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Homeless Man Sees 'Do Gooder' Video For What It Is

ulysses1904 says...

Yeah, this has that stagey stink coming off of it, from both parties. They picked an odd place for a homeless person to be sleeping for this skit. And the cameraman is a little too steady for someone who just found he may be dealing with a potentially violent reaction, like when he calmly tries to track the flying pizza as it flies off screen. And how does this qualify as a "social experiment"?

Maynard of TOOL talks about the "Fan Incident"

Why Tipping Should Be Banned

enoch says...


thanks guys!
thats exactly what i was looking for.
though i have to admit a particular curiosity in regards to what a "decent" or "living" wage would amount to,which is too specific for most people to actually state.

the reason i am so curious is because since 1978 i have been in the business in one capacity or another.i have been a captain at a few 5 star places.ran two 4 star ballrooms and have bartended at some of the most amazing clubs.

i worked very hard to learn the techniques and particulars of my trade.i learned from the best so i could be the best.started from the bottom,listened intently and learned the trade from some of the most talented people i had ever met.

so what am i worth? what would be considered a "living" wage?
the reason i say this,tongue firmly planted in cheek,is because when people find out how much i made they..and i am not exagerating here..literally lose their mind.

i did very well,but i worked my ass off to get it.
and i was worth every penny.
but i didnt just do it for the money...thats just...soulless and void of any meaning.i did it for the challenge.i did it for pride and knowing that the majority of people out there could not do what i do.
and i happen to enjoy meeting people:bonus!
love what you do and the money follows.

or did.

i recently left the business out of disgust.
maybe i am just getting too old and cranky but corporate eateries have douched the profession i adored for decades.

a corporate trained waiter/waitress is just one notch above useless.
i know i know..thats my experience and does not reflect on ALL servers but fuck that,i am old and i am free to bitch about the younger generation.

no pride.
no discipline.
just whining crying and more whining.
and god forbid you offer advice to these know-it-all wankers...
"well,when i was at olive garden"..oh fuck me....
only been in the biz for 30 plus years..yeah..what would i know..
just let grandpa hump the ten tops because you got double sat and are now in the "weeds".
fucking pussies...

gah..sorry for the ranting,but watching my profession go down the shitter is upsetting.

tipping is not mandatory in the states.
though if you are experiencing the "new wave" of servers,who i have seen openly give stink eye to customers,i can see why you may think otherwise.

i always looked at my profession as a sub-contractor.
my relationship is with my customer.THEY are my business and i treat them should not do this job strictly for the money.might as well go sell your soul and become a crack dealer...same difference. i am just rambling.
suffice to say:
tipping is not mandatory.
new generation of servers are a gaggle of whiny non-conrtibuting pussies who think they know everything because they worked day shift at olive garden for a year.

and if ever offered minimum wage to do what i did,i would stab the person in the eye socket with a dirty ball point pen.

/end rant

folks i will be here every tuesday! dont forget to tip your bartenders and wai...oh....nevermind.

Racism in the United States: By the Numbers

bobknight33 says...

Bla bla bla and you point is what?

Oh I get it you think you shit don't stink.
Yea that happens all the time from liberals.

Shouldn't you be receiving a Darwin Award?

If Obama could run a 3rd term you would vote for him. Your that dumb.

newtboy said:

Your ignorance is dumbfounding.
Your racism is blatant.
Your conclusions are simplistic and wrong.
That's more time that this deserved.

Amazing Take off on world's shortest runway, Saba Airport

Ambition - Sci-Fi Short w/ Aidan Gillen (GoT's Littlefinger)

Retroboy says...

I love mind-stretching stuff, but the purpose is a little confusing in this. The science in visiting a comet and discovering sand dunes is damned great. (reference: ) But this little film buries that in the equivalent of master/apprentice wizardry and magic.

Yeah, yeah, effects were superb, and per Clarke, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", and the story was meant to be noble. Got that.

But this still put me off a touch because it muddied the waters. Cool science is cool without CGI, and this went a bit too far down that lane.

Left Behind - Nicolas Cage Official Trailer #1 (2014)

billpayer says...

Far more likely it will be the enormous Floridian or Texan sweating up a stink either side of me...

The Earth will not miss them and will go on to have millions of years of enlightenment, peace and science.

00Scud00 said:

Won't be so bouncy and happy if you're on an airplane and both your pilots were good Christians. Actually I take that back, you'll still have bouncy.

"Get off my dock-ling"

lucky760 says...

Funny. I totally have the same thought every stinking time I see someone attacked by those fowl creatures.

Not in this case, though, since the daddy swan had good reason to be upset and wasn't attacking attacking.

Yes, run away from the big scary bird! Pssh.

Either people are too gentle (or scared of arrest) to beat an animal or maybe there's something ancient in our DNA like a built-in fear of dinosaurs or something.

