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Ron Paul "When...TRUTH Becomes Treasonous!"

enoch says...

i know this is rare but im with @bobknight33 in regards to the tea party.

when you understand how power reacts to social movements things become clear.

1.they ignore you
if that is unsuccessful?
2.they ridicule you.
and if creating a narrative that your movement is either a.batshit crazy or b.dumb as a box of rocks they you

which is what the koch brothers did with americans for prosperity (sorry bob.these two douchebags dont give one fuck about you or your ideals)
and it was quite effective in taking all that frustration,anger and a desire to get the country back on track,and funneling that energy into the political process.
it worked extremely well.

but what many people do not know is that those who were co-opted were not EVERY person who identified as a tea partier,
many of those people saw what was going on and went in another direction.

you do not hear about them often because they do not have a few billionaires bankrolling the media to follow them around.

the occupy movement was treated in the exact same order.but they never got co-opted because they were set up in a much more amorphous and democratic way which made co-opting near impossible.
so the occupy movement made it to step:
4.intimidate,threaten and strong-arm.

a systematic tactical engagement to disperse the occupying people in the major cities where they were protesting.

and it worked.

but occupy is still around as is the tea party.
corporate media is just not covering them.

so this is the point i wish everybody to consider:

do you REALLY think the tea party was stupid,bigoted and a fundamental christian?
or that occupy was populated with unwashed hippies who didnt want to work but wanted the government to supply free food and strippers for all?

or is it more reasonable to assume that maybe a corporate media which is beholden to power created a narrative to set people against one another?

because ill tell ya what.
a tea party person has more in common with an occupy person than a wall street ceo or somebody at the white house.

there will be another movement.
and its gonna go global.
and i fear it will go to some very dark places that will be remembered for a long time in history.

people are waking up and they are not pleased.

inside monsanto-scientists talk about the truth

chingalera says...

M Malevolent
O Oligarchic
N Nazified
S Succubal
A Anti-Neutraceutical
N Nonvegetarian
T Treachetourial
O Organo-assassins

The following address should be on every death to eco-terroristists' organization's, "Raze This Motherfucker", hit list:

World Headquarters Monsanto Company 800 North Lindbergh Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63167. Phone: 314/694-1000

Everyone who works for this corporation should be considered complicit in the undoing of species-

Monsanto is the reason bees are disappearing worldwide-
Monsanto is the reason heath care is unaffordable-
Monsanto is the reason gasoline no longer lubricates rubber and composites in combustion engines-
Monsanto is responsible for the disappearance of heirloom variety seed banks the world over-(hybrids notwithstanding, their originating variants tucked-away in bunkers)
Monsanto is a poisonous cabal of eugenicists, working to help other cunts reduce the world population through systematic, experimental means, with the world's sentients as her guinea pigs.

Someone needs to mail them some anthrax powder mixed with ricin, to get that full effect.

Fire Bombing Of 67 Japan cities During WW2. War Crimes?

bcglorf says...

You're conflating war time attacks with punishment or maybe even justice.

It's not about declaring the people that died deserved to die or not, because we know for a fact we killed 'innocents' by the thousands. People who unquestioningly were good people and did not deserve to die. It's about saying their deaths were an unavoidable consequence of prosecuting a war that was necessary. It's messed up to talk about a 'just' war, and a 'good war' is an oxymoron. Necessary evil is more the idea I'd say. The Japanese military machine was brutally and systematically exterminating everything in it's path, and war was the only way to stop it. We did terribly things to win that war, and the only defense of our committing those acts was preventing and ending worse ones in the future. It's not a clear good thing, it's messy.

SDGundamX said:

The problem with this kind of argument is that it conflates the crimes of select people in the Japanese military (not everyone was a bloodthirsty or order-following robot) with innocent civilians (although see my comment from 5 years ago about how some have rationalized attacks on Japanese civilian population centers). If you believe that the Japanese people are culpable for the crimes of their military and should pay the ultimate price (i.e. death) for those crimes then you've essentially also rationalized the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., as those that planned them explicitly stated they were retaliation for U.S. political and military interventions in a variety of Muslim countries (see for more info). Holding the citizens responsible for the actions of their government/military leads to very murky waters indeed.

To be fair to America at the time though, everyone was targeting civilians during World War 2--the Germans were bombing indiscriminately in London, the Brits and U.S. retaliated with the same kind of attacks on the German homeland, the Japanese military was doing medical experiments on random Chinese farmers they rounded up... it was a f'd up war all around and I think by the time the firebombings and atomic bombs were dropped in Japan people were willing to do just about anything to end the war. Victory became more important than humanity.

