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Video not working for some members? (Sift Talk Post)

Death Star help desk. IT in a galaxy far far away...

Experts hack to get free answers

Sift Was Hacked (Sift Talk Post)

James Roe says...

It was something on the server. We're talking to our tech support people about it. The asshats apparently knew that our server type was vulnerable and neglected to contact us.

5 Storey Building Falls Over In India

Middle Ages : Tech Support

The Router Diaries

jimnms says...

Maybe someone needs to tell this guy that the 802.11n standard isn't even finalized yet. He's probably using a pre-n router, or most likely a MIMO router which is just basically 802.11g on steroids. Last time I checked 802.11n was estimated to be finalized in late 2008.

Upvote for the "re-install windows" line from tech support though. That's the magical fix-all solution to any problem. Actually it's really just a way to get rid of you for several hours and hope his shift ends before you call back.

Wrestling with Microsoft Vista Speech Recognition!

phelixian says...

This guy is almost as annoying as the upgrade guy from earlier this week. His slightly arrogant tone, and lack of patience coupled with his obvious stupidity(how many times does he say thank you?), makes me cringe. He should just box up his system and send it back. Reminds me of the old Apple IIe tech support call. "What does an e look like?"


Woman with no arms takes care of baby, drives, goes shopping

Sarah discovers the truth behind furries.

Mara says...

I like the video. I hate what she says and how she says it. But I have a guilty pleasure: I love when people freak out at others perspectives. MMMmmmm.

I used to work as a tech support rep for a cam site. And let me tell you, the niches were numerous and the $ was plentiful for each one.

When people cry out like this, I just have to smile. Upvote for me. Rock on sistah! Yours is the only perspective in the world.

Short animation "Beyond Grandpa": NSFW: language, context

VH1 Parody of Mac/PC Ads

brnz says...

I work tech support - Macs are what I tell the 'smart' users to get. No complicated two button mouse to worry about. "Double clicking" is too hard a concept. God forbid right clicking to do something.

Macs take all that complication away with one click of the mouse. Well... the only click actually.

Secret Wars Re-Enactment Society

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