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"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

enoch says...

so you agree with me yet still downvote my comment?
i thought i was being respectful by explaining my downvote,something i am under zero compulsion to do,at all.

and yet you go off on a childish tantrum and systematically downvote about 3 hours of content in my FIVE minutes! which can lead me to only one conclusion:
emotional reflex response to a negative analysis to a useless and irrelevant video you posted.

you do not understand why this is irrelevant?
i have to admit a certain embarrassment for you that i have to point this out,but ok,take my hand and i will walk you through it so you can better understand:

1.air contains oxygen
2.water is wet
3.everybody poops
4.politicians and governments lie

you had an opportunity here to reveal just how convoluted and deceptive the process had been perverted and back door deals and the greased palms of certain politicians helped fascillitate the passing of obamacare.

how big pharma and the health insurance industry spent 300 million in the first week alone to kill this bill.or how those very same politicians allowed a tax on that health care bill to remain in the bill.

you could have added context to what really transpired and the mafia principle was in full effect.government gets their slice and the health industry continues to be allowed to plunder the american people treasure.

but no.
you posted a 53 second video of a politician caught in a moment of truth.
a truth WE ALREADY KNOW,with the sole purpose of "look!see! governments are bad!

no context.
no backstory.
no nuanced information to give people a clearer picture on just how badly we are all being fucked.
just a 53 second prop so you can get on your soapbox.

so yeah..the video is irrelevant.

unless of think everybody around you is a stupid child and needs you to hold their hands to reveal the underlying truth.if that is the case you have failed miserably.

well,i dont need you to hold my hand.i am quite capable of coming to my own conclusions.

i am becoming quite tired of your temper if my words have angered your tender sensibilities then feel free to go on another targeted downvoting spree..i really dont care.

@blankfist is a die hard libertarian.thoughtful and precise in his arguments (sans the farting cats),and you sir..are no blankfist.

Trancecoach said:

<agrees with everything enoch said>

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Doctor Disobeys Gun Free Zone -- Saves Lives Because of It

modulous says...

Having established that a large amount of spree killings (seemingly most) are with legally acquired weapons, it stands to reason that reducing the availability of legally ownable weapons would reduce the frequency of spree killings. As well as this reasoning it also seems to be empirically supported.
Contrary to exactly your point, the legal status of guns does seem to have an impact on certain uses. For instance, few people in the UK use guns for self-defence, because its rarely legal to carry guns for that purpose, even most criminals avoid them.

Trancecoach said:

My point exactly. The legal status of the gun has little to no bearing on the people's use of them.

Doctor Disobeys Gun Free Zone -- Saves Lives Because of It

modulous says...

Yes it's a coincidence. That's the most likely outcome from trying to draw conclusions from the position of a single data point. I'm not sure if you think that the culture of a Spanish speaking Caribbean colony a thousand miles from the mainland is representative of the US as a whole, but that seems a strange position to take.

In any event, you have shifted the discussion from spree killers to killers in general. The video here is about a guy who might have stopped a spree killer (but almost certainly didn't), and did shoot a mentally ill person. You raise European comparisons, so let's do that. Let's look at Europe's recent spree killers (from wiki)
Borel, Eric, 1995, legal weapons stolen from family
Leibacher, Friedrich Heinz, 2001, legal weapons
Bogdanovič, Ljubiša, 2013, legal I believe
Izquierdo, 1990, legal I think
Radosavljević, Nikola, 2007, legal
Zavistonovičius, Leonardas, 1998, legal
Durn, Richard, 2002, legal
Harman, Ľubomír, 2010, legal
There's the top 8 by deaths (excl. the UK ones already mentioned). All using legally held weapons. There may be a pattern emerging here...