Female Supremacy

Kofi says...

In feminist theory there are many branches. There are two main branches that have sub-branches.

Liberal feminism - the idea that we are all equal through our capacity for rationality. Equality will come about through the practice and recognition of this equal capacity for rationality and as institutions change so too will women's capacity to demonstrate this. The reason that this currently can't be exhibited is because of a patriarchal system that views women as weak and soft minded. This leads lib fems to try to be "man-like" of mind so as to assert their equal status; girly but strong minded, ie. Thatcher(extreme example), Clinton, Rachel Maddow.

Radical feminism - Men are the oppressive class and women are the oppressed. (Try to deny it seriously. If not within the West then within the rest of the world) As a result women must form a opposition to this oppression by mens of taking sides. Women can still be equal of any attribute such as reason etc but none the less by virtue of their biological sex they are relegated to 2nd place based on that alone. The response is to form an equally if not more powerful class to overthrow the patriarchal system. Now this is where the original video things its anti men. It is anti patriarchy, anti a system millennia old that places political capital on birth right/biology. To argue against this risks committing a naturalistic fallacy whereby what IS is what is RIGHT. Through time we can cite all sorts of examples where that is not the case - slavery, pederasty, segregation. One way of addressing this patriarchy oppression is by banding together and attacking overt examples of gender/sex discrinination and oppression as is put forward in the video as reverse oppression (whatever). The other more radical feminism asks that women forgo their own proclivities and become political lesbians. This requires that they become a lesbian not only in solidarity with their sexed brethren but also actively reject men as a necessary part of a flourishing life.

So much of the discourse, on both sides, confuses the aims of which ever brand of feminism they prescribe (sometimes a mix of both) with instances of activism/oppression. Anecdotal evidence can only do so much in a systematic and ingrained norm such as gender roles.

The original video is laughably inane and self-agrandising in its selective use of anecdotes and conflation of one idea with another. It is as worse than radical-radical feminist arguments insofar as it cherry picks examples to highlight that which is unsystematic whereas rad fems point out things that are systematic but their ends are not understandable, or acceptable if understood, by most. That doesn't mean they are wrong.

TLDR; Lib fem, go with the flow and ask for gradual change. Rad fem, form a opposition of power and overthrow current system then restructure from what is divorced from historically contingient oppressive gender description.

Police perform illegal house-to-house raids in Boston

chingalera says...

Yep Quad, another thing you might consider; Americans have been groomed through the purification of language by journalists and politicians combined with a systematic elimination of critical thinking skills, to let themselves be raped by a handful of assholes. These same assholes speak of an out-of-date document in desperate need of revisions (many of these Kool-Aid drinkers on this very forum) and continually propose adjustments which send the experiment further down the highway to bankruptcy, diversion, ignorance and idiocracy.
Welcome to Earth, humans may present a problem, enjoy your stay.

eric3579 said:

If you haven't figured it out, as a populace, we aren't the brightest people. We are easily manipulated and controlled by the powers that be. The fact is we get what we deserve.

How to Handle the Police When You're Videotaping

chingalera says...

Good morning.....So VoodooV, simply not a good person...

One might imagine that you've mistaken paranoid rage for a genuine concern for the people who must suffer the damaged, soon beyond-repair law-enforcement establishment in the U.S. While I can't vouch for many municipalities, I have dealt with law enforcement in multiple states since I was old enough to drive a car.
Texas has an inordinate amount of assholes in law enforcement, which has sullied or otherwise affected my opinion of peace officers (that term an oxi-moron for millions of people who have had to deal with profiling, unprovoked aggression, and general douche-baggery from the hind-brained, alpha-or-wannabe-alpha victims of abuse and racism who choose a career in "law enforcement".

We have several versions of cops here, Sheriffs, constables, state troopers, city police, game wardens, etc., all with their privilege and jurisdictions, all with varying levels of professionalism and personalities some of which are synonymous with their particular group.
I maintain, that In ALL of these branches of law enforcement due to corruption and abuse of power as the rule for over 50 years combined with the systematic granting of more and more powers to state over individual rights that the SYSTEM is inherently corrupt and anti-human rights. I have come to this conclusion in my dealings with them personally and by paying attention to the fucking world without blinders and outside of the insular framework of my own perception of how i would LIKE the world to be.

