omniscient) more of a "planned chaos," by which little to nothing is fully known as to the long term of effects of anything that the government imposes. At least, without government, we work within natural laws and an emergent order. Instead, what we have now is "positive laws" (imposed by governments) which regulate some people at the expense of the many, while benefiting a very few.

And I think you should learn your history before you suggest that "might-makes-right" argument has shaped the arc of civilization. One cannot make the honest case that government is not behind the worst, most egregious crimes against humanity known to man, with its ability to generate unlimited money to spend on mobilizing huge military empires so "the people's" proxy can drone foreigners to death, or lock them up in Guantanamo or anywhere else, or spy on all their communications, or make them all poor though inflation, or regulate their existence to the most minute detail, or provide them with bad healthcare or any number of other things that government can do.

Not me. I'm joining the billions of people throughout history (from the Puritans, to the American Revolutionaries, to the millions of emigrants via Ellis Island, to millions of refugees, to all those air lifted from Saigon, to all those Americans whose relatives fled from China, Korea, Vietnam, Iran, or anyplace where there's war, or famine, or economic devastation) who decided to opt out of government, and to voluntarily exit the charade.

"But, hey, if you like your government, you can keep it."

Asmo said:

You're ignoring the entire record of human history... No gov. means a void that people will try to fill. How many warlords are there in Somalia?

From chaos and disorder, the wielder of the biggest club will eventually float to the top. Whether that club is literal (feudal/tribal) or a democratic faction, or a totalitarian regime/police state is immaterial.

But hey, the internet is the panacea for the furious crowd. Now people can soapbox day and night as they order in pizza and consume litres of sugar filled beverages before ordering something else pointless on the internet. Slacktivism at it's finest.

Apathy is the new outrage and it's all the rage.

Accident causes an Accident!

andybesy says...

This is why when riding a motorcycle it's safer to filter between lanes of slow moving or stationery traffic, rather than to sit stationery on the end of the queue.

That's entirely legal within the UK so long as it's done safely. I think in the US it varies from state to state, or is it just California where that's allowed?

I was riding through Germany early this year where filtering isn't allowed, and although for the most part the standard of driving was very good, the speeds are also very high (unlimited - often anywhere between 100 and 150mph). When hitting congestion I didn't half feel vulnerable without being allowed to filter. Wouldn't like to be hit on my bike like shown in this video.


enoch (Member Profile)

Trancecoach says...

I recently read an interesting anecdote that illustrates some reasons why American healthcare is more expensive and at the same time, the only place in which you can get "better" care than in some of the European "socialist utopias." The reason for this is because socialized medicine restricts what medical services you can get in order to keep the costs low. In the U.S.A., people don't want that so they ask for both unlimited medical care and socialized medicine. At inflated prices. So the U.S.A. ends up spending much more than other places for medical care. But you have access to more services. This is the result of the unsustainable system in which we're living. It's an interesting anecdote, if you have the time to read it.

Also, you had said that "poor" people cannot afford the preventive approach, alternative ways to stay healthy. This is an inaccurate generalization, and completely untrue. But, still, even so, do you honestly think that the socialized healthcare systems in the European utopias that you mention would pay for preventative care like eating healthy food, doing yoga, seeing an acupuncturist regularly, buying herbs from a naturopath, going to the gym, or anything else that's not the "standard" and "approved" medicine that those health systems recognize as "legitimate" healthcare?

My Italian visiting friend happens to be a Feldenkrais practitioner. Do you think that European socialized healthcare pays for people to go see him to prevent later knee or hip replacements or back surgeries? Do you know what health "insurance" in these countries pays for or what it doesn't?

If anything, health insurance encourages people to not do these preventive things and just go see a doctor and/or take some pills because doing that is cheaper as insurance pays for it while they have to pay for the preventive stuff out of pocket. "Cut it or drug it" is the insurance company's motto. A socialized healthcare system would be no different.

It's sure quiet on VS. (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Maybe peeps bees burnt-out on the newest 00's sensation...
YouTube Media Blitzkrieg Overdrive² + Unlimited/Legally-elusive Torrent Downloading/ the fact that we've seen everything there is to see in the form of the rapidly-deteriorating human comedy??

Or maybe there's a sign written in visible ink on the door that reads, "Private Party: Participants Scrutinized With Tweezers By Red Bull Addicted Gamers and Star Wars Fans."

Love you antman, you are part of the glue that keeps this ship's keel intact

11-yr-old performs Maurice Ravel's Menuet Antique

lucky760 says...


Interesting "piano bench." (To give the child a lift?)

I've always wished I could play piano. I bought an electric piano a few years ago and started teaching myself. The furthest I got was playing The Entertainer. There just aren't enough hours in the day. So I guess I'll have to force my children to master it on my behalf.

That's one thing I love about Groundhog Day, fantasizing about having unlimited time to learn all the things there isn't enough time for in reality.

Procrastinatron (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

You do fit right in. I don't know what took you so long to take the plunge!

I like the unlimited characters as well! There's probably a cut off at some point. I dont know for sure since I've never written THAT much before...hey, there's a challenge for you...keep writing until you get cut off.

Procrastinatron said:

Again, thanks.

And really, it's mostly because videosift somehow seems to lend itself especially well to intelligent conversation. Most members seem to be adults who, even if they sometimes have strong ideological leanings, don't seem to be TOO stupid. On average, at least. Also, no limits on the amount of characters, and... that helps. So much. So very, very much.

Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!

RFlagg says...

