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Cybertruck Bullet Test

newtboy says...

Oh shit! Hey @bobknight33…did you know?
Under 2 months after delivery, in some cases just days after delivery, users are finding out the “stainless steel” skin is less than stainless. They used low quality steel. It rusts immediately.
In one case an owner in LA drove for 2 days and found hundreds of orange pock marks that were the skin rusting.
Owners are even more shocked to find out Tesla says this is owner error, that in the manual it says you must remove anything on the exterior immediately or it will rust…so tree sap, bugs, bird poop, road spray, rain, dust, mud, dirt, fog, fingerprints, etc WILL permanently damage the finish if not removed immediately….yes, you are expected to do a full inspection and wipe down every single day after every drive, and keep your oversized truck indoors or expect rust immediately, and should still expect discoloration as the steel ages.
If you live within 20 miles of the ocean, or somewhere road salt is used, or near salt lake, or somewhere with trees, birds, dust, or rain…or if you ever plan to visit them…cybertruck is absolutely not a good choice.
Tesla knew.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

Police Chase Scene on Shrek 2

FJ Best Of The Internet

Orlando Police Believe They’re Above The Law

newtboy says...

A good cop would treat the obvious bad cop like anyone else…meaning pull his gun on the driver that tried to flee the stop, pull him out violently and face down in the street at gunpoint, and handcuff him.
It would mean taser the armed guy jumping out of the car yelling, taser the guy refusing to comply, and if he still gets back in the car shoot his tires at a minimum, deploy pepper spray, and taze the ever loving shit out of him until the batteries die. That’s how they treat the public.
It doesn’t mean letting him do whatever he feels like and just watching and reporting it. Granted, that alone is improvement, but it’s still not “good”.

Good cops don’t let felonious drivers jump out to curse at them, refuse to comply, and leave without chase.

According to Bob, the speeding cop should have been shot just for not following orders. I almost agree…he should have been shot for fleeing a felony stop like anyone else would have been.

BSR said:

Good cop/Bad cop

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA terrorist….
Aimenn Penny- Maggot Neo Nazi member of White Lives Matter and “activist” who admits to trying to firebomb a church in Ohio in response to a planned drag story event.
He was too inept to start a fire despite using molotovs and spraying gasoline on the church and only caused minor damage…he said that’s the only thing he regrets.

The Male Tease Method

newtboy says...

That suddenly explains the orange clown makeup Trump uses…he couldn’t spray paint his bald spot Orange without getting it on his face, so he just went with Orange as a face color too. His true color is a sickly translucent pale pink, so it was a smart makeup decision to “enhance” his skin tone….it would have been even smarter to choose a color humans can be.

noims said:

I am of the ardent belief that there has been exactly one good combover in the history of humanity:

Antlions - amazing insect predators

MrFisk (Member Profile)

Murdering Cops Murder Cyclist For Crossing The Street

newtboy says...

Thanks for being consistent if not sane or rational…consistently inconsistent.
You say that invariably when it’s a non white victim, but consistently defend the citizen if it’s a right wing white person violently attacking the cops like on Jan 6 or the Bundys….consistently inconsistent.

You consistently justify this hyper escalation to murder for any color except white MAGA color. When you guys murder cops, permanently disable cops, and try to overthrow democracy, you think there should be absolutely zero consequences. Not for stabbing them, beating them, pepper spraying them, trampling them, nothing is bad enough to require prosecution of your group, nothing minor enough that deadly force isn’t required for others. Consistently.

Again, we’ve seen hundreds of innocent victims and bystanders shot in the back, some while sleeping in their own homes, but there’s nothing you won’t excuse deadly force for….unless it’s against a Maggot. Recently police fired dozens of shots into a crowd of unsuspecting victims trying to shoot one man who was unaware of their presence and not fighting or being a danger to anyone, and they shot at least 5 innocent victims. Calling 100% bullshit on “ Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.”, many many victims are shot not fucking around….just last week a kid was shot with a full clip for moving when a cop asked for his ID, a white kid in his parent’s car, not a car thief the cop just assumed he was. This is not abnormal, it happens almost daily. The ex-cop is facing attempted murder and a dozen more charges.

Jan 6 was heavily armed, with bombs, Molotov cocktails, tons of guns (from pistols to AKs, verified by secret service before the coup), knives, spears, gas, pepper spray, fire extinguishers, and literally truckloads more guns staged nearby, some of which was intercepted, the rest blocked from deployment by DC police. You really are intentionally ignorant as fuck, bob. This is proven public knowledge admitted to in court by Trump’s racist militias (proud boys etc).
It was poorly planned by MAGA morons who think themselves great tacticians but are really total incompetents…thank Jebus.

Jan 6 was an attack on democracy by the ex president in an effort to take control of America by force. It cannot be overhyped, and has not been.

Democrats want Trump to run in 24, because it would be a lock for Democrats across the board. He’s a loser, bigly, and would be a loser again. He has no independent votes, and no Bernie boy vote, and the Republican Party has shrunk significantly. Also, he’s clearly committed multiple crimes that invalidates him as a candidate, and will likely be in prison and court for the rest of his life….you can’t lead from solitary.

