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What Happens To Good Cops?

newtboy says...

So, you think, with no training, no equipment, no pay, and no oversight, I should become an armed vigilante, a punisher, and that somehow addresses police corruption? What?
Edit: I already do that when reasonable....when I see something I DO something. Where I live we have highway patrol and that's it. They don't show up when people are reported detonating huge explosives or shooting their guns rapid fire in the neighborhood, so I and others must investigate ourselves.

Police don't do those kinds of studies, why should I? They don't address corruption a bit.


Not a bit motivated to do meaningless busy work at your whim.
You do a study, it has nothing to do with solving police corruption and abuse, why would I?

Since it's your field, how about you do a study on how often police are given a pass on felonies that would put anyone else in prison. Then do another showing how often they get away with crimes that would cost anyone else their net worth. Then do one examining what happens to cops that turn in criminal cops. Then do a study about what happens to cops that threaten other cops off the force. Have your studies verified, repeated, and published, then if you aren't in prison on trumped up charges I'll give you that atta boy you didn't offer me before explaining what a waste of time that was.

Not a bit sure what your point could be. Cops do some needed work, so give all their crimes and abuses a pass?
What are you saying? Nothing rational or helpful that I discern.

Sounds like ' You need farmers to feed us all, so let them use deadly poisons and sell deadly, contaminated, even fake food without repercussions, or consider the implications of having no farmers.' a gnat.

Sniper007 said:

Well newtboy, how about this? Start promoting the concept of taking action on your own behalf and on behalf of your fellow man in situations that most would normally delegate to the police force.

Start first with listing every situation that would cause someone to call the cops. Be comprehensive. It might take several days or weeks. You may even want to interview subject matter experts to help with this ideation phase.

Then, come up with 3-5 alternative courses of action for each situation that don't involve a police force.

How motivated are you? I organize these types of research projects for a living. Heck, even without you I might undertake this project. I have many others higher on my list though.

Once you are done, it's a matter of publishing and promoting your research. I do all that as well.

Infinite Tucker Takes a Dive in a televised race.

newtboy says...

You should hang your head in shame spreading that twaddle, even in jest. I cannot believe that person has a job in the sciences.

First claiming a 20 watt charge of energy is our consciousness is absolute nonsense, that's simply the power it takes to run a consciousness, your neural pathways in operation are that consciousness. It's like claiming the electricity from the socket is your computer's operating system, and when your computer crashes all your programs and data are safe somewhere in the socket. *facepalm

Second, he seems ignorant of entropy, the process through which most energy eventually degrades to heat. No distinctive or recognizable patterns are retained in that metamorphosis....heat is heat.

As to these "near death experiences", studies were done because people kept claiming to come out of their body to hover above it and watch it be saved before returning, but when a scrolling lighted message was put on top of the cabinets in multiple emergency and operating rooms, only visible from above, not a single person who claimed to have been out of body ever saw the messages blinking at them, because it's a delusion.

Made me throw up a little there, thanks.

Mice aboard the International Space Station (ISS)

New Math vs Old Math

JiggaJonson says...

I have asked math teachers about this and they seem to be behind the line that it helps kids understand how they got to a solution. I am yet to see any credible research that illustrates that this improves skills or thinking or critical thinking.

I will admit, I do THINK about numbers this way. If I come across a problem that's too difficult to do immediately, I start breaking things up in my head.

Sometimes when I'm bored and walking I whistle, sometimes I recount the digits of pie, sometimes I recite the To be or not to be speech from Hamlet, sometimes I start multiplying (really)

2x2 = four
4x4 = sixteen
16x16 = uhhhh <<<< and this is where I start breaking it up --->16x10= 160
----->10x6= 60
------>6x6= 36

Then I have to remember the 36 as I add up the 6 n 6 for 12 dont forget the zero so it's 120 + 100 + 36
so it's 256

256 x256 is like 250x250 or 25x 25 (at this point it's helpful to think of quarters and money) and then add 36 (6x6)
so if there are 4 quarters in a dollar or 100, 25/4 = $6.25
then i need the zeros still

62500 + 360??? = 663? no that's not right, 65? Im losin' it somewhere in there, cant keep track a whole lot further without some paper in my hands or digital transcription (I'm trying to simulate what I actually think of)

>>>>>>>> 65k? estimation <<<<<<<<<
ALL that said, I do that but I learned math the old way and worked as a cashier for 5 years. I never would do regular calculations this way all the time, it's just handy for some fast math. It was easier to commit to memory a lot of my multiplications tables than it would have been to think through this stuff when i didn't know anything about it.

a lot of the education community shits all over the idea of memorization, but I think there's something to be said for it and would be interested if anyone had any studies of memorization as a teaching method and its efficacy.

Mordhaus said:

It's part of common core. Supposedly it makes it easier to understand the theory behind math so later in higher level classes (algebra, trig, etc) they can easily break the harder equations down.

