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Hunger Games' Jennifer Lawrence In FAB Letterman Interview

alien_concept says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^shuac:
So much more charming than that dullard Stewart.

I was about to comment as much, but I actually like that Stewart doesn't give a fuck about this shit. Should we really be complimenting people who are good at navigating bullshit talk shows well? I can't think of a more useless skill.
Also to be completely fair The Hunger Games is a much less horrible thing to be attached to than Twilight.
EDIT: It's also nice that Jennifer has some thickness to her, she reminds me of a young(er) Lindsay Lohan...ya know when she was in Mean Girls and wasn't awful.

I agree with both of you. She is much better and more engaging than Kristen Stewart, but I also love that she's terrible at it, that she's far too awkward and weird of a person to be able to be polished and refined in interviews. I really think KS is a down to earth soul and gets too much of a hard time. Jennifer Lawrence is just cool.

Hunger Games' Jennifer Lawrence In FAB Letterman Interview

Yogi says...

>> ^shuac:

So much more charming than that dullard Stewart.

I was about to comment as much, but I actually like that Stewart doesn't give a fuck about this shit. Should we really be complimenting people who are good at navigating bullshit talk shows well? I can't think of a more useless skill.

Also to be completely fair The Hunger Games is a much less horrible thing to be attached to than Twilight.

EDIT: It's also nice that Jennifer has some thickness to her, she reminds me of a young(er) Lindsay Lohan...ya know when she was in Mean Girls and wasn't awful.

Mastodon - Cut You Up with a Linoleum Knife

Mastodon - Cut You Up with a Linoleum Knife

Mastodon - Cut You Up with a Linoleum Knife

Why the "Star Trek" Universe is Secretly Horrifying

Peroxide says...

The entire crux of their argument is that people would loose all motivation if everything was provided, as if fear, hunger, and jealousy are the only things that motivate people...

This is patently a false assumption. I mean, think about going to Africa and arguing that the people there are more "motivated" or "creative" because they face starvation. Sometimes these cracked debates are ok, but this one really bugged me.

Revolution - Trailer

Xaielao says...

>> ^HugeJerk:

J.J. Abrams does a good job of finding interesting show ideas, putting together a decent cast, getting a budget for a good looking production... and then leaves the shows to writers who have no idea on where they are going to take it, so it ends up a confusing mess that never has a satisfying pay-off.

I was thinking the same thing. When the preview first started I was like 'oh this is a good idea!' But by the end I was thinking 'contrite, cliched, waste of an idea with some useless Hunger Games adaptations.'

I just have a feeling this is Walking Dead all over again. For fans of that show this is IMHO but they took a great comic and a good starting point and threw it out of the window in favor of horrid acting, massive plot-holes and soap opera style cliched writing.

And people wonder why I prefer british TV. Better writing, better acting, shows actually feature mature plot lines with depth and character. Shows like Walking Dead would have been fantastic if a UK producer had gotten a hold of it.

Revolution - Trailer

Revolution - Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

and while I'm at it, Chevy Chase sucks!

actually, no, I can't say that. He's awesome on Community

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^ChaosEngine:
>> ^Fletch:
>> ^Engels:
Oh look, formulaic drek leaping in to exploit the hunger games mania! Yay!

Requisite nonsensical contrarian vomitus. I'm guessing SNL hasn't been funny since the seventies, either.

IMHO, SNL was never funny. It had funny people, some of whom went on to do funny things, but the show itself was always mediocre.


Revolution - Trailer

Fletch says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^Fletch:
>> ^Engels:
Oh look, formulaic drek leaping in to exploit the hunger games mania! Yay!

Requisite nonsensical contrarian vomitus. I'm guessing SNL hasn't been funny since the seventies, either.

IMHO, SNL was never funny. It had funny people, some of whom went on to do funny things, but the show itself was always mediocre.


Revolution - Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^Engels:
Oh look, formulaic drek leaping in to exploit the hunger games mania! Yay!

Requisite nonsensical contrarian vomitus. I'm guessing SNL hasn't been funny since the seventies, either.

IMHO, SNL was never funny. It had funny people, some of whom went on to do funny things, but the show itself was always mediocre.

Revolution - Trailer

Revolution - Trailer

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Two Girls Detained and Harrased at American Border

Sagemind says...

Upon looking at this YT account (unbanhippelove - Now called "Truth Fairy Media"),
Her videos are quite political - from occupy, hunger strikes, and toxic soap to chem trails, liberty and toxic water. It is quite possible she has gotten her name flagged from some sort of list from a possible protest or something.

I could just be reading into it but it is possible. She may have done nothing wrong at the border except question, though it may have been what came up on screen before that which gave the patrol some doubt. disregarding a request may have been all they needed to set them off.

So then, the question is, "Is it necessary for them to be unprofessional and unkind without a crime actually being in progress?" I don't doubt their authority but I do doubt their methods.

I too have been stopped at a border crossing and had our car searched - it was simple and efficient. The officers were professional. I was very worried and nervous but knew I had nothing to hide. There was no incident and we were sent on our way.

So, ya, it is possible there were other reasons but at what point do they go from professional to inappropriate?

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