Trump is a bad joke, a feeble old con man that decimated America, destroyed the robust economy, deferred any infrastructure maintenance, is responsible for over 1 million American deaths by negligence, destroyed any faith in law or validity of the courts, and created a rift between Americans so wide that one party now includes dissolving the American Union as part of their official platform (your party). I know you would vote for him in 24….twice….and still lose….again.
Yes, I would absolutely would vote for Dank Brandon again if the choice is him vS Trump or a Trumpster which is any Republican left. I would much prefer Buttigieg given my druthers.

Now, let’s hear you answer @bcglorf, coward. Hypocrite. Liar. I know what you said for months after she was shot in self defense. I expect you will just slink away again and ignore your own blatant hypocrisy, like normal….but get ready to be asked again and again until you admit your racist hypocrisy.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly justified at any color. Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.

If Jan 6 was truly an insurrection it was poorly planned and un armed.

Jan 6 is over hyped just to continue to jump on Trump hoping to not to run in 2024 or at least not have the votes.

Biden is a Joke, feeble old man.

Would you would vote for him in 2024?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You say that, but then you also always support those you admit are doing wrong and accuse those who aren’t of being evil.
For example-Republicans have been caught doing wrong in the 2020 election in dozens of schemes to defraud, not just the uncounted individual frauds. I am unaware of any Democrat schemes uncovered (baseless unfounded accusations from liars don’t count) or even individual cases of voter fraud by Democrats, yet you still insist “everyone knows Trump only lost because Democrats cheated”.
You say wrong is wrong, but you simply won’t see wrong from your cult…even when you admit it, you ignore it.

Edit: for example, you ignored the Trumpist who burnt his own home for insurance money, blaming the fire on BLM, ANTIFA, and Biden including spray painting his own home in their name before publicly accusing them and raising money from other morons based on the lie….and I’m certain you continue to lie to yourself and others claiming multiple cities were burnt to the ground by them in 2020 despite there likely being more prosecutions and convictions against right wing criminals who posed as BLM than actual BLM members, definitely more prosecutions of Trumpists for shooting police and setting off bombs and shooting crowds pretending to be BLM or ANTIFA than Liberals.

bobknight33 said:

Like I've always said Wrong is wrong. This is wrong.

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

The proof that these assholes don’t believe their “good guy with a gun” lie is they don’t allow guns at the NRA events.

I wish some nut(s) would attack the NRA event, shooting a few dozen gun proponent politicians that normally hide behind their armed security and bullet proof podiums. I’m sure their tune would change significantly if some of their ilk were silenced permanently. No one deserves it more than Abbot.

Edit: BTW…more unarmed school children have been murdered in school this year than police officers in the line of duty. For all their bravado, their whining about how dangerous it is to be a cop, the necessity for more militarized equipment for their safety, it’s actually more dangerous to be a 10 year old student. I guess those kids should all get vests, rifles, pepper spray, armored vehicles and buildings, etc. ..that’s the solution.

Also, guns are the leading cause of death for children under 19 …have been since 2020.

Fucking worthless cowards and thugs, every single one. They deserve one more bullet each…delivered at high speed.

Some Humans are AOK

BSR says...

I have a car window breaker/seat belt cutter in my car. I wouldn't be surprised if that guy injured his hand trying to punch that window out. He thought about trying it again but I guess he learned the first time. It's suggested you break a car window in the corner and not the center.

I also have an air horn and pepper spray in the driver door pouch in the event of a wild animal threat during a body removal in remote locations or any other threats.

Birds Aren't Real, so no threat there.

An apple painted with the blackest paint

spawnflagger says...

false advertisement - Vanta Black is blacker, at 99.8% (in spray-on form). It's immeasurably black in raw form (> 99.96% - no spectrometer in the world was powerful enough to measure how much light it absorbs)

probably this mousou stuff is slightly less expensive (ridiculously vs ludicrously?)

Texas Cop Vapes Confiscated Weed on Cruiser Camera

newtboy says...

Case and point,
If you haven’t seen it yet, this fresh on the job good cop got strangled for stopping her sergeant from pepper spraying a handcuffed suspect already in the cop car….as she was instructed to do.
He’s finally on vacation as of late January (the event happened on November 19, and his supervisory duties were temporarily suspended) and his union is standing by him 100%, as is the police commissioner, whining that the mayor called the sergeant’s actions disgusting, outrageous because he’s not convicted of a crime, and in the same breath whining “ The fact that was a 911 call came over of a piece of shit beating up somebody, and then this is how it all started. That’s the sad part about this. It got thrown onto this and spun in a way so ridiculous right now, it is like beyond,”.
It’s the third official report of his being unnecessarily violent.
Right, ridiculous to investigate a cop on videos committing felony assaults.

Kinda odd they aren’t standing with the cop that stopped a violent abuse of power, and instead back the out of control violent cop that attacked her on camera.

surfingyt said:

initially some do exist but when their union and coworkers cover up all the time and IA is defunded and simpletons like beeeewb bootlick all day the whole bushel goes. this dolt was probably praised most of his career for his continuous quota busting record, instead it should be a red flag.

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