Beats me, I learned the old way and it worked for me through algebra 1/2, and geometry.

Unprecedented Partnership between Fox News and Trump

What's At The Bottom Of The Great Blue Hole?

scientist air cannon prank

Delaware State Trooper Pulls Gun on Black Man For Speeding

Sniper007 says...

Two studies have found that at least 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10% of families in the general population.

This means that even non-abusing good cops have (on average) a group of friends and coworkers comprised of 40%+ abusers in the home. 2 out of every 5. These are friends and coworkers that they would take a bullet for and defend with perjury if need be. These are the good cops.

But you know, I don't blame them? The role itself is insane. Why should humanity have the right to put all of our collective violent, physical, criminal, and tragic life events onto the shoulders of one small group of people? It's not sustainable. And it shows in the lives of those who attempt to assume that role.

Well, I guess we could always blame them for being cops. I mean, there are many other, much more effective ways to improve a culture and impact positive change. If that was their motivation for becoming a cop. That would be a positive take-away: Come up with alternate work programs to help cops stop being cops.

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I think I was actually talking about looking for the reasons we are different (talking about comparative religions class).
I see all too many similarities between cultures....most bad. Those I can somewhat understand without study since I exhibit them, but I lacked exposure to many other cultures.

What's common imo?...a desire for more for those you love.

BSR said:

I know how to keep people together no matter how far apart.

Remember when I asked you about finding the common thread?

I believe you told me you were looking for the differences in the cultures.

Did you push all the differences aside to reveal what was common?


newtboy says...

1) Yes they are...they are his and his group's interpretations of other people's studies (unsupported interpretations the studies authors almost always disagree with)...I just saw a video of him shouting it at people on the street. His, and his cohorts that also lie about health issues to convert the gullible to their cause.
You see, it's exactly as I warned long ago, when you use statements from known liars to back up proven lies, no one trusts what you claim or those you reference to corroborate you at all anymore.

2) If they aren't his claims, then why post a video of him with a crowd shouting them....why mention him and his dishonest groups at all? Edit: oops, forgot you didn't post this one, but you do post him all the time.

3) Nope. Not trolling. Contradicting knowingly false statements....with scientific evidence and math on my side. I understand you are trying to insult, guilt, and shame people away from examining and debunking your claims, for myself, that only makes me want to examine more closely to see how deep the misunderstanding and misstatement of facts goes, exposing it so it doesn't spread.

Have you dropped the insane claim that risk increases 18% for every single slice of bacon consumed? (Yes, that's what you claimed) You stopped defending it, so i think so, but you never admit your misstatements, so who knows?

Interesting you ignored the second paragraph completely, since it proves your miraculous cancer claims are fantasy.

transmorpher said:

They aren't his claims though. That's what I'm trying to get you to understand.

You guys have to be trolling me, because I know you are smarter than this.


transmorpher says...

You're focusing on the messenger, and ignoring the science again.

Feel free to look up the study yourself, they make no effort to hide it, and it lists the journal it's from in the corner.

The conclusion is the same though, even if Hitler was talking about this study, the results wouldn't change. Vegan diets based on whole plant foods protect and reverse cancers. (and heart-disease.)

Mordhaus said:

Show me a study that isn't by a well known Vegan doctor who, btw, helped Oprah jumpstart an entirely unnecessary mad cow disease scare back in 1996.

Give me a link from a person who isn't described like this on their wikipedia page:

"Retired physician Harriet A. Hall, who is known as a skeptic in the medical community,[23][24][25] has written that, while it is well-accepted that it is more healthy to eat a plant-based diet than a typical Western diet, Greger often overstates the known benefits of such a diet as well as the harm caused by eating animal products (for example, in a talk, he claimed that a single meal rich in animal products can "cripple" one's arteries), and he sometimes does not discuss evidence that contradicts his strong claims."

A SINGLE MEAL can cripple your arteries. One meal. This is the person you are linking me to.

I should link you to Jillian Mai Thi Epperly and her 'jilly juice' which she claims expunges Candida from the body, and so by drinking a gallon of the juice every day, one can cure themselves of virtually any ailment, including autism, cancer, HIV, Down syndrome, and homosexuality.[2] The creator also claims that the juice can regrow lost limbs.

You don't have Vegan superpowers. At best you have a slightly better chance to live longer than someone else with a similar genetic makeup. That is science, that is fact.


Mordhaus says...

Show me a study that isn't by a well known Vegan doctor who, btw, helped Oprah jumpstart an entirely unnecessary mad cow disease scare back in 1996.

Give me a link from a person who isn't described like this on their wikipedia page:

"Retired physician Harriet A. Hall, who is known as a skeptic in the medical community,[23][24][25] has written that, while it is well-accepted that it is more healthy to eat a plant-based diet than a typical Western diet, Greger often overstates the known benefits of such a diet as well as the harm caused by eating animal products (for example, in a talk, he claimed that a single meal rich in animal products can "cripple" one's arteries), and he sometimes does not discuss evidence that contradicts his strong claims."

