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How Would Home Alone Look In 2019

eric3579 (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Somewhat belated, but thanks I've just discovered where my missing notifications had been going... oops... I didn't realise my mail program wouldn't download them if they were in the junk folder. I've given it a stern talking to.

eric3579 said:


Donald Trump on David Letterman 17 October, 2013

BSR (Member Profile)

Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - Media silent

newtboy says...

Oh Bob...
You know this is schlock. It's not that he never said the words, it's that he only says it when forced, and never sincerely or without qualifications, and cannot seem to do it without reading a prepared script he obviously didn't write. Whenever he speaks from the heart, he's condoning, excusing, and encouraging the hate groups.
He rejected Duke after getting a week of negative press and sliding in the polls during the campaign for not rejecting him, and tried to pretend he didn't know who David Duke was.
This time it's about not being able to single out actual murderous Nazis without lumping blm and similar groups in with them.
He has never said he doesn't want their vote, and they still say he's with them and is just saying what he has to right now to placate the liberal Jew media, and actions speak louder than words, and he's not taking action and is backing off his stern words.
Pretty sad when the president of the United States can't denounce Nazis without waiting days for the whole story (or even after getting it) or without spreading the blame for their attacks to his political enemies, but he can denounce, deride, and debase anyone that slights him personally in an instant even if he imagined the slight.

Adam Ruins Everything - Why Baby Formula Isn't Poison

yellowc says...

Talk about over extending an issue. The vast majority of the boycott stems around developing countries lack of sanitisation options. This has little to do with baby formula itself.

Let's destroy the reputation of a product that helps millions of babies and the stern non-use might actually be harming some babies, so we can put a maybe tiny dent in one of the biggest food companies in the world! Never mind all the other companies that make formula!

Yay! What a great idea!

How about they focus their charitable efforts in to providing cleaner sources of water in those developing countries instead, seems a tad more useful.

notarobot said:

Seems like there could be more talked about why formula got a bad name. Thanks, Nestle...

"The Political News Media Lost Its Mind"

entr0py says...

Yeah, a stern warning sounds completely sensible compared his proposal to open fire. I'm curious, when Donald Trump says stuff like this do you think he's being hyperbolic or sarcastic? I have to ask because he always has such an over the top delivery that I can honestly never tell when he's being serious.

bobknight33 said:


What a fool

Obama is ignoring this fighter planes flying 10 ft from an US ship Time and Time again. Obama is a pussy for not standing up for Americans and issue stern warnings and retaliation. But pussy Obama replacement is a sold out crook or Trump who is standing up for Americans on so many levels.

"The Political News Media Lost Its Mind"

bobknight33 says...


What a fool

Obama is ignoring this fighter planes flying 10 ft from an US ship Time and Time again. Obama is a pussy for not standing up for Americans and issue stern warnings and retaliation. But pussy Obama replacement is a sold out crook or Trump who is standing up for Americans on so many levels.

Bill Maher and Colbert - Police Culture has to change

vil says...

Except you cant compare this to (car) accidents. You could compare this to occurrences of ambulance drivers driving through packed pedestrian crossings or firemen setting fire to buildings, soldiers driving tanks over cars on the highway etc. If that kind of thing happened once a week someone would notice. Someone would be responsible. Something would be done.

I only get involved with cops when speeding or parking and over here in central Europe it is a friendly affair of getting a fine or a reprimand. If I go to visit Germany or Austria I fear the police for the fines are heftier and a stern talking to in german is nothing to look forward to, in the east or south of Europe a small bribe and more extensive language difficulties are the norm. Visiting the US somehow always involves warnings about how to behave so as not to get killed by cops. Go figure.

Woman almost hits biker by merging, gets caught by cops

Chairman_woo says...

At first I thought he was overreacting slightly, looks like she was just trying to slowly, but dickisly force her way in.

But on second viewing she appears to have been completely ignoring the fact he was there, either deliberately or through ignorance. (I could't see her look at the biker even once and he was in the blind spot)

Either way that behaviour could easily prove fatal at higher speeds. And even at the speed they were going serious injuries are entirely possible, I nearly broke my wrist once merely dropping a bike (Yet walked away from a 40mph spill because life is strange like that).

I know motor-bicyclists may seem like whingy bitches sometimes, but we are absurdly vulnerable to ignorant assholes like this.
At the very least, this plays on the sub-conscious heavily and even minor slights can sometimes feel like attempted murder at the time.

Another time and place she might have caused a serious incident, so I'm glad she got a stern talking to at the very least.

But yeh, this is small fry in the grand scheme of things. I usually just move on, but had I been filming and then run across a police car.....I might well have done the same here. (Though I do make a big point to stay out of blind spots these days as most car drivers don't bother to check it)

vil said:

Is this really worth involving police in? I am with him for a honk or two, a bit of cursing and giving opulent instructions on how to acquire better driving habits. Then get on with your life.

Clinton Laughs About Murder of Gaddafi

Bill Maher - Ahmed's Clock Block

griefer_queafer says...

WHATEVER!!! This is such bullshit. To suggest that this kid was not profiled--at least to some degree--is absolute nonsense. Once, I told a kid I was going to come to school and shoot him with a gun. I was young, impulsive, and angry. Not something I'm proud of, to say the least. But it was WAY worse than this kid did. And this was in a public school in FLORIDA.

Know what? I got a stern TALKING TO by the principal. A quiet, no-nonsense conversation behind closed doors. That's it.

Guess what race I am (not).

Shoreham Air Show, Sussex - Plane Crash

BoneRemake says...





A10anis said:

Ok, then enlighten us with your "quite high intelligence". What HAS an air show got to do with terrorists?

"YOU are WORTHLESS" -the economy

Bill Maher: Donald Trump Is the White Kanye

MilkmanDan says...

Remember Howard Stern's movie "Private Parts"? a quote:
Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes a day. The average Howard Stern fan listens for - are you ready for this? - an hour and twenty minutes.
Pig Vomit: How could this be?
Researcher: Answer most commonly given: "I want to see what he'll say next."

Maybe Trump has the same thing going for him. He's crazy enough and ego-inflated enough to serve the "Ross Perot" or "Ralph Nader" role in losing the election for his party.

I'm all in favor of that, as someone who would tend to agree with a lot of the foundation principles of the Republican party, like "small government" and "fiscal conservatism". The problem is that the modern Republican party has exchanged those "foundation principles" with batshit crazy counterparts. It needs to go ahead and implode already to let some measure of sanity back in.

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