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Joey Quits His Job like a Boss!

punisher says...

>> ^Sagemind:
3 Days without a "Lost Time Accident"
What does this mean?
Are they more concerned with the lost productivity when someone gets hurt as opposed to concern with a hurt employee?
"Oh my god he hurt himself, quick, what do we do, the clock is ticking! We have to get him working again. $tick, $tick, $tick... Quick, stop that bleeding and put a pen in his hand or something. We can't pay him for just laying there - get him up...."

This is common in a lot of places.. Accidents happen all the time... stubbed toes, cuts, etc....
The longer a place goes without a lost time accident, IE: big injuries that cause people to be out of work, the safer it is considered...

Fmr. McCain Economic Adviser: Raise the Debt Ceiling!

NetRunner says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

Why are "handouts" like medicare called mandatory and things like national defense called discretionary?

Medicare and Social Security aren't "handouts", they're benefits you pay for all your life via payroll taxes explicitly earmarked for that purpose (look at your pay stub sometime if you don't believe me). The reason they're mandatory is because they're essentially debts owed to the American people, real people, not just bond-holders. That's actually why they're called "entitlements" -- people are entitled to receive them, because they've already paid for them!

Defense is "discretionary" because Congress gets to decide how much money to spend on it each year. It's not like Social Security or Medicare where people have been promised a fixed benefit in return for the taxes they've paid.

>> ^MarineGunrock:

Here's a fucking idea: stop spending more than we make. If the Dems would just agree to a balanced budget, the Republicans would raise the cieling.

Dems have been bending over backwards here, MG. They've even offered to break the promises made to seniors for Social Security and Medicare, and drastically cut all kinds of important programs. All Dems are saying is that there needs to be some additional revenues in the plan.

Most sane people agree that closing the deficit should include both spending cuts and tax increases, but not the Republicans. They've long since rejected a plan that would've been 83% cuts, and 17% revenue (mostly from closing loopholes), because they insist it be 100% cuts, and not a penny of revenue.

Not to mention, the debt we're facing now is essentially entirely created by Republcians. Look at this chart of the debt since 1950:

Notice that post WW2, both parties ran surpluses to pay down the debt accrued during the war. Then look at 1980, when Ronald Reagan took office. Debt explodes! Until Clinton comes into office, then the trend reverses. Then Bush reverses it back. Obama hasn't reversed the trend Bush started yet, but he also inherited the worst recession we've had since the Great Depression, and Republicans are pretty much refusing any proposal, even one highly skewed towards their policy preferences.

I Want to Lose My Virginity, But I'm Scared...

Shepppard says...

"God loves everyone, first of all. "

Except the Gays.

And the Sinners.

And the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.

And people who stub toes and eat potato chips.

You yourself have contradicted yourself in this thread, sir.

I Want to Lose My Virginity, But I'm Scared...

Shepppard says...

Oh, sorry, forgot to mention.

Eating potato chips, brushing your teeth, and stubbing your toe are all now sins.

No seriously, I found this rock in my back yard that said

"New sins:
Stubbing toes
Potato chips
Brushing of the teeth

Looks pretty old, and it's carved. Now, I mean, This is indisputable evidence that god exists and said these things are bad, so we all have to obey them now and never think of how idiotic following it may be.

Meet Zheng Guigui, The Fingerless Piano Player

westy says...

>> ^residue:

You're just upset because no one has applauded your impressive typing skills despite having no fingers. Don't be jealous and keep practicing, your comments are nearly legible!
>> ^westy:
why r the people in audeance getting so worked up ( i guess they vet things and only employ tards and dull people to present these typs of programs)
its gr8 that she has lent how to do this but what do u expect her to do u dont just go and kill yourself when u lose a arm legg hand , or have terminal illness u make the most of it and try and do what u want to do.
allot of piano music is Filler and for this reason you can reduce allot of songs to something that is playable with a stub.
It might evan be the case that playing the peano comes more eseaily to this girl than it would sumone with 2 hands but who finds it hard to do the specifc action of playing the peano , but bucuse this girl has an obvouse disablity and apears to have overcome it to some exstent that makes this emotional .
its like when tllent shows boo people off for been shit , but then an ugly person is slighty above average and thats amazing , or sumone who is clearly disabled is trying and thats amazing , if you happen to just be an average person thats trying hard and pushing u own boundries but comes across as a normal person then fuck you.

bahhhhhh back to my granddad seat Im happy for this girl as i would be for anyone but wish everyone else in that studio would die in a tsunami or something. ( i bet all the people that died die in the tusnimi were nice people as well and it avoided all the cunts , Sods law )

I actually type using this

Meet Zheng Guigui, The Fingerless Piano Player

residue says...