A SINGLE MEAL can cripple your arteries. One meal. This is the person you are linking me to.

I should link you to Jillian Mai Thi Epperly and her 'jilly juice' which she claims expunges Candida from the body, and so by drinking a gallon of the juice every day, one can cure themselves of virtually any ailment, including autism, cancer, HIV, Down syndrome, and homosexuality.[2] The creator also claims that the juice can regrow lost limbs.

You don't have Vegan superpowers. At best you have a slightly better chance to live longer than someone else with a similar genetic makeup. That is science, that is fact.

transmorpher said:

In short yes. but it's not superpowers. it's science.

Vegan blood kills cancer cells

This is specifically a diet on whole food plants - a vegan junk food diet won't be anywhere near this protective. This is how you can tell I'm not being biased, because I'm not saying "be vegan" I'm advocating for a very specific diet, which just happens to be vegan.

But yes, eating a plant only diet prevents cancer in the first place, prevents it from spreading, helps with treatment, and prevents the cancer from coming back afterwards.

(I've got plenty more studies to show, but let's see we can get through this one bit of research first)


newtboy says...

Lol. Know a lot of crack heads, do you? A piece of the puzzle falls into place.

It's telling that you equate accepting minimal increased risk of eating bacon daily with the across the board inescapable destruction caused by crack addiction....and exemplifies your penchant for hyperbole and exaggeration coupled with snide insults.

You love to deride anyone who disagrees with your unsupported extreme positions based on activist "doctors" intentional misinterpretations of studies as ignorant, dumb, incapable of understanding, and now a crackhead. It's sad you can't see how much damage you do your own cause with your constant exaggerations and tantrums when they're challenged.

I don't think you're changing minds the way you want.

transmorpher said:

Because you're acting like a crackhead that's just been told he needs to get clean.


transmorpher says...

In short yes. but it's not superpowers. it's science.

Vegan blood kills cancer cells

This is specifically a diet on whole food plants - a vegan junk food diet won't be anywhere near this protective. This is how you can tell I'm not being biased, because I'm not saying "be vegan" I'm advocating for a very specific diet, which just happens to be vegan.

But yes, eating a plant only diet prevents cancer in the first place, prevents it from spreading, helps with treatment, and prevents the cancer from coming back afterwards.

(I've got plenty more studies to show, but let's see we can get through this one bit of research first)

Mordhaus said:

So, plant based eaters have Vegan superpowers that prevent colon cancer?


newtboy says...

I like carrots, and if eating a full serving a day increased my lifetime risk for one cancer from 5-6%, I would eat exactly the same amount of carrots, but if I could reduce that risk increase based on the soil I grow them in or other factors under my control I would.
...and there aren't 800 studies saying bacon CAUSES cancer, there are studies that indicate eating it regularly increases your risk slightly....but I know, that's too advanced a concept, better to just fudge it and lie by telling people it's conclusive that each slice of bacon increases your cancer risk by 18% and insult anyone who corrects you. Fuck.

I drive, that's risky. Walking is risky. I use my bathroom....risky. I weld, super risky, use power tools, risky, breath in America, that's far more risky than bacon, drink water here, risk, go outside in public, all kinds of risks. If a 1% increase in one area of risk stops you, you would be dead already. You choose your risks, you just want to choose other people's risks too, because they aren't getting scared of what you want.

Plenty could make me quit bacon. Again, you spout nonsense you know nothing about. A simple lack of curing would make me not eat it, proof the supply chain is contaminated with human parasites or certain diseases. A slightly higher risk factor for one type of cancer, fuck no, you know that's not enough to dissuade most people from things they enjoy, that's why you exaggerate.

I don't claim to know what made you that way, but you are hyper biased towards all things vegan and against all things non vegan which results in constant dishonesty. No question at all.

transmorpher said:

Allow me to demonstrate your bias in this situation.

Q: if instead of bacon, what if they had 800 studies showing that, say, carrots cause cancer. Would you be arguing about the stats, or would you stop eating carrots?

I'm pretty sure you'd stop eating carrots. But because you enjoy bacon so much, it's having a impact on your reasoning. That is your bias.

I can prove this further by asking you what it would take to make you give up bacon. And I'm quite sure you would say nothing. Perhaps short of some instant effect, I know you would never stop eating it, no matter strong the evidence. In fact many people don't. They rather go blind and hav their legs amputated from preventable diabetes than give up their instant comfort foods. They are so biased they lose their own limbs, and still refuse to accept the reality.

You also you like to claim that me being vegan makes me biased. But the truth is that the Science made me vegan. And not the other way around. The reduction of animal cruelty is just a bonus.

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