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Mock the Week: Lockerbie, Scotland, NHS, Palin, Tourism

dannym3141 says...

>> ^spoco2:
It's here Except... they've edited it now (there's a note on the top).
The original, moronic, quote was "People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the UK, where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless."

Jesus, what sort of lies are they spreading out there? I mean, the actions of our utterly clueless government with their policies of neglect has over a period of what, 20-30 years? resulted in the NHS being dirty, understaffed and wasteful. But people talking about the NHS as though it's a place where people with a fag on (smoking a cigarette for my overseas brethren) condemn people to death or disfigurement over a heap of organs and body parts for any illness that can't be cured by tablets makes me a little bit agitated.

20-30 years ago, the NHS was an amazing system and i wouldn't have traded it for any other country's system. For the level of care and attention and competency you couldn't have been reliant on anything better.

The brutal fact is that we only moan about it so much because we're used to perfection. I'd still take the NHS over any other even today.

It's an horrific shame that politicians will lie so badly to their own people (in this case americans, but it happens all over the world). I could walk into my local hospital right now and get healthcare of an equal or better standard than the average american person with the average health insurance. It's still a brilliant service, it's just not perfect anymore.

I just had a wave of tragic angst that we haven't moved on. We're still like the tribes we used to be, with our great elected shaman stood on a mound in front of us, arms raised, telling us with religious certainty that the eclipse was because the sun god is angry and we must place more meat on the sacrificial altar tonight. Then later he has a lovely beef steak and his pick of the virgins. We haven't moved on, we're still being led around by lies and assurances from people who are as lost as we are.

So the shaman waves his hands and a million americans believe that the NHS is an evil boneyard.

Mock the Week: Lockerbie, Scotland, NHS, Palin, Tourism

spoco2 says...

It's here Except... they've edited it now (there's a note on the top).

The original, moronic, quote was "People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the UK, where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless."

Obama Honors Stephen Hawking

Richard Dawkins: Why are there still chimpanzees?

Raaagh says...

>> ^rebuilder:
Next up: Stephen Hawking clears up the misunderstanding that the sun revolves around the earth, explaining that it is, in fact, the other way around: The earth revolves around the sun.

Hate to be THAT guy, but as both bodies have mass/angular momentum, they revolve around each other. Of course, with the disparity in mass - the earth must move more to abide by conservation of energy/Newtons 3rd law,
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. "

Richard Dawkins: Why are there still chimpanzees?

gorillaman (Member Profile)

chilaxe says...

Haha. I don't necessarily agree with everything in that comment, but I thought it was an interesting contribution to the discussion.

I think a lot of the diversity of opinion on police brutality videos is rooted in natural genetic diversity, so I think a certain amount of debate is natural.

It might seem like it's just unnecessary to have that much genetic diversity, but I think high-testosterone rational-empiricist types, like Larry Ellison and Steve Jobs, who we do tend to appreciate, tend to be on the side that's less concerned with these kinds of things. (They're concerned with a larger picture.) I'm partially basing my opinion about Larry Ellison on that he withdrew a large donation to Harvard after they sacked Larry Summers in response to his rational-empiricist's (as opposed to a sentamentalist's) description of gender trends. (I think attitudes on these issues correlate.)

What do you think?

In reply to this comment by gorillaman:
So I just woke up to Stephen Hawking and Socrates (back from the dead!) hammering on my door, and they were like:
"OMG, did you see chilaxe upvoted this comment?! I think we're going to have to kick him out of the smart people club!"
But don't worry, I told them it must have been an accident.

chilaxe (Member Profile)

gorillaman says...

So I just woke up to Stephen Hawking and Socrates (back from the dead!) hammering on my door, and they were like:
"OMG, did you see chilaxe upvoted this comment?! I think we're going to have to kick him out of the smart people club!"
But don't worry, I told them it must have been an accident.

BoneyD (Member Profile)

rasch187 (Member Profile)

Joe Wong - Very Funny Set on Letterman

Jimmy Carrs letter to Stephen Hawking and his reply

Doc_M says...

I'm going to *promote this on account of Stephen Hawking's sincere and heartfelt reply that demonstrated his understanding of more than just the physics that we might ponder, but also an understanding of the human being and what makes us who we are. I admire this late man and I have no doubt that he has made his permanent mark on history. I only hope that that mark is more than just equations.

Joe Wong - Very Funny Set on Letterman

The Top 10 Star Trek Technobabbles

HenningKO says...

I have to agree with most of the comments and not upvote because of the narrator's dismissive tone. This is some really well-done sci-fi technobabble... most of it is even plausible. This guy has not read his Stephen Hawking.

AutoTune the News 2 - Gay Marriage, Weed, Pirates

Obama: "N Korea Broke The Rules" - Iran Has a Choice To Make

blankfist says...

I think boiling water needs to simmer down. Sorry if again the UsesProsac thing bothers you, but come on, calm down. It's all in good fun, no? You are not ugly, your breath doesn't smell like assholes, and your face does not look like Stephen Hawking's testicles. I don't even know what you look like, and even if I did that would be a ridiculous comparison, no?

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