You're just upset because no one has applauded your impressive typing skills despite having no fingers. Don't be jealous and keep practicing, your comments are nearly legible!


>> ^westy:

why r the people in audeance getting so worked up ( i guess they vet things and only employ tards and dull people to present these typs of programs)
its gr8 that she has lent how to do this but what do u expect her to do u dont just go and kill yourself when u lose a arm legg hand , or have terminal illness u make the most of it and try and do what u want to do.
allot of piano music is Filler and for this reason you can reduce allot of songs to something that is playable with a stub.
It might evan be the case that playing the peano comes more eseaily to this girl than it would sumone with 2 hands but who finds it hard to do the specifc action of playing the peano , but bucuse this girl has an obvouse disablity and apears to have overcome it to some exstent that makes this emotional .
its like when tllent shows boo people off for been shit , but then an ugly person is slighty above average and thats amazing , or sumone who is clearly disabled is trying and thats amazing , if you happen to just be an average person thats trying hard and pushing u own boundries but comes across as a normal person then fuck you.

bahhhhhh back to my granddad seat Im happy for this girl as i would be for anyone but wish everyone else in that studio would die in a tsunami or something. ( i bet all the people that died die in the tusnimi were nice people as well and it avoided all the cunts , Sods law )

Meet Zheng Guigui, The Fingerless Piano Player

westy says...

why r the people in audeance getting so worked up ( i guess they vet things and only employ tards and dull people to present these typs of programs)

its gr8 that she has lent how to do this but what do u expect her to do u dont just go and kill yourself when u lose a arm legg hand , or have terminal illness u make the most of it and try and do what u want to do.

allot of piano music is Filler and for this reason you can reduce allot of songs to something that is playable with a stub.

It might evan be the case that playing the peano comes more eseaily to this girl than it would sumone with 2 hands but who finds it hard to do the specifc action of playing the peano , but bucuse this girl has an obvouse disablity and apears to have overcome it to some exstent that makes this emotional .

its like when tllent shows boo people off for been shit , but then an ugly person is slighty above average and thats amazing , or sumone who is clearly disabled is trying and thats amazing , if you happen to just be an average person thats trying hard and pushing u own boundries but comes across as a normal person then fuck you.

bahhhhhh back to my granddad seat Im happy for this girl as i would be for anyone but wish everyone else in that studio would die in a tsunami or something. ( i bet all the people that died die in the tusnimi were nice people as well and it avoided all the cunts , Sods law )

Some guy engineers his own 9/11 experiments

probie says...

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^probie:
Businesses attempting to capitalize on a tragedy (and therefore increase their profits - they are capitalists, remember?) does not a conspiracy make. Until they're able to do an approximate re-creation, ie. build another tower using the same grade steel and materials made in the 70's, age it for 30+ years, reproduce the same weight load on said structure, and then fly a plane into it, all of this is moot. There are so many factors in reproducing what happened on 9/11, attempting only one part of it to support an entire conspiracy is ludicrous.
Where's all the conspiracy nuts talking about how the US govt. took out Pearl Harbor? It happened, right? Right?
Not that I subscribe to this, but you asked.... I think there's some for and against the theory, I didn't really take the time to read them since I'm at work.
The theory is not that they "took it out", but that they had foreknowledge it was going to occur, and let it.

Oy vey. The psychosis runs deep in those who can't accept that shit just does happen. It must suck to live life in constant state of self-induced victimization and the need for validation. I wonder what conspiracy theories they come up with when they drop a coffee cup, or stub their toe?

The pervasive nature of classism and poverty (Humanitarian Talk Post)

peggedbea says...