What is your personal experience in dealing with law enforcement robots? Where do you live? What is your station in life economically, socially. Are you Caucasian or a minority? All these questions beg an answer because I suppose that your exposure to the world outside of the comfort of your CONSTRUCT, is causing this consternation and judgement vomited-forth in your last comment, and I would hate to have some skewed opinion of you based on your reaction to mine on issues that have EVERYTHING to do with human rights, justice, blah blah blah, all the shit that's important to people like us, schmoes slaving for paper-tickets to buy more play-time in the world created while you were fast-fucking asleep.

Fix it instead of whining like a spoiled brat??
Well sir, when you live in a country with the majority of peeps fast-asleep with their heads up movie-stars and basketball-player's asses whose political system is a fucking joke and her government co-opted by corporate and security interests then civil disobedience or heaven-forbid, UNCIVIL should the situation necessitate is about the only reasonable, actionable, effective solution for me.
Malcolm X was right, rich, sociopathic white people suck donkey balls and run the whole fucking show.

Would you like to have a discussion on the state of the Prison system in the United States? Hand-in-hand with the men in blue are the men in brown who would, that the current model be expanded and improved upon....It's broken and you have an opinion,??

Please enlighten us all-

Actual Gun/Violent Crime Statistics - (U.S.A. vs U.K.)

chingalera says...

You misunderstand the motivation for the language of stereotype used to describe the general dynamics of alcohol in Great Britain, i.e., a pub at every intersection-Hey man, alcohols' the last legal drug here in the states as well for the same reason: Governments and international criminals (same same, but different, as they say in Thailand) control the drug trade around the world. They limit which drugs may be manufactured or sold. They make incredible amounts of money doing so.

Governments and international criminals also corner the market on guns and artillery and ammunition and do their best to control the distribution and manufacture to insure one thing: Control and centralization of power.

We're not suggesting Brits are more prone to drunkenness and brawling than the same sort of tits in the U.S. I am simply suggesting sane remedies that do not involve baby-out-with-bathwater solutions to some seriously flawed fundamentals: societal and cultural evolution should be determined by sober consensus without emotion instead of this bullshit, "But what about the children?!" line of reasoning promulgated by criminals in power...A line that is trumpeted by so-called representatives and used as a tool (kind of like a gun is a tool) along with the complicit and effective tool of propaganda called market television, or major media, or whatever label for abject disinformation and agenda-pumping that benefits a few that some people who see owning guns as horrifying, have bought into.

The way to keep your children safe form psychopaths is to reinvent society and gradually change culture in a direction that heals the planet instead of raping it. Less fucking insane parents mean less fucking insane kids. Fuck licensing firearms, how about licensing parents before they plop out another?

How do you cure a country like North Korea, whose people for a few generations have been systematically trained in totalitarian shit-think?? It's a job no one wants to think about. As long as planetary ass-rape is the direction we are headed, guns guns guns my easily-insulted brother, and less shit-think. I'm not a fucking idiot, but my government is being run into the ground by cunts and assholes and douchebags who have most of the control over most of the guns and drugs! See how simple it is??

Guns violence by a FEW + International media coverage with a view to convincing people that guns (OF ANY KIND OR CAPACITY) are the problem = what should be an insult to your intelligence at the very least, and a goddamn warning shot across the bow that World Police State is what the cunts really want for humanity.

Gun control happens shortly after a gun is manufactured, unless you want to accidentally hurt yourself or another utilizing another kind of control. Self-Control maybe??

dannym3141 said:

You're a fucking idiot and i'm ashamed i have to share the same species with you. However i respect your right to an opinion - that one was just mine.

"less brain-dead drunks who are prone to brawl anyway"
-- I find it touching that you chose to highlight the aggression and neanderthal nature of the british people, using aggressive and neanderthal behaviour and language.

Drone Strikes: Where Are Obama's Tears For Those Children?

bcglorf says...

If that's your characterization of American policy, then at least be balanced in your contempt for injustice, cruelty and criminal behavior. By that same measure, the Taliban and their kindred Islamic Jihadists are systematic murderers of women and children and anyone that is not themselves an Islamic Jihadist as well. Most noteworthy to this discussion, they regularly and deliberately plan and execute school shootings and bombings far worse than the recent American one and against student's in Pakistan.

Paint America in the worst light if you must and your conscience requires a higher standard, but at least have the decency to maintain that standard when discussing even more violent and cruel entities.

entr0py said:

It's ironic to think that the Bush administration's policy of abducting terrorism suspects and keeping them forever without trial is actually far more humane than the Obama administration's policy of exploding suspected terrorists without trial, along with everyone else nearby. The ends do not justify the means.

Obama about Guns & Commonsense, 5 days after Sandy Hook

chingalera says...