Trancecoach said:

Your "refutations" are, for the most part, self-defeating, so I will allow others to do their own research and come to their own conclusions rather than addressing each one. Suffice it to say that gun-control, in the U.S. at least, starts as an anti-minority measure (not unlike the "war on drugs" and the "war on poverty") and spurs on a "dark economy" (or "underground economy"), not unlike what (eventually) felled the Soviet Union. It's not dissimilar to what's going on in Puerto Rico and, to some extent, the Bay Area (except NorCal doesn't have the feds all over them like Puerto Rico does, so violent crime is high in PR and low in Mendocino).

Is it purely a "coincidence" that Puerto Rico has a higher murder rate than almost anywhere else in the U.S, while citing as many as 50%+ of the people on "public assistance," is an epicenter on the "war on drugs" and has about the strictest gun control laws of anywhere in the U.S.?

But don't worry! Here's some good news!
"They found that a country like Luxembourg, which bans all guns has a murder rate that is 9 times higher than Germany, where there are 30,000 guns per 100,000 people. They also cited a study by the U.S.National Academy of Sciences, which studied 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, and it failed to find one gun control initiative that worked. . . . The Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, conceded that the results they found in their report was not what they expected to find."

I guess they didn't account for the fact that outlaws don't really care about laws! The nerve of some people...

Daily Show: Australian Gun Control = Zero Mass Shootings

ChaosEngine says...

@harlequinn, you do realise that NZ actually has quite sensible gun laws? You can own semi-auto rifles and so on but to do so you need a firearms licence. This includes not only a police check, but the cops will actually come to your house and check that you have adequate storage provisions for your guns. On top of that

You will have difficulty being deemed 'fit and proper' to possess or use firearms if you have:

- a history of violence
- repeated involvement with drugs
- been irresponsible with alcohol
- a personal or social relationship with people deemed to be unsuitable to be given access to firearms
- indicated an intent to use a firearm for self-defence.

To me those are perfectly reasonable and sensible restrictions.

@scheherazade, ah yes, the libertarian argument. I want a gun and fuck everyone else.

Kids getting shot at school? Fuck 'em, not my problem.
Random nutjob mows down a bunch of people in California? Fuck 'em, not my problem.

The fact is that guns do cause harm. The "people kill people" argument is beyond infantile. Of course, people kill people.... with a gun. It's a lot harder to go on a mass killing spree armed with a stick.

Here are the indisputable facts:
- There are some sick people out there. Some are just fucked up, some are in need of help.
- Sometimes these people snap.
- Sometimes when they do, they get a gun and kill a bunch of other people.
- If they didn't have a gun, the harm would be less.
I'm assuming no-one disputes those facts.

Now there are two solutions to this:
- Pro-gun advocates take the position that citizens need guns to defend themselves from this kind of situation. They often argue that instead of taking guns away from everyone, we should focus on either helping the mentally unbalanced or stopping them by shooting them.
- Gun control advocates take the position that if the shooter didn't have access to a gun in the first place, then maybe the whole mess would be avoided or at the very least minimised.

To me, it's a simple matter of practicalities. Option 1 is simply not working. We're decades (possibly centuries) away from completely understanding mental illness, that's if we achieve that at all. Meanwhile, crazy/insane/evil people are still going on shooting rampages.
And stopping them after the fact? That's pretty cold comfort to the people that have already been killed.

I am genuinely perplexed as to how people don't understand this.
Gun control works. In every other developed country in the world, there are reasonable and sensible laws restricting firearm ownership, and there is nothing like the kind of insane shootings we see on a regular basis in the US.

No-one is arguing that all guns should be taken away. No-one is saying you can't hunt or target shoot or even defend your home if necessary (although again, in the civilised world, most of us have no need for that).

But jesus, maybe you don't need an AR-15 with a massive clip. And is it that unreasonable to check to see if someone is mental or criminal before selling them a gun?

Apparently, in the US, it is.

Daily Show: Australian Gun Control = Zero Mass Shootings

Jerykk says...

1) As I mentioned earlier, implementing border control for each state is never going to happen. As I also mentioned, border control has already been proven ineffective at stopping both drugs and illegal immigrants so why would guns be any different?