Eventually we could all be working for the big corporations, and with less competition they could lessen benefits such as health or vacation pay, they could easily lower wages, and they could then extend the expected work week from 40 hours to something like 100 hours. If that sounds farfetched, I can tell you from first hand experience I've seen this exact thing happen to an industry I know very well. And when I say big corporations, I mean major parent companies that buy large businesses. For instance, let's take the advertising industry. One parent company could own almost all of the major companies in that industry, so if you complain about the 100 hour work week and loss of vacation benefits, your chances of receiving another job in that industry are cut to almost zero. I've seen it. And they do illegal shit like tell women not to get pregnant.

That is exactly what's happening. Wages began stagnating in the 70's. At the time, women were moving into the work force so the impact on families was offset by an extra income. And today, it's out of control. It's been researched and it's been documented. And it's visible if you look at all the personal debt families have. Americans take less vacation time than other industrialized nation. The US is also the only industrialized nation who does not mandate vacation time. I read something the other day (disclaimer: i don't have a good grasp on economics, it was a complicated paper and i'm a bit dyslexic/dyscalculic so I've got to reread it a few times before I'm totally confident I understand it, and then research it for accuracy) and the idea of it just fascinated me. It was something like, wages used to increase as labor's productivity increased.. like it was inherently built into the market. So maybe technology eliminated the need for as many people, but the remaining workers were more productive, so their wages should have been going up. But the mid 70's saw an abandonment of this principle in favor of higher profits and the consequences of that have been devastating for working people ever since. Like, they broke a rule of the market and it's sent tremors through almost 40 years and now everything is fucked up and the worker is more and more screwed everyday.

now, regulation: we've been peeling back regulations for decades. and it seems to have worked antithetically to your hypothesized outcome. why do you think that is? which regulations are you talking about, specifically?
I don't disagree that it should be fairly simple to start your own new business. And I don't like or trust government either, but I want some kind of assurance that this new business is not polluting my air, water, community, that its employees are not being exploited and are paid a living wage and that sanitary practices are being followed. What sort of system do you propose to keep new restaurants from serving rat poo infested soups made by 5 year olds? ..... maybe, eventually, the free market would take care of this sort of violation but after how many people eat there and get sick? And after how many child chefs burn their little fingers on hot stoves?

And when people feel they pay into a nanny system, they feel less generous to help those in front of them. I know, I see it every damn day in LA.

this statement is a motherfucking cop-out. i'm not saying that you dont "see" it.. i'm just saying people should know better. The "nanny-system" obviously, isn't taking take care of those in front of them. This is where i see a major downfall in individualism. "I would help, but something else is already helping you. I'm looking out for #1!! I already gave to charity this week.. see where my pay stub says 'FICA'?"... And "someone else is already doing it" has become the operative ethic of the gen-x yuppie class. It is an excuse for petulance and cold heartedness and snobbery. If we lived in nomadic, tribal hunter/gatherer communities, they would be the first kicked out of the clan. ... and John Winthrop would have thrown them off the arabella. Shame on them.

I spend a great deal of time with the "nanny-system"... personally, professionally and academically. There are atrocious disparities. My most functionally impaired clients also happen to my poorest clients. At first, I thought this was a coincidence. It isn't. Not at all. Diagnosis doesn't have as much to do with prognosis as the financial and social status of the person living with the disability. (e.g. parents can't afford to make the home handicap accessible, so the wheelchair can't make it through the front door, so person with the disability spends 30 years crawling around on the floor, which solves the problem of moving from room to room, but creates 100 other problems in its place. the body is so malformed at this point, employment placement for the disabled adult is impossible, i could give you 500 other examples) This is a sin.

In a lot of ways, I agree... government is too bulky and convoluted here to be as effective as it needs to be. The apparatus is too cumbersome and the funding and political/community support for such services is far too small. It doesn't have to be this way. Nationally, we've tabled charity and efficiency as a virtue, in favor of strength and might and greed and pride. Social Services could be reworked, in a vastly more effective and efficient way if only we had the political and social will to do it. We could do it for a lot cheaper as well, I think. I won't go on my diatribe about how disability services needs to function, mostly because its full of jargon and boring.

But, I think we mostly agree on a lot of things, namely, corporations are fucking us all and the government is providing the reach around. every 4 years half of us orgasm when our candidate is elected by popular vote. only for the pounding to commence again the following January.

