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At 80mph How Long Does It Take To Go 80 Miles?

therealblankman says...

>> ^Barseps:

>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^PHJF:
>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^PHJF:
Trick question, without knowing the speed's vector direction one could very well end up exactly where one started while traveling at a constant 80 miles per hour.

But--you will have traveled 80 miles.

Not true my good sir, for you see we are all at this very moment hurtling through space at great velocity! The only correct answer to the man's question was "not enough information given, please reexamine your query."

If you are traveling at 80mph--no matter what the directional component of the vector is--at the end of one hour your wheels will have covered 80 miles of distance.

Of course, I'm not considering the Earth's rotation, or the motion of the Earth compared to the sun, or of the sun compared to the galaxy, or of the galaxy compared to the Local Group, or of the Local Group compared to the Great Attractor.

The tides, the tides....don't forget the tides. The MOON plays it's part as well y'know, if you don't believe me, just ask any werewolf.

But what if I'm carrying a coconut?

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

At 80mph How Long Does It Take To Go 80 Miles?

Barseps says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^PHJF:
>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^PHJF:
Trick question, without knowing the speed's vector direction one could very well end up exactly where one started while traveling at a constant 80 miles per hour.

But--you will have traveled 80 miles.

Not true my good sir, for you see we are all at this very moment hurtling through space at great velocity! The only correct answer to the man's question was "not enough information given, please reexamine your query."

If you are traveling at 80mph--no matter what the directional component of the vector is--at the end of one hour your wheels will have covered 80 miles of distance.

Of course, I'm not considering the Earth's rotation, or the motion of the Earth compared to the sun, or of the sun compared to the galaxy, or of the galaxy compared to the Local Group, or of the Local Group compared to the Great Attractor.

The tides, the tides....don't forget the tides. The MOON plays it's part as well y'know, if you don't believe me, just ask any werewolf.

'Sheds with Beds' - London's modern day Slums

cosmovitelli says...

>> ^Pprt:

This is the reality of population movement to first world countries.
People abandon developing nations for a meager existence elsewhere. Hundreds of millions have absolutely no hope for their own countries and simply dream of leaving it... what are the hopes for the rest of the world if we allow this to continue?

'Allow' infers some sort of control..western imperial (or post-imperial) powers have as much choice about people following the wealth they extracted as a sandcastle does about the tide coming in.

A Brief History of Geodesy

Hell Hath Frozen Over: Bill O'Reilly Defends Ellen DeGeneres

Hell Hath Frozen Over: Bill O'Reilly Defends Ellen DeGeneres

A Tribute to GOP Debate Audiences

How to react to a phone going off during your solo.

doogle (Member Profile)

Duckman33 says...

*whew!* You never know these days, thought that was out of character for you.

In reply to this comment by doogle:
>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^doogle:
Was the guy expecting to hear Mittens continue with: "Yeah, I'm against it, but don't you worry, punks like you can continue to get away with doping yourself while you leech off the system."

Are you fucking serious with this attitude? Punks like him leaching off the system? So you exoect him to go out and get a job then? Wow.

No, I'm not fucking serious. Take a breather, I had my Mittens hat on, wondering what he'd be saying. Keep up. And take note, I'm from CANADA. Medical MariJane is legal here, and we all have a system open to all, but no one's leeching. Grab your skis, come up and check it out. I hear you're in for a bumpy tide.

Mitt Romney ignoring a dying patient's question

Duckman33 says...

>> ^doogle:

>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^doogle:
Was the guy expecting to hear Mittens continue with: "Yeah, I'm against it, but don't you worry, punks like you can continue to get away with doping yourself while you leech off the system."

Are you fucking serious with this attitude? Punks like him leaching off the system? So you exoect him to go out and get a job then? Wow.

No, I'm not fucking serious. Take a breather, I had my Mittens hat on, wondering what he'd be saying. Keep up. And take note, I'm from CANADA. Medical MariJane is legal here, and we all have a system open to all, but no one's leeching. Grab your skis, come up and check it out. I hear you're in for a bumpy tide.

*whew!* You never know these days, thought that was out of character for you.

Mitt Romney ignoring a dying patient's question

doogle says...

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^doogle:
Was the guy expecting to hear Mittens continue with: "Yeah, I'm against it, but don't you worry, punks like you can continue to get away with doping yourself while you leech off the system."

Are you fucking serious with this attitude? Punks like him leaching off the system? So you exoect him to go out and get a job then? Wow.

No, I'm not fucking serious. Take a breather, I had my Mittens hat on, wondering what he'd be saying. Keep up. And take note, I'm from CANADA. Medical MariJane is legal here, and we all have a system open to all, but no one's leeching. Grab your skis, come up and check it out. I hear you're in for a bumpy tide.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Destroys Bill O'Reilly

IAmTheBlurr says...

I have a hard time believing that you understand the function of the the answer "I don't know" (or "We don't know") or how beneficial it really is.

The human race would have been far better off if we'd spent less time making up bullshit stories about gods and spirits to explain natural phenomenon that we couldn't fathom the mechanisms of. "We don't know" is a far better answer to a question when we really don't know then the answer "a creator did it". It should be highly discouraged to make up an answer when we don't know something. Teachers in American schools do this, they encourage their students to "give it their best guess" when they don't know the answer. That just perpetuates the issue. Saying "I don't know" doesn't prove or disprove anything but it does function as a stopping point in a dialog so we can know where we should investigate next. Answering with anything but "I don't know" when we don't actually know, takes investigation off course into insanity. Sticking a creator in the gaps prevents further exploration of the question, it's an abominable act which stifles critical thinking.

I'm sorry but I don't have faith in a self creating universe just because I don't have the answer as to how it happened and suggesting that I must have faith in that if I don't accept a creator hypothesis is an exercise in a false dilemma.

>> ^shinyblurry:

You can describe all the mechanisms of reality, but in the end, you still have faith in a self-creating Universe. You haven't explained why there is uniformity in nature, but funnily enough, it was the Christian belief of Christian scientists that God created a orderly Universe based on laws that science had the idea that it could suss out those laws by investigating secondary causes. This is why Kepler said he felt like he was thinking Gods thoughts after him. But to explain anything you must explain the first thought. "I don't know" is not an argument against a Creator, nor is explaining the tides physical operation evidence that His hand isn't pulling all the strings.

The Tides Explained -- Bill O'Reilly's enhanced version

GeeSussFreeK says...

I still don't understand why there is a tide on the opposite side of the gravity well of the moon. The bulge under the moon makes sense, but where does that opposite bulge get its energy? Or is it that the mass of water to form the bulge on the gravity side is taken from the perpendicular sides and the far side is only a bulge because of what was taken out of those other sides?

Oil Lobby threatens Obama

ToastyBuffoon says...

I'm no expert when it comes to a global warming debate, but I've been on this Earth for well over 40 years and I'll be damned if I can tell you the last winter in the Detroit area I've been through where I have not once had to shovel snow up to this point in the season. I'll give you a hint: N-E-V-E-R. Something's going on, and it ain't no "tide goes in, tide goes out" bullshit.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^lantern53:
What's happened to our educational institutions?

Idiots like you aren't allowed in them.
Seriously lets look at the facts about the smartest mother fuckers on this planet. They know global warming is occurring.
Anyone who's smarter than Stephen Hawking please stand up and we'll listen to you. Otherwise, nah shut the fuck up.

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