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Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? - ICO

yellowc says...

So...if a director wants to specifically tell a story about a young boy rescuing a young girl they have to go "Oh wait, I better not tell this story, it's fucking sexist"? You see this is equally ludicrous, so is the notion that for every "boy saves girl" story, the world needs to make a "girl saves boy" story. When a director wants to tell a story of a female lead, they will do that (e.g. Bayonetta, Samsus, Heavy Rain), the rarity of this occurrence doesn't mean that "damsel in distress" stories are sexist, it means not enough people with a different story to tell aspire to be game directors.

It's also laughable (and sexist) to lump "most guys" in to a generic stereotypical group but thanks, it's great being just a "guy", I feel super equal right now, that must be better than regular equality.

>> ^yourhydra:

ForgeReality...maybe the video's main point wasn't to be funny? And's the fact that they made the girl be blind and guided by a man that is annoying, instead of doing it the other way around.
It's almost laughable how dense most guys are when it comes to these issues since it doesn't concern them. I play loads of online games and love it, and there are many lovely guys on there that I've made lasting friendships the same time...per one nice guy (meaning a man who knows that a girl is a capable HUMAN not a baby oven with tits) there are 10 douche bags telling me I'm gonna suck, and being rude and sexist towards me...(shutting up as soon as I reach top 3 on the scoreboard by the way) I agree with this vid 100%. MOST games and movies have damsels in distress and male heroes rescuing them, just another way for the male public to feel big. Most strands of Feminism's aren't about female superiority by the way, but about equality, I feel the word itself has been tainted to be shuddered at.
"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people." -Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler
"In my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she's a feminist or a masochist."
—Gloria Steinem
Sorry to get all insulted and serious, but...people should think a little more, we do make up more than half of the population.

Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? - ICO

yourhydra says...

ForgeReality...maybe the video's main point wasn't to be funny? And's the fact that they made the girl be blind and guided by a man that is annoying, instead of doing it the other way around.

It's almost laughable how dense most guys are when it comes to these issues since it doesn't concern them. I play loads of online games and love it, and there are many lovely guys on there that I've made lasting friendships the same time...per one nice guy (meaning a man who knows that a girl is a capable HUMAN not a baby oven with tits) there are 10 douche bags telling me I'm gonna suck, and being rude and sexist towards me...(shutting up as soon as I reach top 3 on the scoreboard by the way) I agree with this vid 100%. MOST games and movies have damsels in distress and male heroes rescuing them, just another way for the male public to feel big. Most strands of Feminism's aren't about female superiority by the way, but about equality, I feel the word itself has been tainted to be shuddered at.

"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people." -Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler

"In my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she's a feminist or a masochist."
—Gloria Steinem

Sorry to get all insulted and serious, but...people should think a little more, we do make up more than half of the population.

The Real Story of Apollo 11 - Stranger than Fiction

Ron Paul: BP Responsible, Not Obama!

longde says...

God, I hate to digress, but the problem in Katrina wasn't looting and lawlessness. The problem in Katrina was american citizens stranded, starving, abandoned and ultimately dying. I would still send in the National Guard, though -- for rescue, not assault.>> ^Mikus_Aurelius:
I don't like the Katrina/Oil spill equivalence.
How do you stop a deep water leak? How do you keep the oil on the ocean from getting to shore? These are difficult technical questions. I don't know the answer. You don't know the answer. Oil companies don't know the answer. Why do we expect our government to know the answer?
On the other hand, the problem with Katrina was looting and lawlessness. We all know how to fix that: send in the national guard with rations and rifles. Keeping order and feeding disaster victims is government's job. They blew it.

enoch (Member Profile)

LarsaruS says...

Good going, I'll send you a message when I have found more stuff and removed the old videos from there.
Until then... Have a good day!

