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A Look at Windows 8 - It's Almost not Terrible

Deano says...

Ctrl+L is not esoteric and plenty of people use keyboard shortcuts. I don't care whether it's part of a Windows library or not but if it's widely used across existing Windows installations you'd expect to be able to use them again in the new version of Windows. But if the new interface is going to disconnect from the desktop experience I just don't understand why it has to be linked at all to the desktop. Schizophrenic indeed. The user-interface needs to be consistent and harmonious. Hasn't everyone got that memo by now?

What they're showing with the search failures is that demonstrates a lack of focus on making the desktop interface as polished and user-friendly as possible. If nothing else it appears rushed and sloppy.

I want the system to be gleaming right out of the box - I don't want to have to note all the little exceptions and workarounds . Clearly in some aspects they've put in some work with multi-monitor support and Explorer but in other areas it looks incomplete.

>> ^spoco2:

Yeah, I'm not sold on the whole interface at all. BUT these guys are also missing things which I got pretty much straight away.
The typing to search for things, and not finding 'device manager' et al... if they just looked then below the search box it shows that it's matched items within Apps/Settings/Files So the default is to show just the apps that match, but if he clicked on 'Settings' then it would have shown him what he was looking for without having to actually go to control panel first. And my guess is there's an option for the search results to list all three of those things. DO THEY NOT LOOK AT THE SCREEN... Arg... now they're doing it for printers. The screen says 'NO APPS MATCH YOUR SEARCH', and then it has 17 matches in settings, and some matches in files.

Then they start bitching about Control L, which isn't a windows thing at all
The tabs thing is definitely something to bitch about, as it makes zero logical sense to have everything hidden off screen and not be able to access things without right clicking.

Yes, it looks like Microsoft have not considered non touch interfaces enough, which is a huge oversight. And it really seems they've taken something that was working really well, Windows 7, and stuffed touch stuff over the top and then said it was all done without looking at whether it was a cohesive whole.

So I don't like the look of windows 8 for non touch devices, but these guys jump to conclusions, don't read the interface properly and assume that everyone is a power user who uses the esoteric key combos they use (even when they're specific to particular apps).

A Look at Windows 8 - It's Almost not Terrible

spoco2 says...

Yeah, I'm not sold on the whole interface at all. BUT these guys are also missing things which I got pretty much straight away.

* The typing to search for things, and not finding 'device manager' et al... if they just looked then below the search box it shows that it's matched items within Apps/Settings/Files So the default is to show just the apps that match, but if he clicked on 'Settings' then it would have shown him what he was looking for without having to actually go to control panel first. And my guess is there's an option for the search results to list all three of those things. DO THEY NOT LOOK AT THE SCREEN... Arg... now they're doing it for printers. The screen says 'NO APPS MATCH YOUR SEARCH', and then it has 17 matches in settings, and some matches in files.

* Then they start bitching about Control L, which isn't a windows thing at all

* The tabs thing is definitely something to bitch about, as it makes zero logical sense to have everything hidden off screen and not be able to access things without right clicking.

Yes, it looks like Microsoft have not considered non touch interfaces enough, which is a huge oversight. And it really seems they've taken something that was working really well, Windows 7, and stuffed touch stuff over the top and then said it was all done without looking at whether it was a cohesive whole.

So I don't like the look of windows 8 for non touch devices, but these guys jump to conclusions, don't read the interface properly and assume that everyone is a power user who uses the esoteric key combos they use (even when they're specific to particular apps).

Cloud Atlas - First Trailer - Wachowski's

jmd says...

Mmm yea there seems to be so much content here, I can't even begin to think how it could all be stuffed into a 2-3 hour movie. The idea of the story could be epic, but it would take a very long time to tell. it is a shame Hollywood won't take the hint from anime and create 13-26 episode TV series with the high production values of movies.

SWAT Team Damages House

Porksandwich says...

I would assume that if your roommate were accused of a crime and they raided your shared house and trashed everything that the roommate would be on the hook for the damages to your stuff. However if the roommate was never found guilty of what they raided the house for, I think that the people ordering these overly destructive raids and searches should be on the hook for repairs and replacement.

