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confederate flag demonstration outside Bay City Western High

newtboy says...

*teens *fail *education *equality
Kids is for kid friendly videos
Poster is becoming an abuser, he's been asked repeatedly to stop labeling non kid friendly videos with "kids" among other bad tags.

confederate flag demonstration outside Bay City Western High

confederate flag demonstration outside Bay City Western High

confederate flag demonstration outside Bay City Western High

confederate flag demonstration outside Bay City Western High

Mordhaus says...

Kids is a channel for stuff that might appeal to kids, not racism. I'm unsure how this applies to religion. Politics would only apply if the political leaders vocally supported the demonstration. War on terror also doesn't apply as this isn't a terrorist attack or a response to one.

Teens might apply, Fail definitely does, and Education does only in the context that this involved school aged teens outside of a high school.

That said, even though it is something we can all agree we dislike, it is their right to display what they like as long as it doesn't violate lewdness laws. They can't be charged or hassled over it by law enforcement or political officials. They COULD be punished for it if they were parking on school owned grounds, but it sounds like they were parked across from the school property.

The one tag that would have fit perfectly was equality, since it is for this type of thing.

In any case, this sucks. Kids shouldn't be doing this type of thing because racism is horrible. If you had correctly labeled this video, I would have likely voted for it.


Happy 12th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

Man saws his AR15 in half in support of gun control

newtboy jokingly says...

You have inner city gang killings that no RACIST cares about.
Thousand of minority youths murdered yearly and no RACISTS care.
(Of course, there is the BLM movement that does care, and one political party that at least tries to address the issue, albeit without success against their opponents.)

You have ALL KIDS OF people killing children at schools and now we must ban CERTAIN MILITARY STYLE guns. (labeling all murderers as mental is convenient, but not honest in the least, they don't go to mental hospitals, they go to prison. Being an angry teen is not a mental disorder, it's the norm)
8000+ murdered / year and Republicans say there's no need at all for any kind of gun control anywhere, indeed they say it should be easier to get and carry a concealed gun anywhere (besides inside congress).

When representatives stop being bought and blackmailed by the NRA and instead work for Americans, then may be we can address the issue.


bobknight33 said:

You have inner city gang killings that no one cares about.
Thousand youths murdered yearly and no one cares.

You have mental people killing children at schools and now we must ban guns.
50 murdered / year and all hell breaks loose for gun control.

When American stop being two faced then may be we can address the issue.

Hi guys! What'd I miss? (Scifi Talk Post)

I have no words

Sagemind says...

This is all part of the pitch, he's mocking the Big Bang, so if he equivocates it with crazy and irrational, he hopes to sway the teen opinion

Aliens Movie - "Get Away from her, you bitch!"

ant says...

I bet he would be more scared with the first movie, Alien! That was scarier. I saw that on a VHS tape years later. Probably when I was a teen at my next door neighbor's house.

I rewatched both in HD last year. Both were still very good.

newtboy said:

My dad took me, I was just 16. The perfect age for this one.
It took some convincing, the first one literally scared him out of his seat and had him hiding behind the one in front. This one made him jump, but he didn't leave the theater shaking in fear.

Ricky Gervais - The Unbelievers Interview

Buck says...

Agreed. this "as long as you don't try to push your fairytales onto my life or the lives of others, I really don't care anymore...." is why I can't just shut up about it. The term "Islamaphobia" is why I won't shut up about it. People call me that when I criticize their ancient misogynist death cult. Politicians make friends with religions, that is very dangerous to human progress. I too get sick of it, over and over . But to me it's a rallying call as well, the more these vids are shared, the more exposure to data based education, the less cults can brainwash. I had NO idea how many atheists are actually out there until the web. Videos like this one may be tired to us (long atheists years) but to someone who is say a teen brought up religious, just one of these videos could save a mind. I hope you voted it up even if it's old news to you good sir.

ChaosEngine said:

I agree with every point made here... and 5, maybe 10 years ago, I would happily engage in refuting any argument for god.

But it feels like society has gone backward since then.

OF COURSE, there's no god. There's no Santa, there's no tooth fairy and there's no Zeus. Thor was in an awesome movie, but so was fucking Batman (to be clear, I'm talking about the Dark Knight, not that DCEU shite). Doesn't make either of them real.

We've all made all the same logical coherent arguments for atheism, but at this stage it's so blindingly obvious, it's ... boring.

Is there a possibility of god? Uh, fine, I guess... but it's about as likely as me being the reincarnation of Elvis.

At this stage, I no longer have the energy or the motivation to debate people who still believe. Wanna believe in god? Eh, knock yourself out, as long as you don't try to push your fairytales onto my life or the lives of others, I really don't care anymore....

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

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LiquidDrift (Member Profile)

Teen Accidentally Facetime The Wrong Number on Thanksgiving

Teen Accidentally Facetime The Wrong Number on Thanksgiving

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