In reply to this comment by enoch:
ok..all finished taggin.
sorry it took so long.went fishing on the gulf yesterday..was a great day..lots of fish and even helped a stranded couple but i was sunburned and POOPED.
and i really should have waited till i had my second cup of coffee..i screwed up and typed "electronica" wrong and had to backtrack and re-invoke=teh gay.
only saw one that didnt i tagged it live music.think it was harhads videogame post.
good work bub.
till next time.

LarsaruS (Member Profile)

enoch says...

ok..all finished taggin.
sorry it took so long.went fishing on the gulf yesterday..was a great day..lots of fish and even helped a stranded couple but i was sunburned and POOPED.
and i really should have waited till i had my second cup of coffee..i screwed up and typed "electronica" wrong and had to backtrack and re-invoke=teh gay.
only saw one that didnt i tagged it live music.think it was harhads videogame post.
good work bub.
till next time.

7 Nation Army Cover~Nataly Dawn(Pomplamoose)

Blondie - Call Me by "In This Moment" - Check It Out

Payback says...

Go to or in Canada, and search "blondie call me"

Debbie Harry was better looking even in late 70's fashions, sang better stoned out of her gourd, and had more talent in a strand of her bleached hair than this person will ever experience.

This being said... Debbie, and her voice, haven't aged well.

FOX Reporters Help a Stranded Tom Daschle In the DC Blizzard

silvercord says...

Comments from LiveLeak:

Raw Video: TV crew spots Daschle pushing car down DC street in snow storm

While FOX 5 was busy covering the start of the Blizzard of 2010 in D.C. on Friday night, our reporters came across a number of stranded vehicles—but one stood out from the rest.

As reporter Matt Ackland and his photographer Nelson Jones were driving down Wisconsin Avenue in Upper Northwest D.C. while they were live on the air, they spotted a man trying to push his car out of the snow. When they stopped to help—live on the air—they found that it was none other than former South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle.

Daschle's car was stuck along the roadway, but Jones hopped out to help him push.

Of course, D.C. officials have been urging residents not to venture out onto the road in the treacherous conditions, but apparently Daschle had somewhere to be. There's no word on where he was headed.

asd (Blog Entry by campionidelmondo)

Sagemind says...

Ummm, I wonder if you are watching the same ALF sitcom we all watched in the 80s. I'm thinking your description is a little off. Hilariously funny, self-absorbed, cat-eating alien is stranded on earth and takes refuge with a caring family, who takes care of him, while hiding him from the authorities as he plots unsuccessfully to get home. I especially liked the Christmas mas special where he learns all about the meaning of giving at Christmas. I also still repeat one of his catch-phrases when ever I tell a joke that no one laughs at but I find hilarious. "I kill me!"

Zero Punctuation - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

westy says...

>> ^RedSky:
I still can't figure out either a developer or distributor motive for the move to remove dedicated servers/mods.
They're not saving money, the features are clearly already in there since they were unlocked with a hack. It's not like it makes sense to set a precedent for future games either, may as well start it with a game where you don't even consider developing mod/dedicated server support.
It's not like this somehow enables them to charge for DLC whereas otherwise they couldn't. They easily could have done so anyway, because even PC gamers would likely pay for well made content no matter how discontent they are with the decision to charge. It's not like mod support somehow changes this dramatically.
The idea that IW want to restrict balancing and various adjustments that competitive mod makers made is plausible but still comes off as ridiculous considering they have never really made an effort to be competitive friendly and must surely know that people playing competitevely will never settle for the like of AI controlled choppers and air strikes in their game.

they did it with this game because it allows them to more fairly (easily) implement the level and weapon unlock system. (MWF2 is clearly a console game designed around many aspects of console gaming and what the core fps console gamer wants) ( you could design a level up and wepon system that worked on dedicated servers but this is a console game and its cheaper to have users host the games so why bother paying for servers when you can force that on the users)

also the whole non dedicated game lobby server method works well for console games allowing people to jump into a multilayer game quickly without having to do any looking for servers. (console gamers want quick gratification of a reasonable stranded nor necaserally game play that pushes the art form forwards)

I do however think it is just cheep of them not to provide the servers themselves so that users are not hosting them , like how Dice dose it with bf 1943, they host the games but you just jump into them through a quick join system.