2) My drug analogy is perfectly valid. Drugs are banned yet they are still smuggled into the country. And no, people aren't growing cocaine or heroin in their backyard. And yes, smuggling a small packet of cocaine by hiding it in your ass is easier than smuggling a gun through the same means but guns don't have be smuggled intact. They can easily be disassembled and the individual parts smuggled separately. Many of these pieces would be small enough to hide in your ass. But this is all largely irrelevant because the bulk of drugs are not transported via anus.

3) The motivations of mass shooters is highly debatable. I'd argue that they want to feel empowered and the easiest way to do that is in schools which are undeniably the least likely places for people to be armed. If they tried to go on a shooting spree in a police station or military base or gun convention, they probably wouldn't get many kills. Instead, they'd be shot and killed by someone else and that's something no shooters seem to want (hence the reason why they always commit suicide after the spree instead of letting themselves be arrested or killed by the police). In fact, if you look at the history of school shootings in the U.S., many of the shooters were adults. The Sandy Hook shooter was 20 years old and he primarily targeted first-graders who obviously weren't his peers. When it comes to mass shootings, it's all about quantity and targeting people who can't defend themselves is the most effective way of achieving that.

4) Do you have any statistics to support your claim? I seriously doubt suicide rates plummeted in countries or states where guns were banned. Japan and South Korea both have extremely strict gun laws yet they also have some of the highest suicide rates in the world (South Korea is #3, Japan is #8, the U.S. is #33). If you weren't serious about killing yourself and just wanted attention, you wouldn't use a gun in the first place. You'd stand on the ledge of a building and wait for the news vans to appear. Like you said, guns are the quickest way to kill yourself so you wouldn't use them if you had any doubts or hesitations.

newtboy said:

Part 1 has already been answered, if there's no border control, and no national regulation, it's fairly useless. If done nation wide, it could be effective.
The drug legalization point is a total red herring. People don't get addicted to guns, like the do to drugs. People rarely use drugs to rob others so they can buy guns, but the reverse does happen constantly. You can't grow guns in your back yard, or smuggle them in your asshole (well, I can't).
Most school shootings happen in schools because that's where the targets are, because the shooters are also school kids and the targets are their peers, and that's where you find them in a group, school. It's not about them being 'gun free zones' and so 'safe' to go shoot people there, or we would see more mass shootings in banks and amusement parks and other 'gun free zones'.
Yes, suicide by firearm is far easier and quicker than most other methods, meaning when you remove that method, suicide goes WAY down, because having just an extra minute to think about killing yourself often means you change your mind and don't do it. That especially goes for those 'crying for help' that really want to be caught and stopped. If a gun is not available, a HUGE percentage just don't go through with trying to kill themselves, and another large portion tries a method that either doesn't work or takes long enough to 'save' them.

Battlefield Friends - Spawn Killing

How Mass Murders Should NOT Be Covered By The Media

wraith says...

As far as I understand the psychological reasoning behind this, it is the same as a well known effect in the area of suicides which in Germany we call Werther Effect after a novel be Wolfgang Goethe (published 1774), which caused a number of "copycat suicides".

It seems to me that a potential spree killer is desperately trying to be noticed by society either out of personal, religious or political reasons.

If you show such persons that they will get noticed, that they will get there 15 minutes of fame, it might push them a closer to the realization that committing mass murder is a way to be "noticed".

Vermont Becomes The First State To Pass Wolf PAC Resolution

artician says...

Vermont and New Hampshire have been on a spree lately. Today I live in Massachusetts, but I am thinking to move there any day now because of their recent legislation.

Romancing the Drone or "Aerial Citizen Reduction Program"

VoodooV says...

I don't see what the deal is quite honestly. We don't wait for due process if a citizen takes a bunch of hostages or goes on a killing spree. If we see the opportunity to end the threat, we end the threat

If it is reasonable to attempt a capture this american actively working with Al Queda, then cool, but I'm guessing that it isn't a realistic plan so I just don't see what the issue is here.

