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Deano (Member Profile)

swampgirl (Member Profile)

grspec says...

I don't know, it seems that maybe there is a glitch in siftbot becuase even though he said it was discarded I don't think it was becuase I thought there had to be -3 votes total. Either way don't bother, I am getting ready to go camping for the weekend and I wont be able to respond to all the posts/messages I will get.

In reply to your comment:
Ok, so it wasn't discarded due to negative votes? Do you want me to re-blog it?

In reply to your comment:
I'm not saying it means that much to me, and I don't even know how to say this the right way. I just didn't feel it should be self-discarded because it is found offensive and it is not becuase I don't care, but because I think everyone finds things tolerable on different levels and since we are a democracy here I figured I would leave it to the people to decide. I like to think I don't go around doing things to hurt people or piss people off and while I can understand the issue this revolves around (9/11) is a emotional one I still thought it deserved sifting.

I am sorry that if really upset you, I was upset myself to see how it affected you.

In reply to your comment:
Ok,I re-discarded it then. If this sift means that much to you, then please blog it back. I'm happy to let the controversy die with it since I really really hate being at odds with you over a video.

In reply to your comment:
Didn't this already get discarded due to negative votes? I posted this knowing that it was going to be controversial but it wasn't done with the intent to offend people, if anything it was done to entice debate. Also as much as I don't want to offend anyone, I have a hard time self discarding a video because it did. If everyone were to discard a video that someone else found offensive there wouldn't be a lot of videos left on this sift.

grspec (Member Profile)

swampgirl says...

Ok, so it wasn't discarded due to negative votes? Do you want me to re-blog it?

In reply to your comment:
I'm not saying it means that much to me, and I don't even know how to say this the right way. I just didn't feel it should be self-discarded because it is found offensive and it is not becuase I don't care, but because I think everyone finds things tolerable on different levels and since we are a democracy here I figured I would leave it to the people to decide. I like to think I don't go around doing things to hurt people or piss people off and while I can understand the issue this revolves around (9/11) is a emotional one I still thought it deserved sifting.

I am sorry that if really upset you, I was upset myself to see how it affected you.

In reply to your comment:
Ok,I re-discarded it then. If this sift means that much to you, then please blog it back. I'm happy to let the controversy die with it since I really really hate being at odds with you over a video.

In reply to your comment:
Didn't this already get discarded due to negative votes? I posted this knowing that it was going to be controversial but it wasn't done with the intent to offend people, if anything it was done to entice debate. Also as much as I don't want to offend anyone, I have a hard time self discarding a video because it did. If everyone were to discard a video that someone else found offensive there wouldn't be a lot of videos left on this sift.

swampgirl (Member Profile)

grspec says...

I'm not saying it means that much to me, and I don't even know how to say this the right way. I just didn't feel it should be self-discarded because it is found offensive and it is not becuase I don't care, but because I think everyone finds things tolerable on different levels and since we are a democracy here I figured I would leave it to the people to decide. I like to think I don't go around doing things to hurt people or piss people off and while I can understand the issue this revolves around (9/11) is a emotional one I still thought it deserved sifting.

I am sorry that if really upset you, I was upset myself to see how it affected you.

In reply to your comment:
Ok,I re-discarded it then. If this sift means that much to you, then please blog it back. I'm happy to let the controversy die with it since I really really hate being at odds with you over a video.

In reply to your comment:
Didn't this already get discarded due to negative votes? I posted this knowing that it was going to be controversial but it wasn't done with the intent to offend people, if anything it was done to entice debate. Also as much as I don't want to offend anyone, I have a hard time self discarding a video because it did. If everyone were to discard a video that someone else found offensive there wouldn't be a lot of videos left on this sift.

grspec (Member Profile)

swampgirl says...

Ok,I re-discarded it then. If this sift means that much to you, then please blog it back. I'm happy to let the controversy die with it since I really really hate being at odds with you over a video.

In reply to your comment:
Didn't this already get discarded due to negative votes? I posted this knowing that it was going to be controversial but it wasn't done with the intent to offend people, if anything it was done to entice debate. Also as much as I don't want to offend anyone, I have a hard time self discarding a video because it did. If everyone were to discard a video that someone else found offensive there wouldn't be a lot of videos left on this sift.

grspec (Member Profile)

swampgirl says...