I think in general the quick join non dedicated option works well for console games. the reason why they don't work for pc games is this.

1) pc gamers want more sophisticated game play and expects mods and additional content
2) pc gamers normally expects multilayer with 20+ people avrage home internet cannot cope with this
3) pc gamers are all running different kit and require the host to provide a bass line and administratoin to remove hacks cheets and ping advantage (for a host)
4) pc gamers like a solid fixed location that they can go to for the exsperance they want from a game different servers are like different pubs accentually they all sell the same thing but the music setting and bar staff are different.
5) pc gamers use external software with there games for voice (joining games with friends in) and aquiring mod and map content, pc gamers dont like to be forced to use the process that the developer or publisher is inforcing as in most casses its shit compared to a specifcly made alternative.

in the end a PC is OPEN games platform games have to be developed for them with this in mind
console games are a CLOSED platform and there for you develop them specifcly to capatalize on the aspects of that closed platform.

the reasoning why developers simply port the shit over to pc is a) its less effort / risk than designing something that works for pc b) console architecture is much closer to pc than it used to be c) the profits derived from pc are considered a bonus they don't really give a shit due to the profits that can be derived from the console. why bother wasting time doing a decent pc port when you could have the same team of people work on DLC / new games and earn just as much money at almost no risk.

Obama Declares State of Emergency for H1N1 Flu

GeeSussFreeK says...

I had the pork flu, it was like the normal flu. The apparent good thing about H1N1 is how fast its attenuation is. The bad part is that it doesn't seam to have a season in which is it more active. What we don't know is how fast the strand mutates compared to normal flu, that is the deal breaker. What you could have is a flu that is less deadly than the normal flu but has no season boundaries and mutates fast. The other possibility is that you could have a flu that is less deadly than the normal flu, has no seasonal boundary, but is only something that mutates every 3 years or something. Only time will tell.

The Return of Choggie (Sift Talk Post)

Ornthoron says...

>> ^NetRunner:
Are the rules applicable to everyone equally, or do people with a greater degree of popularity get exempted from them?
Is there any guarantee of protection from harassment on VideoSift at all, or is that contingent on popular vote?

It has been made unequivocally clear many times that this place is an experiment in absolute democracy. This means that every court decision is decided by popular vote, and can also be overturned by popular vote. As such, popularity is very much part of the current justice system. What this system lacks, as opposed to every functioning modern democracy, is the concept of separation of powers. It was this flaw that I wanted to take steps to correct with this poll, but alas, that attempt stranded despite a lot of good ideas emerging from the ensuing discussion.

Patriotism for Scoundrels

Pprt says...

Absolutely ridiculous.

Loving your country means you want to KILL everyone else?

What kind of twisted psychological conditioning has the Northern world suffered where the above definition of patriotism is lauded? The Communists had NOTHING on the pathology that's been infected to Europids.

Every day my concern for the future of Northern civilization grows.

It's not even as though we're committing cultural hara-kiri, we're diving headfirst into the pavement and severing the bungee cord strand by strand.

Joke for a promote (Comedy Talk Post)

Ornthoron says...

A guy is stranded on a deserted island with only a sheep and a dog for company. He has a huge libido, and after a couple of days, he gets so horny he is almost delirious. To relieve himself of his agony, he tries to engage the sheep in intercourse. But his efforts are thwarted by the dog, who protects the sheep by pushing him away. He tries again the next day and the day after that, but the dog is always there to stop him.

A week later, he suddenly hears screams for help from the ocean. A woman is struggling to stay afloat about 50 meters from the shore, entangled as she is in the remains of an old fishing net. He quickly jumps in the water, swims out, cuts her loose with his pocket knife, and pulls her in to the shore. Her clothes are in tatters, leaving her almost completely naked, and she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. "Oh thank you, you have saved my life!", she exclaims. "I'll do anything for you in return!".

"Great!", he answers. "Could you hold the dog, please?"

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