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You have no right to remain silent in Henrico County.

Police officer deals with open carry activist

deedub81 jokingly says...

Just how many tax dollars did they waste? The life of police officers (and military persons, for that matter) is mostly a waiting game. Tons of wasted downtime (dollars).

[edit: For the record, I'm glad those two douche bags got schooled. I love how he starts citing paragraph numbers and amendment numbers and the officer interrupts him. "Enough with the rules."]
>> ^KnivesOut:

What a couple of fucking douche-bags. Hoping upon hope for a confrontation, and then so woefully disappointed when "the man" didn't play into their plans.
Had they been carrying holstered, semi-automatic pistols then SURE, all that bullshit about semi vs. full auto might have been justified, but no, you're carrying FUCKING SUBMACHINE GUNS. Let's just wander around with grenade launchers on our backs and then act offended when the man stops us.
Thanks for wasting our tax dollars you fucking idiots.

Dark Cristal, RobotChicken's Dark Crystal sequal

Sagemind says...

I never even considered a sequel to Dark Crystal - Now I want one!

... Just don't let those two douche-bags handle the job!!

Edit: There is no possible script that could continue off the last one - so Prequel??

The The Impotence of Proofreading

lucky760 says...

Transcribed for your reading pleasure (or torture):

The The Impotence of Proofreading

Has this ever happened to you? You work very, very hoard on a paper for English clash and still get a very glow grade on it like a D or even a D= and all because you are the liverwurst spoiler in the whale wide word. Yes, proofreading your peppers is a matter of the the utmost impotence.

Now, this is a problem that affects manly, manly students all over the word. I, myself, was such a bed spiller once upon a term that my English torturer in my sophomoric year, Mrs. Myth, she said that I was never gonna get into a good colleague. And that's all I wanted. That's all any kid wants at that age, just to get into a good colleague. And not just anal community colleague either because I am not the kind of guy who would be happy at just anal community colleague. I knead to be challenged, challenged menstrually. I knead a place that can offer me intellectual simulation.

So, I no this probably makes me sound like a stereo, but I really felt that I could get into an ivory legal colleague. So, if I did knot improvement than gone wood bee my dream of going to Harvard, jail, prison-- you know, in prison, New Jersey. So, I got myself a spell checker and I figured I was awn sleazy street, butt there are several missed aches that a spell checker can't can't catch catch.

For instant, if you accidentally leave out word, you're spell checker won't put it in you. And god for billing purposes only you should have serial problems with Tori Spelling, your spell check off may end up using a word that you had absolutely no detention of using because, I mean, what do you want it to douche? Ya' know-- No... It only does what you tell it two douche. You're the one sitting in front of the computer scream with your hand on the mouth going, "Clit. Clit. Clit."

Just goes to show you how embargo one little clit of the mouth can bee, witch reminds me of this won thyme during my Junior Mint. The teacher took the paper that eye had written on a Sale of Two Titties-- No, I'm serial! I'm serial-- She read it out loud in front of all of my ass mates. It was quite possibly one of the most humidifying experiences I have ever had being laughed at like that pubicly.

So, do yourself a flavor and follow these two Pisces of advice: 1) There is know prostitute four careful editing of your own work, no prostitute whatsoever; and 2hree) When it comes to proofreading, the red penis your friend. Spank you.

One thing I didn't get is in "I no this probably makes me sound like a stereo," what is stereo supposed to be?

McCain & Obama have an awkward moment at the Debate

rottenseed says...

downvote because two douches not shaking each others' hands makes for a boring video that nobody will ever need in the archive of videos. I will never say "remember that video of obama and mccain not shaking hands? I wanna see that again"

I'm back to the middle again, fuck mccain, fuck obama.

Cop Pot-Burger Eater Outraged After Verdict

TheSofaKing says...

The idiocy contained in the comments so far is really quite staggering. Do you people really think that the officer in question is upset because he has some irrational fear of 'getting high', or that he thinks he could have died of a weed overdose?

Police officers depend on their judgment and ability to think quickly. During the course of one shift, their lives, their fellow officers lives and the lives of the citizens they protect could depend on them being at the top of their game... not unknowingly under the influence of a narcotic.

Everyone here who thinks no 'serious harm' could have resulted from the actions of these two douche bags, and that no serious punishment was called for should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

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