Boehner On Shutdown: 'This Isn't Some Damn Game!"

Trancecoach says...

I don't think they'll let the U.S. default now, nor do I think they will not raise the debt ceiling (But, again, who knows?). If they do, however, raise the ceiling, it will be another indication that there is no more capping the debt, it will grow and grow until the country has no choice but to default.

Interesting to remember, back at the beginning of the Reagan years, fiscal conservatives were "crying" about the debt being $1 trillion. That's nothing compared to what it is today. And it was Reagan (by way of his "Reaganomics") who decided that there was no problem with increasing the debt.
Writes Murray Rothbard (in 1981), in an article about how the U.S. should just default on the debt:

"Perhaps the most absurd argument of Reaganomists was that we should not worry about growing public debt because it is being matched on the federal balance sheet by an expansion of public 'assets'."

(I wonder what he would make of today's $16 trillion+ in U.S. debt?)

Predictably, as soon as Reagan went on a spending spree, fiscal "conservatives" stopped being so (not unlike the 'leftists' who stopped being anti-war as soon as Obama was elected).

It should also serve us to remember that it was the Democratic party that first considered itself the party of fiscal responsibility, at least with regards to Jefferson, Jackson, and Van Buren who all had a conscious plan to defund government but eventually failed for various historical reasons.

"It is for all these reasons that the Jeffersonians and Jacksonians (who, contrary to the myths of historians, were extraordinarily knowledgeable in economic and monetary theory) hated and reviled the public debt. Indeed, the national debt was paid off twice in American history, the first time by Thomas Jefferson and the second, and undoubtedly the last time, by Andrew Jackson."

newtboy said:

I do. They're insane zealots and Blame Obama Firsters that want nothing more than the next anti-Obama sound bite to keep their name in the news daily and apparently have no thought about how they damage the country by doing so.
Anyone but the incumbent is how I'll be voting next election, and for the foreseeable future until they are ALL replaced.

Procrastinatron (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

Your comment(s) certainly got my attention, as well as many others, judging from the 1,000 + profile views you've already had. Usually people lurk for a while before leaving a comment or posting a video. It's really cool when someone new starts with a bang!

That's the thing with sites like youtube...trolls aren't afraid to go on a downvoting spree because they have no fear of being caught. That doesn't happen here...not with the videos or the comments. It's a bannable offense. When something is downvoted, it is most likely because they truly did not like it.

Procrastinatron said:

Thanks again!

And it was my very first comment, too, so it speaks to both my inner neat-freak and my inner attention-whore that my entrance into the community of VideoSift was so properly dramatic.

Oh, and yes, I did notice that! I quite like that feature, because I find that transparency makes such functions less likely to be used like weapons. Even though you might not always know why something was down- or upvoted, VideoSift at least lets you know who it was. This, in turn, can tell you whether the points, be they negative or positive, were deserved.

The benefit that springs to mind is that it'll become easier to see if someone honestly agrees or disagrees with you, or if they are merely acting out of a private grudge ...which often tends to happen on sites with similar features, but no transparency.

TL;DR: I like to feature too.

cdimetry (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

For the curious, @cdimetry has been temp-banned for two weeks for abuse of Sift guidelines.

In a misguided gesture toward @pumkinandstorm for being so nice to him, he created a second account and went on an up-voting spree in her favor.

That account will be banned and all its votes removed.

Louis CK on Daily Show. My Two Favorite Things.

rychan says...

I'm just worried about the next kid that wants to get on the cover of Rolling Stone while expressing his grievances in a heinous way.

Attention doesn't motivate all terrorists, but it motivates many of them. Consider the unabomber, who explicitly demanded attention (forcing major newspapers to print his manifesto) in order to stop his attack spree.

direpickle said:

People are just unhappy because his picture doesn't make him look like what they think a terrorist should look like. They called him a monster right next to it, but people are grumpy that his picture doesn't fit the narrative.

Idiot Fencing

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