Ok, other than your not admitting the truth that the two porn shots are clearly violating posting guidelines, you're are being terribly naive about it's message. Or are you?
You have the two woman licking breasts early in the flick. porn. If you pause the video near the end and scroll slowly, you'll see: KKK superimposed w/ Iraqi prisoner and then Christ on the cross. Then Rocky holding a US flag, some poor kids running nude in what seems to be a war torn neighborhood, more Ab Graib shots and then a pornographic picture of a man and woman having sex. Clear picture of a woman's body coming down on a man's penis in intercourse... porn.

And as for the other....

You mean to tell me you cannot glean ANY message whatsoever in this video? I don't believe it. Ok then, what was your motivation for posting it? Art? Shockvalue? AntiAmerican? I can respect anti-war or anti-US government for the most part, but this video glorifies and celebrates the deaths of innocent thousands and screams that they deserved it. It's hateful propoganda poorly masked as art.

Hey, you may not have had the intentions for it, but it's painfully offensive. Wow, the word offensive for this is an understatement.

In reply to your comment:
I have no idea what the piece means, I just know it was meant as a statement about 9/11, albiet a warped statement. An I posted it knowing it was going to get some very strong reactions and most likely get downvoted into oblivion, but sometimes its better to sift and miss than to not sift at all.

In reply to your comment:
Powerful, yes...powerfully offensive. This is horrid. And call it art if you like, it is porn. There are clear pornographic pictures in here, some flashed very quickly. Pause near the end and you'll see.

You posted this so explain to me the meaning of this piece? If I'm supposed to feel ill afterwards, then it's a success (and I'm not talking about the pornography)

firefly (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

swampgirl (Member Profile)

grspec says...

I have no idea what the piece means, I just know it was meant as a statement about 9/11, albiet a warped statement. An I posted it knowing it was going to get some very strong reactions and most likely get downvoted into oblivion, but sometimes its better to sift and miss than to not sift at all.

In reply to your comment:
Powerful, yes...powerfully offensive. This is horrid. And call it art if you like, it is porn. There are clear pornographic pictures in here, some flashed very quickly. Pause near the end and you'll see.

You posted this so explain to me the meaning of this piece? If I'm supposed to feel ill afterwards, then it's a success (and I'm not talking about the pornography)

Deano (Member Profile)

karaidl says...

What's your opinion on Ann Coulter? -

I just got through watching Hot Fuzz no more than two minutes ago. It was a lot funnier than Shaun. Just didn't like horror and comedy mixed together - it didn't work. But then again I went through both movies not being able to appreciate 90% of the British wit.

In reply to your comment:
Sadly it was Citizen Kane. Only joking! Yeah what would you like saved, I will be your saviour!

In reply to your comment:
Shaun of the Dead.

Do I win?

swampgirl (Member Profile)

Deano (Member Profile)

BrknPhoenix (Member Profile)

detlev409 says...

Here you go: 1 and 2.

Both from this same poster on Youtube. They were the only others I could locate. The actual documentary can be found here.

I responded to you in the original thread, but I wasn't sure if you'd ever look there again.

In reply to your comment:
If there's more to this, I'd love to see it. I love Lovecraft, although it's definitely tough to get into at first.

EDD (Member Profile)

MINK says...

oh yeah, i know what you mean

In reply to your comment:
a nice, healthy bit of propaganda always appreciated thanks.
after all I've got relatives living in Belarus. not exactly first-hand knowledge, but it's close. stories like those make me appreciate how lucky one is living in the EU instead of the C"I"S, of which Belarus might be the most favorable one, if not the most democratic one (if you know what I mean, *wink* *wink*)...

In reply to your comment:
maybe you want some propaganda?

In reply to your comment:
I just love this. guess it's because I didn't glance at the description before watching it. a really nice vid.

oh, and btw I am from Latvia, MINK.

MINK (Member Profile)

EDD says...

a nice, healthy bit of propaganda always appreciated thanks.
after all I've got relatives living in Belarus. not exactly first-hand knowledge, but it's close. stories like those make me appreciate how lucky one is living in the EU instead of the C"I"S, of which Belarus might be the most favorable one, if not the most democratic one (if you know what I mean, *wink* *wink*)...

In reply to your comment:
maybe you want some propaganda?

In reply to your comment:
I just love this. guess it's because I didn't glance at the description before watching it. a really nice vid.

oh, and btw I am from Latvia, MINK.

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