If judges were held personally responsible for issuing warrants that result in a place being destroyed via raid or a tear-apart search...they'd spend more effort covering their asses..same with PDs, etc.

It'd be like if you destroyed someone's car trying to get inside of it because you thought some pile of wigs/stuffed animal or a face down doll was a pet and/or baby locked in a hot car. It'd be a hard case to make that you went apeshit on someone's property because of what you suspected might be true and you don't owe damages for what you did.

And as for relatives/children, etc..... you should not be responsible for relatives and children for their entire lives. It's unreasonable to assume that relation = probable cause. Even past residence shouldn't be probable cause to go busting into's too wide of a criteria. There are a lot of people who move damn near every could never reasonably rent or buy a house without doing criminal background checks on both the owner of the property and the past tenants to make sure your residence isn't going to be "probable cause" for a destructive raid on a former resident.

So, if he's not convicted of the crime they raided the house for, I don't think the city has a leg to stand on. And if he is, they have to prove how they came up with probable cause to do what they did on that place...especially when there was no one killed or known threat/issue in the house to be immediately dealt with.

Four hours of destruction seems like someone has a bit of a hard-on for any reason to use their toys outside of practice.

Biggest Asshole of the Year Award Goes to.....

U.S. Military being used as Government-Paid Missionaries

shinyblurry says...

>> ^hpqp:

@shinyblurry (and @Morganth), you might be surprised to hear this from me, but I am all for having chaplains (of all faiths) in the military that soldiers of faith can go to. I don't think they provide the same help professional psychiatrists could but it's probably better than nothing. The way the US abandons its troops to the psychological trauma they face is truly outrageous; so far we seem to be in agreement.
But as @enoch pointed out, the point of this video is to call out the sly, cowardly tactics of evangelical missionaries in the army who take advantage of the traumatizing nature of war to bully people into belief when they are at their most vulnerable. It's a bit like stuffing fearful stories about eternal torture into the heads of small children (oh wait...).

I agree on the point that no one should use psychological manipulation to try to bring someone to Christ. It will only result in a false conversion, save the Lords grace. They believe they are doing a good thing, but the goal isn't numbers. We preach the gospel, but God is the one who changes the heart. Without a change of heart, there is no real change of mind. That said, it is the truth that man is a stubborn creature who, when things are going well, thinks nothing about God. It's only when things take a turn that he realizes his need for God. Man is naturally rebellious against God, and that is just the reality of his nature. Many people need to hit rock bottom before they will change, and God will bring them there if He has to.

U.S. Military being used as Government-Paid Missionaries

hpqp says...

@shinyblurry (and @Morganth), you might be surprised to hear this from me, but I am all for having chaplains (of all faiths) in the military that soldiers of faith can go to. I don't think they provide the same help professional psychiatrists could but it's probably better than nothing. The way the US abandons its troops to the psychological trauma they face is truly outrageous; so far we seem to be in agreement.

But as @enoch pointed out, the point of this video is to call out the sly, cowardly tactics of evangelical missionaries in the army who take advantage of the traumatizing nature of war to bully people into belief when they are at their most vulnerable. It's a bit like stuffing fearful stories about eternal torture into the heads of small children (oh wait...).

Jesus H Christ Explains Everything

messenger says...

I have a feeling that by "real" @Enzoblue meant that the Teddy bear was alive and had thoughts and desires, like most of us projected onto our stuffed animals as children, not that there was any question whether the toy physically existed in the world, like how Calvin believes Hobbes is "real".>> ^PalmliX:
If I had a Teddy Bear, then wouldn't I be justified in believing it's real because I could sense it with all 5 of my senses? As would anyone else I handed it to?

Baby Monkey's Feeding Time

How To Deal With Your Out Of Control Child

poolcleaner says...

This isn't NSFW but a cat video where someone says the F word is? How can we have this false sense of idealism and yet be so cynical about punching pregnant woman in the uterus and stuffing babies down garbage disposals?

On a side note, this video is awesome.

Obama Cabinet Member on Gay Marriage: Yes (45 seconds)

bareboards2 says...

MY point (not THE point) was the beauteous simplicity of the exchange.

Hence the title.


Done and dusted. No big argument. Just yes and move on.