My love affair with Libertarianism was crushed by reality. I was a big Libertarian, pushing for Ron Paul up until the actual election of 2008 (I pushed Paul through the primaries). Then the company I worked for at the time sent a memo saying that if Obama won, and put his tax plans in place, they would have to fire over 300 people. Then before Obama even was in office, the company fired 350+ people, and sent a memo to the rest of us that there would be no raises (nobody at that company but the executives have had raises since) as the company couldn't afford it, and claimed that the cost of living went down anyhow. The owner then went out and purchased a private jet and another mansion in a gated community where he already had the second largest mansion in it. I called BS on that, as did a few others. I then started looking at the rich and corporations as a whole and started doing some real studies, not just Libertarian propaganda, and realized that they wouldn't operate on the rational interests of society, but would gladly screw over anyone just to advance their own short term self interests. That owner who fired over 1000 people and kept everyone else under his employ at the same pay rates over 5 years wasn't an aberration, he was the norm, a very high percentage norm. Libertarians are under a delusion that corporations and the rich will act in the rational interests of society, but they could care less about anyone but themselves, and that isn't misusing the phrase "could care less" because less than 2-3% of them care about what would be best for society as a whole, and sure I'm pulling that figure out of my ass, but I'm sure I'm being generous with that guess).

It became clear that without minimum wages, companies like McDonalds and Walmart would gladly pay their workers $1 or $2 an hour. The Libertarian response that people just wouldn't work there then, is BS, because nobody really wants to work at those places for minimum like they do now. The workers would be stuck, just like they were in the days prior to labor unions and minimum wage laws. The 40 hour work week that we have the unions to thank for, would be gone, as companies paid less, people would be forced to work more, and with the Libertarian ideal of removing overtime laws and other pay laws, people would end up working 80 to 100 hour work weeks just to make what used to be minimum. I'm sure we would see child labor return too, as families would have no choice but to put their kids to work to help make ends meet.

It became clear that without government in the way they would gladly pollute and destroy the environment if it means better short term profits and if they don't have to worry about paying clean up costs later, and in a Libertrian world, they won't have to pay for the clean up costs later as nobody would force them to.

I still believe in individual freedom. I believe drug laws are an impairment to individual freedom, the right to do with your body as you will. I don't believe that a company has unlimited freedom, corporations are not people my friend. I believe in the social contract, that we have an obligation to help lift people up, and the only way to do that is via a government that is designed to help those that need it, and that taxes must be collected to achieve that. I believe that if we teach people that greed is bad, to work in the rational interests of all, then we could eventually get rid of government, but it is needed for now to overcome those that would abuse the people. Bring government back to the people and away from the corporations and rich.

Egypt: 12 Y.O. Boy Discusses Revolutionary Politics

chingalera says...

Staged or not, the subtitles speak the sobering truth of the planet at-large. The difference between a kid with a head full of sports statistics and one abreast of regional religious extremes and government abuse is the difference between growing-up watching cartoons and playing XBOX and being raised amidst the sounds of mortars and helping your mother raise your siblings while dad is out chewing Khat and talking Muslim smack with his buddies.

What we need is an immediate alternative to fossil fuels in the form of unlimited free power and a worldwide routing of all assholes who hold the power now-In the next world war, the blood in the streets should only be blue.

Cloud Storage (Sift Talk Post)

radx says...

Is a run-of-the-mill root server not an option?

At least over here, a decent root server² costs considerably less³ than any cloud service and it allows you to run an encrypted Debian squeeze as well as truecrypt containers for the bulk of the data.

²: 50€ a month, 6TB of storage, 10TB of traffic @ 100MBit/s, unlimited @ 10MBit/s
³: shared with three friends, 12.50€ for 1.5TB

Nice apartments for cheap...what's the catch?

chingalera says...

The entire approach needs to look like a target from the air to pilots and pasengers with no visible sign of the affectation du arte on the ground and structures used to create the illusion-Also, they should have unlimited squinchy ear-plug dispensers in the lobby-I'd live there and party (naked when called-for)on the frikkin' roof, NIGHTLY!

Bradley Manning goes to trial

lantern53 says...

I served in the Army. I had a top secret clearance. Anyone with half an ounce of brain matter knows you do not release classified information. And especially not to some foreign muckraker. If you have a story, you give it to Woodward and Bernstein, maybe. But unless you want to reap the whirlwind, you don't sow the wind. Manning is reaping what he sowed.

Also, I have nothing against social programs as long as it is a small percentage of what is being spent by the gov't. You can't have unlimited spending with limited income. It's irresponsible and detrimental to the economy on the whole.

Crazy Lady Doesn't Like Skateboarding, or Little Bastards

chingalera says...

I used my skateboard for my primary means of transportation while living in San Francisco-Once, a cop approached me (never had been for 2 years while on my daily commute) quite gruffly with obvious control issues telling me to get off the board now. I did, and he proceeded to rant about ordinances and threaten me with arrest. I reminded him that I had immediately complied and began walking away from him. He escalated his rant, I dropped the board, mounted and sailed away.

My only encounter with the po-po on a board happened to be with a dickhead. I run from dickheads, especially alphas with issues that have been given unlimited power to fuck me.

All that to say, these skaters were dicks and had it been my property, I'd have taken the kids board and cracked his deck on my property, then given it back....or perhaps I would have simply pummeled them with eggs, grease, water, etc. from a window.

Realtime PhysX Position Based Fluids Demonstration

ChaosEngine says...

Sure, and with unlimited computing power that's exactly what you'd do.

Meanwhile, back in the real world there are serious computational constraints placed on any real time rendering system.

So, once again, the goal is not to accurately model water, the goal is to look like you're accurately modelling water.

The same thing happens with physics engines in games.

non_sequitur_per_se said:

Well lets see...if it EXACTLY REPLICATES what real water would do then I'd say that would "fool the user". So that should be the goal. So don't kid yourself. The goal is to accurately model what real water would do.

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