Sounds harmless enough and he used some language that reflects my sentiments regarding society and how broken it is and efforts to adjust cultural mores.

That said I am confident that some comments on this subject here will continue to wax manically and emotionally bereft of critical common sense, and the most eloquent verbiage used to argue will still sound like automotomacious lackeys groomed for predictable, subservient responses to government mandates which subjugate responsible and humanitarian free-will.

These dysfunctional responses to society's cultural and spiritual demise from a broken governmental machine which neither represents my own sensibilities or is capable of making laws which do nothing more than to systematically turn us all into obedient husks??!.... I don't care what becomes of the laws concerning guns anymore in the U.S. As a citizen I will continue to own whatever firearm I chose to regardless of what list it's on and if I ever need the tools they will be there.

Laws providing ways for responsible people to have guns, not prohibitions. SANE
Prohibit imbeciles and the un-hinged from being a threat by limiting their access,.
More laws designed to make ME a fucking criminal. Fucking insane.

Prison State Evolution, read some fucking history for christfucking sakes!

Joe Scarborough finally gets it -- Sandy Hook brings it home

chingalera says...

The buzz surrounding this event seems to be headed down the road that led to further firearms on the ban list.

The Miasma from Chicago has always been in favor of gun control measures which do nothing to address causes but minimally treat symptoms and the whims of those who would control humans by eliminating choices along with personal responsibility. He's discussing it right now using fake tears and more than a few examples of the retarded logic that dystopiafurtdy here posted above. It's insulting both to my intelligence and sensibilities to be addressed by a U.S. President, like a blind child with down syndrome.

Cerberus Capital Management, a New York-based investment firm that that owns the largest U.S. gun maker Freedom Group (Bushmaster, Remington) is poised to sell, while stocks in Sturm, Ruger & Company has increased more than 700 percent (Smith and Wesson, 253% ) since Obama was elected in 2009. Not very wise stewards of those pensions for teachers, California!.....The same retarded ban on firearms in California happened back when I lived in San Francisco. One lone gunman walks into the 101 California Street building and kills a few peeps with a variety of guns and "BOOM!", people who don't know how to use a shovel properly, acting on emotions and severely compromised common sense,support bans on a whole spattering of guns, ammo, etc., because on-accounta it was so horrible and was apparently the gun's fault Now SOH Feinstein is at it again, another fractured piece of out-of-touch, privileged human pieces of garbage appealing to emotions rather than reason, and playing the game she was placed in position to play.

Dipshits?? No, same intentional, systematic plans like the Brady Bill and the National Assault Weapons Ban, a knee-jerk, and well-timed coup on individual rights relative to protecting oneself and family.

How about for STARTERS, "Anyone ever treated for mental illness or prescribed anti-psychotic or psychotropic drugs for the treatment of the same, can't even be around anyone with guns, much less purchase them. That would stop MOST of these random acts of carnage.

I won't even begin to mention in detail the amount of illegal firearms on the banned lists-to-date that are in the hands of drug dealers, pimps, gang members, etc. and the insanity of THAT subset of society, COPS, and SOLDIERS being the only people with that kind of monopoly on firepower. Fuck that shit. Time is nigh to becoming a criminal or expatriate.

A Simple But Effective Way Of Dealing With Debt Collectors.

bcglorf says...

Very sketchy. Any company scared of being recorded, as company policy, is very, very bad and probably systematically breaking a number of laws.

On the flipside, I've got pretty limited sympathy for a debt ridden unemployed guy still able to be at home watching tv and worrying about running out of recreational drugs sometime soon. I'm reasonably sure no matter where he lives, somebody is hiring even if only for minimum wage. Hard to respect someone's crying the blues about their debt while passing over working the tills at any number of local businesses in favor of staying home and watching tv while smoking up and dodging calls from debt collectors.

JOAN RIVERS: I Hate GLEE (It did get better)

Yogi says...

The Funniest Human Being...who has ever tried to systematically destroy their face ever. I love Joan Rivers, she's goddamn hilarious. For the love of god get a good surgeon to fucking FIX YOU!

OH and Glee sucks! Burned every fucking story by season 2, no idea how to build characters, no idea what long term payoff is. One of the worst written shows fucking EVER.

I got five on it??? (User Poll by albrite30)

albrite30 says...

