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Teen Accidentally Facetime The Wrong Number on Thanksgiving

Grave Digger's record breaking front wheelie

ABC News: Purity Balls: Lifting the Veil on Special Ceremony

newtboy says...

No, it's not really a no brainer. The few studies done, when other known factors are considered, showed that virgin marriages had <2% difference in satisfaction, probably within the margin of error....divorce rates are obviously skewed because most virgin couples are extremely religious, which accounts for lower divorce doesn't mean they have happy or successful marriages.
STDs and unwanted pregnancy are easily avoided with responsible safe sex...granted, most teens aren't very responsible.

Your reasoning is flawed...if Christians raise Christians, (and I assume you think the same goes for other religions) where do atheists come from? Also, you do know that children given abstinence only sex ed, usually Christians, have the highest rates of teen pregnancy and STDs, don't you? Very few follow church instructions once outside of church, that's why less than 5% of marriages are by virgins.

shinyblurry said:

It's really a no-brainer that those who wait until marriage will have better outcomes in life. Teen pregnancy and std statistics tell us that very plainly.

The reasoning for this is simple:

Christian parents raise Christian children. That means, no premarital sex because fornication is a sin. That means you don't date someone except to see if they are suitable as a spouse. That means that as teens are not ready for that kind of commitment they don't need to date. That is why their parents serve as gatekeepers for their children.

The biblical role of a parent is to train their children to know and serve the Lord. It is not to let the world in and allow their children to fornicate in the name of personal freedom. It seems alien to a secular audience because you don't know what kind of life God requires you to live.

ABC News: Purity Balls: Lifting the Veil on Special Ceremony

shinyblurry says...

It's really a no-brainer that those who wait until marriage will have better outcomes in life. Teen pregnancy and std statistics tell us that very plainly.

The reasoning for this is simple:

Christian parents raise Christian children. That means, no premarital sex because fornication is a sin. That means you don't date someone except to see if they are suitable as a spouse. That means that as teens are not ready for that kind of commitment they don't need to date. That is why their parents serve as gatekeepers for their children.

The biblical role of a parent is to train their children to know and serve the Lord. It is not to let the world in and allow their children to fornicate in the name of personal freedom. It seems alien to a secular audience because you don't know what kind of life God requires you to live.

"April 1990-Video I shot of my typical day of a high school"

Driving A 5 Ton Truck Through Flooded Streets

Payback says...


newtboy said:

I saw the driver interviewed and he said that's not even his truck. A neighbor lent it to him to do rescues, and he estimated they helped around 1000 people evacuate so far.
That's Texas.

Georgia Cop On Tape Telling Woman We Only Kill Black People

newtboy says...

Maybe...maybe not. It's a claim, with no verifiable evidence either way available.
What I found was wiki claims only 14 American officers of any color have ever been convicted of murder 1. Often, that's because when a cop wrongly kills someone in the performance of their duties, that's manslaughter. Murder is a far higher bar requiring proof of premeditated intent to kill without a legal reason or to hide a crime.
(Side note: I have a friend who was convicted of manslaughter decades back....he pulled out a knife and stabbed someone in the stomach and chest over 7 times and left them to die. If he's not even charged with murder, the bar must be incredibly high, no?)
How many have been convicted for killing a black person? Totally unknown.

Even if his claim is correct, here's a chance to change is charged with murder right now.

cosmovitelli said:

Is that a fact?? Holy shit.

Foo Fighters & Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up (2017)

Foo Fighters & Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up (2017)

Foo Fighters & Rick Astley - Smells Like Teen Spirit

Zawash (Member Profile)

Working While Black in america.

bcglorf says...

Well, they're still alive at this point...

Because he gave his proper name/address the officer and his buddy later showed up at his home to harass him some more. Later still they came into his home with a K-9 unit to arrest him and he got his arm chewed up.

Yeah, really.

glyphs said:

Yo, I hope those kids got out all right.


newtboy says...

If the documentaries are focused on the dead bodies like this one is, probably.

The girl seemed to be in a lifestyle of unthinking foolishness. She will only not drive drunk again because she probably won't ever legally drive again. I doubt even this will teach her, some people simply cannot learn.

These films did little when they used to be the norm in drivers training classes, that's why they stopped using them. They simply weren't effective.

I can deny that this film made me think about being more cautious, because I'm not a moron that doesn't understand the outcome of a bad wreck, having seen a few in person, so beating me over the head with 'wrecks can kill you' is just boring. When I saw these as a teen, while learning to drive, I was titilated by the gore, but not effected otherwise. Most teens don't fully grasp that dangerous things are dangerous to them, and a large percentage are actually drawn to the dangers.

If humans were rational and only irresponsible by accident out of naivete, you would be right, but they just aren't. You have to be pretty brain dead to not grasp that high speed car wrecks can kill without a filmstrip telling you.

bobknight33 said:

I respectfully disagree. It is important to see what the result of ones action, as grim as it is.

What about documentaries of wars where you see dead bodies? Are these to be consider as you say.... snuff?

The girl was in a moment of foolishness and not thinking what could be. She will never get that distracted while she drives again.

If the girl had watched such a educational film as this she might have done different.

You can't deny that after watching this, that this makes you stop and think about being more cautious and or attentive about driving.


bobknight33 says...

I somewhat agree. I thought about posting this for about a week.
But is is important for all to take a look. Even as a reminder. It could save your life or someone you love.

This used to be used in the classrooms back in the day. Most of the accidents were from operator error.

Today we have a false sense of safety in our cars. We are safer but still many are killed.

The other day a girl live streamed while driving and was having fun, as teens do. She lost control and killed her sister who was sitting in the back seat,

If her class were showed a truthful representation of what can happen. I would like to think that the probability of her accident would have been less?

This kid tried to quit band, teacher had other plans

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