All's I know is if one of dem beasts attacks me or my family, I'm goin' break my foot off in they ass.

Yogi said:

I'll never understand why people don't kick them. They have giant fucking weapons protected by shoes. Kick the fucking things until they learn not to fuck with you!

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Oh, I missed that! Sorry! : )

But now I understand what you mean about your insane people; I've seen Once Were Warriors.

I think that's a key difference: Cops in some parts of America have to deal with systematic violence (not to mention police hatred) on a much more frequent basis.

Yes, the Australian ban and resulting lack of gun massacres is what I was referring to.

And I wasn't providing an excuse, just explaining why it's a fact that it will never change. Gun ownership is ingrained in the fabric of our society.

Saying "things change" is nice and all (and goes great with a verse of Kumbaya), but when a third of the people want to have guns (and they come from a long line of gun owners) and they have #2 in the list of the country's core principles backing them up, a few (or even many, or even nations worth) of people declaring, "You're better off without guns," is meaningless. (It's like telling a fart it'd be better off not stinking.)

Not an opinion, nor an excuse, just a description of reality.

ChaosEngine said:

Australia? AUSTRALIA??!? Them's fightin' words!

I'm in New Zealand (which I'm pretty sure I mentioned at least once in this thread).

And no, NZ police have had to deal with insane people the same as the US, although not on the same scale or frequency.

As for the gun issue, Australia did something about it, and there have been 0 gun massacres since.

The inextricable bedrock excuse is getting old. It's been over 200 years! Things change (slavery, for example).

It's hard to be a girl in a country song

Jerykk says...


So you genuinely believe that make-up has nothing to do with sexuality? Make-up makes women look more attractive to men. That's why it exists. There is no distinction between "attractive" and "sexually attractive." They are one and the same. Society tells women that without make-up, they are unattractive. It's also a double-standard, as men are not expected to wear make-up (unless they're on TV).

And basic hygiene is not a valid analogy. Hygiene is a matter of practicality. If you didn't bathe or wear deodorant, you would stink and annoy those around you, increasing friction and reducing productivity in the workplace. Make-up, on the other hand, is purely cosmetic. It serves no purpose other than making yourself more sexually appealing. It's the same reason why women are expected to shave their legs and armpits and have slim but curvy bodies. It's the same reason why they wear high heels.

Idealized gender representations exist solely for the sake of increasing your sexual appeal. If you don't live up to these representations, society looks down upon you and makes you feel like shit. Women wear make-up because they are insecure about their appearance. They're insecure because society has created notions of beauty that are unattainable through natural means.

This Is What an Underwater Pipe Organ Sounds Like

artician says...

That's kind of the impression of the guy overall.
I dig what he does, but he takes it so far that you just want him to go play in a freeway. This is the same guy who was detained by airport security in 2002 for his "enhancements", and made such a huge stink about it he looked like a fool.

This is coming from someone who thinks airport security is essentially the Wests version of terrorists and cultural trash. In all fairness to him, I give no slack to the security industry and the practices they pursue (to this day), but in the last 10+ years "unimpressed" is essentially what sums up his work and talk.

newtboy said:

I'm a little disappointed.... This was just a water organ, and barely that in my eyes.

11 Foods You Didn't Know Grew Like That

lucky760 says...

I just realized yesterday that bananas grow what to me is upside-down.

I have a banana tree growing in my backyard and based on its size and growth rate I'm expecting it to fruit for the first time sometime soon, but each leaf that grows out come out rolled up from the center of the last leaf, and I couldn't visualize how the stinking bananas could grow out of there. (There are no stems or branches or trunk.)

Then I looked it up and saw pictures like the one in this video where all the bananas in a bunch have their butthole pointed up at the sky and their stem attached at their bottom.

Who knew?

Lunatic fake feminist disturbs the relative peace

JustSaying says...

I just lost 5 minutes watching a video full of assholes that isn't porn. What a waste of time. All men harass women? Americans screaming "death to America"? Assholes farting at each other, that's what this is. "Look at me me me, my shit smells the worst! I get fucked the hardest!" is what they say.
I think all their shit stinks and I don't want anything to do with it. There are real problems mentioned here but these people are really not equipped to deal with it.

'The most beautiful metro in the world' - BBC News

Loud Mouth Dummy Making Trouble For Himself

VoodooV says...

what qualifies as news is hardly relevant to what this idiot did. Every single one of us knows how idiotic/reckless/dangerous people can be on the road.

So it's very easy to see how we can derive satisfaction from someone getting their comeuppance after being an idiot/reckless/dangerous on the road especially after stupidly confronting the news crew. If you're going to cast stones, make sure your shit doesn't stink. And his shit really stunk.

As others have already said, he dug his own grave.

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