Ok Ok. I will cease and desist in humoring the sift populace due to the apparent dislike of the few. You know I think that maybe we should look at the distribution of videos on the sift and see what the "true" makeup of our video content is. There is plenty of seriousness in the world and perhaps there is a place for only having serious topics aired. I don't believe that this is that place. If you dislike unintelligent discourse so much, then perhaps the dissenters here should look at their own sifted videos and kill all the bullshit videos they have had sifted or in the top 15 as a show of true willpower. To @dag , you can't let the minority of serious Sallys overpower the many. I count 11 votes on the poll versus 6 dissenters that have expended undue energy nixing a little randomness. To the naysayers... I will now systematically look at all your videos in order over the next 3 to 4 days and UPVOTE all of your humorous posts. Especially cute cat ones. You have been warned.

Owen Jones deconstructs the Gaza situation on BBC's QT

SDGundamX says...

I love VS for these kinds of debates, but I see some straw-man arguments going on here.

First, not every Palestinian belongs to Hamas. In fact, the majority of the population does not belong to Hamas. Similarly, very few Germans were actually members of the Nazi party. German citizens backed the Nazis because they felt they were the best hope for getting Germany's economy out of the toilet, getting Germany out of what the citizens perceived as the unfair terms of the Versailles Treaty, and protecting Germany from (Nazi manufactured) external threats. Again, similarly, Palestinians back Hamas because they see Hamas as the best hope of dealing with Israeli oppression.

For 45 years the world (read: United States) has shown little interest in stopping the Israelis--who are supplied with arms and training by the United States-- from forcibly displacing people from their homes and relocating them to what Chomsky calls "the world's largest open-air prison."

How could the Palestinian people possibly expect to defend themselves against Israel in an open and conventional conflict? The Palestinian people back terrorism because it works--it forces Israel to the negotiating table. Consistently, these Israeli "flexing our big muscles" incursions and retaliations by the military have failed completely to stop rocket attacks, suicide bombs, etc. and at some point they must always go to the negotiating table. A side benefit is that the terrorist attacks and subsequent negotiations get the world's media eye focused on the region and what Israel is doing there.

So this talk about whether Hamas are terrorists or freedom fighters is besides the point. They're terrorists to Israelis and they're freedom fighters to the Palestinians. Israel and the U.S. are just as much terrorists as Hamas if not more so. You can watch Chomsky clearly explain why on this Sift:

Second, let's look at the casualties from this latest conflict:
Israel: 3 Israeli's dead, 60 injured from shrapnel (all adults according to latest reports)
Palestine: 100s dead, including 26 children

Yet, Israel tries to spin its military campaign as one of self-defense. The balance of power is so skewed here it's comical.

If there is any hope for peace in this region, it will only come after the U.S. not only stops actively supporting Israel but openly condemns them as well. But that can't possibly happen without the U.S. looking supremely hypocritical about the actions it takes globally (for instance in Afghanistan) in the name of the "War on Terror."

From there, as others have mentioned, you have to stop the occupation and bring both sides together on equal terms. Yes, there will still be fanatics who will fight to the end. But they won't be finding the sympathy and support of the majority of the populace if that populace is no longer oppressed and instead is living in free and safe conditions. Without that popular support, those fanatics will be much easier to deal with than they are now. It's not going to be an easy road to peace because hatred has been bred into both sides so deeply. But I do think it is possible if only the U.S. government will get its head out of its ass.

My 2 cents, anyways.

EDIT: Please don't take this post to mean that I support terrorism in any form or think that it is justified by the Israeli occupation. I am only pointing out the historical fact that terrorism gives the Palestinians pretty much their ONLY bargaining chip at the negotiating table--the Palestinian leadership (whoever is in charge at the time, though it is currently Hamas) agrees to reign in the terror attacks in exchange for humanitarian aid such as food, building supplies, etc. In other words, it "works" in achieving short-term goals but clearly doesn't help achieve lasting peace in the region--which as others have pointed out Hamas doesn't really want anyway.

death of america and rise of the new world order

chingalera says...

All these dicey facts edgeman....I tend to get a bit frustrated when folks start to list facts: (with a colon) and list them as a rebuttal to thoughtful and justified doubts as to the workings of the U.S. government. Question: With all these "facts" you have listed from what appears to be a single website, how many of them can you corroborate and how many simply "sound" good to someone who doesn't have a clue as to how the machine "actually" runs??

Look at the fucks that represent the FED, follow the money trails, follow their rise to positions and their crony friends and look at these people when they talk...body language, all of it...uhhh, they have systematically made the U.S. China's economic bitches and will continue to fuck the country into irreversible bankruptcy. They are fucking evil because they work people like slaves while stealing their fucking money, land, and livelihoods. Get a clue and read between the lines of garble.

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