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TED: How To Use One Paper Towel

spoco2 says...

Add my vote to the amazement that paper towel dispensers are still around. The airblade ones are awesome, and if you can't get 'satisfied' by using one of those, I'm not sure what the hell you want from your hand drying experience?

TED: How To Use One Paper Towel

artician says...

This is a good idea.

And I'll use paper towels any day before any electric dryer. They never satisfy me, even the airblade ones. That said, I usually justify my use (of my single towel, take that TED), by blowing my nose with it afterwards.

TED: How To Use One Paper Towel

Unsung_Hero says...

>> ^Unsung_Hero:

If someone were to have told me yesterday that today I'd be spending nearly 5 minutes watching a video of someone drying their hands over and over again, I would have called them mad.
...Yet, here I am.

I even upvoted. Fancy that.

TED: How To Use One Paper Towel

hamsteralliance says...

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

Are electric hand-dryers that rare in the US?

They're definitely not rare in California and Colorado; but they're almost always really crappy ones that just make a lot of noise and don't do a thing to dry your hands.

We need more of those crazy Airblade ones. Those dry your hands like the world is going to end if your hands aren't dried immediately.

TED: How To Use One Paper Towel

TED: How To Use One Paper Towel

TED: How To Use One Paper Towel

volumptuous (Member Profile)

TED: How To Use One Paper Towel

TED: How To Use One Paper Towel

RhesusMonk says...

Progressive thinking at its finest.>> ^entr0py:

This is a good plan if you don't mind flicking water all over your shirt and pants. And if you've gone that far you might as well be a hero, wipe your hands on your clothes and be done with it.

Skeeve (Member Profile)

Cat Climbs Girl, Seems Comfortable

Cat Climbs Girl, Seems Comfortable

Cat Towel Head

What the people want

ctrlaltbleach says...

For this reason I did not place the sift in Comedy.

Also I think we all live with different levels of idiocy it is foolish to believe in perfection. >> ^sillma:

>> ^ctrlaltbleach:
Yes but are you calculating the numerous oh shits that can happen? I once did this same trick except on my hand and with a can of Bianca. I had done this trick many times before no problem I put the fire out but before I could notice it caught on fire again and burned my hand pretty badly.
>> ^robbersdog49:
Fire is only dangerus when you don't have any safety equipment. The fact that he could calmly and quickly put it out with the damp towel they had ready makes me think the eia channel probably isn't warranted.

Well, you're obviously more retarded than he is.
The vid itself lacks in funny.

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