If I could have cut this up to be just 45 seconds, I would have done so. Unfortunately, I only know how to cut up YouTube vids. I also would have cut out the advert.

Unfortunately, I have apparently ruined your day because my computer skills are lacking.

I send you a "there there" and hope you feel better soon.

>> ^chingalera:

Thanks for the mandatory advert-Oh, and Shaq earned his doctorate. I feel so good now knowing that hoop-stuffing earns university points.
Other than that-Non-Journalism, mute point, kick dead horse, get your gay on, etc. What really matters in a world of bullshit anyway? Asking the question begs an answer from oneself. This post has nothing to do with true gayness. One may sense anger and frustration the motivation for the offering or perhaps a pulpit or soapbox boost to make a point.
What's the point?.

Obama Cabinet Member on Gay Marriage: Yes (45 seconds)

chingalera says...

Thanks for the mandatory advert-Oh, and Shaq earned his doctorate. I feel so good now knowing that hoop-stuffing earns university points.

Other than that-Non-Journalism, mute point, kick dead horse, get your gay on, etc. What really matters in a world of bullshit anyway? Asking the question begs an answer from oneself. This post has nothing to do with true gayness. One may sense anger and frustration the motivation for the offering or perhaps a pulpit or soapbox boost to make a point.

What's the point?.

To MSNBC: This is not news. Go away and leave your employees and servants to chum the sea of slavery for a life.

Dog Needs To Hold Hands While Driving

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Unsung_Hero:

Road trip with his dog = No eating, drinking, changing CD's, picking nose, or crotch adjusting.

Yeah I love my dogs, but I would try sticking him in the backseat or somewhere else to try to get him comfortable. You really DO NOT want to reinforce that behavior, good for a few videos and trips though.

Both my dogs on LONG road trips I stick in the flat bed of the back of the SUV, with the back seats down too. Usually there is a bunch of camping gear and various other stuff back there off to on side and they get the other, but they really like walking around on a flat area with some blankets below them for cushion and the Lhaso Apso needs a stuffed animal to be happy (he's like a 4 year old kid--I must admit it's a bit like this behavior, but it doesn't bug anybody and he seems to feel far more safe with his plush's cute). The Terrier could give a rats ass about what is happening in the world, but he just wanders around to the various windows watching, he LOVES looking out the back window. Eventually the Terrier goes to sleep and that lets the Lhaso relax and he snuggles up against the Terrier and they go to sleep cuddled up, should throw a pick up.

Anyway, I really just wanted to talk about my dogs on car trips, but long story short: don't coddle them too much. You got to choose your moments. Hell watching the dog whisperer taught me a lot about dog psychology. It also shows HOW absolutely wrong "dog experts" are ALWAYS wrong about them--like putting down dogs that have been rescued from bad homes because they "puppy-guard" their food and are INTENSELY aggressive about it, they put these animals down. The Dog Whisperer EASILY modifies their psychology and STOPS it.

This guy should watch a few shows. Luckily my parents had parents that had some farm backgrounds, so animals were a must and how to handle them. So I've always been able to train my dogs and get them to do what I want. My friends can be oblivious, but really a show like the Dog Whisperer is perfect for people that have a dog and WANT to teach them to do other things or things they do differently.

I love dogs though, all types. Mans best friend, bar none. Smart enough to be useful (and some even save your damned LIFE) and their psychology allows them to be incredibly affectionate and wonderful, but YOU as their master MUST BE as well!

/I've said too much!

Odd (but delicious looking) hamburger cookery

Driver Attemps Hit and Run, Gets Blocked in By Other Drivers

zombieater says...

>> ^toferyu:

Just to clear things up : the hit'n runner was the teen, the bicyclist was 50, which actually explains everything :-P (from news article)
"Bethlehem Police Commissioner Jason Schiffer and Mayor John Callahan honored Richard Gubish Jr., 43, of Northampton, and Jud Smull, 17, of Bethlehem during a news conference this afternoon to commend their quick thinking.
“I’m just glad I got there quick,” said Gubish before the event, his hands stuffed in his LANTA jacket.
Frank Pavlick, 50, of Bethlehem, was hit Monday afternoon by a 17-year-old driver in the northbound lanes of the Fahy Bridge."

Ohh good catch.

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