Rotationplasty - Medical science does what?

deathcow says...

Between when i was 19 - 24 years old I wrote all the software in a robotic bone lengthening device. It is highly related to techniques like this (and is hinted at in this video... "if the knees dont line up, another procedure is done...") the other procedure is called the Ilizarov technique.

We automated the Ilizarov technique with motors which stretched a "somewhat broken" leg 1,440 times per day, nanometers at a time, adding up to a single millimeter of "stretch" per day. This enables you to grow an inch taller every 25.4 days.

I attended many operations and bolted the motors onto the devices. One guy in Alaska had blown almost his complete tibia/fibula off with a shotgun. The doctors simply brought the foot up to the left over stub of bone, attached the motorized cage and began lengthening the bone again. In about 120 days he had grown his entire missing calf back. (It will never look the same ; ) but it is completely functional.

We also put our device on an Atlanta Falcons player who had a shortened AND rotated foot after a football break. Simple -- break the leg again, put it in a frame, and then lengthen AND rotate the leg by 1mm in each axis daily. This only took a couple weeks compared to the months for the shotgun injury.

I saw them break many bones in the operating room with chisels.

I am sure there are some Youtube videos explaining the "Ilizarov" technique and showing the frames.

Yogi (Member Profile)

Mel Gibson Audio Tape Released!

Yogi says...

I don't understand...women are things...he's yelling at a it's basically like stubbing your toe on the dresser and cursing. No biggie.

EDIT: Also needs more Vuvuzela!

Potential Solution To Gulf Oil Leak - No Cap, But Plug It

MycroftHomlz says...

OK. So I see the confusion. Let me explain.

If you have horizontal pipe on a sea bed with a pipe leading to the surface, then you can think of the pipe as a sideways laying "L" like this ____|. The stub that goes to the surface is some distance 'x' long. So the maximum length you can make you taper, until the diameter is equal to the diameter of the pipe is some length less than 'x', the length of the stub.

Does that make more sense?

This means there is a limited length you can make the taper. Experimentally, the force needed to cap the pipe will increase with "increasing taper angle". If you think of the limiting case where the taper angle goes to 180 degrees, then there is no taper. So the point that the taper length is limited is very relevant.

I think that is clear.

>> ^arvana:

The pipe has now been cut so it's vertical at the top of the blowout preventer.

Rachel Maddow on Anthony Weiner and Health Care

NetRunner says...

@kagenin, I actually disagree. I don't think there's any problem with using markets in medicine -- in fact I think it's preferrable -- the problem is that you need to make sure the market dynamics lead to a cycle of providing better care to more people, and not a cycle of providing more expensive care to fewer people.

For example, the system Anthony Weiner wants is single-payer. All that really does is say that for certain basic types of medical service, there's a single state-based insurance company that covers everyone, and will use a nation-sized customer pool to negotiate set rates common to all providers.

The providers themselves are private, and they profits by attracting more patients with good service, and by driving cost efficiencies. In other words, they get rich by taking better care of people and by eliminating waste.

The problem in our system is that the incentives are all wrong.

The private insurance companies make a profit by only extending insurance to people who're as healthy as possible. Their goal is to collect premiums with the lowest amount of "medical loss" -- in other words, without having to actually cover the cost of any treatment. That leads them to cover fewer people, jack up the rates of people who are older or chronically ill, fight with patients over every expensive claim, and try to rescind coverage retroactively on their sickest customers.

The providers also have bad incentives. They make all their money by performing procedures, and getting reimbursed by the insurance companies. This leading them to have tremendous incentives to give everyone a CAT scan and MRI if they come in with stubbed toe. So, they're always working on new, expensive tests and treatments, and reasons to use them on as many patients as possible, without much regard to efficiency or patient benefit.

There are lots of ways to break us out of those bad incentives. On paper, HSA's might work to reduce costs if that was the only way anyone could pay for medical service. If you eliminate traditional insurance entirely, add in mandatory contributions to HSA's, and a little bit of subsidy to cover people who need to spend more than they can afford, and I might be willing to support it.

But just having HSA's as part of our existing mix has essentially no effect on the system at all. Participation is way too low for it to make any difference at all.

MoveOn & R.E.M. Video: We Can't Afford to Wait

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