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Help Grammar Nazi, you are my only hope. (Books Talk Post)

JiggaJonson says...

Are you asking about the sentence in quotations? Yes it's correct grammatically.

Most people understand that you need a "noun and a verb" in every sentence. It's a bit more helpful to think of what you need in a sentence as a subject and a predicate in my opinion. The reason for this is that, while it's true that nouns and verbs are usually present in a sentence, frequently words that would usually function as verbs can be used as nouns and vice versa because you have to consider all other words that modify those words. For example:

Running = something that you do
but, when it's modified by another word like "his" to form a sentence like
"His running sped up."
^In this case, the word "running" is actually the subject of the sentence. So, you could say, because the word "running" is performing the functions of a noun, and is being modified by the predicate or the action in this sentence, running is a noun.

Now for the sentence above, the subject is being modified a lot
values is the simple subject modified by 'of the figure of merit shown (mdn (min, max))'
then you have your predicate, the Be verb 'are'
The subject and the predicate for the meatier part of the sentence is all good, one subject and one predicate and no out of place modifiers.

The only tricky part of understanding this sentence is the list at the end. All the "n=whatever" listed here would fall into a category of what's called the predicate nominative or in other words, whet the predicate, or word functioning as a verb, is naming.

You probably see these frequently and don't realize it: "When the plot to kidnap Westy is discovered, Gwiz will be a suspect." For each case, if the verb descibes a state of being, like 'am' as in 'I am,' look for what that state is. So for the aforementioned sentence, 'plot' is being modified by 'is' and the state of being in that case is 'discovered.' For the second part (abbreviated) "Gwiz" mod by "will" state of being is "suspect."

Alllll of that being said, the list at the end is all a part of that same predicate nominative (albeit a long one) and the individual groups of values are separated by semicolons correctly. The reason semicolons are used as opposed to commas is because semicolons function as a sort of 'trump' for a regular comma. In the case of this list, commas are used frequently to separate smaller segments of the number values. Because of this comma use, semicolons are needed to keep things from getting confusing.
Here's an example:
I've traveled to London, England; Paris, France; and Rome, Italy.
as opposed to
I've traveled to London, England, Paris, France, and Rome, Italy.

^and that probably doesn't look incorrect but that's only because you know of the cities I listed here. If I were to pluck out some countries/cities from a dense part of Africa like this:
I've traveled to Libreville, Gabon, Parakou, Benin, Lome, Togo, and Cuassola, Angola.
^Here it becomes difficult to categorize the city/country name because of their unfamiliarity.

But if you get some help from semicolons...
I've traveled to Libreville, Gabon; Parakou, Benin; Lome, Togo; and Cuassola, Angola.
It's much easier to categorize everything, as is the way with the correctly punctuated sentence you presented.

For more on semicolon use I strongly suggest you check out this link . It's both hilarious and informative.

Finally, I asked at the beginning of this post "Are you asking about the sentence in quotations?" because what you said "I hate this sentence is it right" is not correct. You need a comma to separate the independent clauses "I hate this sentence," and "is it right."

Corrected: I hate this sentence, is it right?

Grammar Nazi awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

Dogs Wiping Their Bums

Truckers Delight is now an actual game

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

marinara says...

nice comment buddy!

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Heh clicked through now to look for some more stuff like this, and found a lengthy description.

"This is a half-scale, all CG simulation of the 'elevator of blood' from The Shining that I did just for amusement in spare hours. I never expected it to look exactly like the real thing. The RealFlow fluid sim uses only about 1.6 million particles and therefore appears thicker and 'blobbyer' than an actual water-like liquid at this scale. I think at least ten million particles would begin to look convincing, but since this took about a month to calculate and render on on I-7, 3.2gh quad core, it isnt practical to attempt more particles without a far more powerful and prohibitively expensive computer.

I rendered, and modeled the hallway and furniture in Lightwave 9.6. Post processing was applied in Fusion 6.

In my work as a CG artist, I am often expected to integrate CG into photographic plates without any practical information from set such as what lens was used, the camera height and inclination, or the location and type of lights used. I have become rather proficient at 'eyeballing' these things. To come up with the dimensions of the set, I studied each shot in The Shining of the various hallways and fixtures. I settled on a 50mm lens, and my guess is that it was a half scale miniature since Kubrick was a perfectionist and smaller scale liquids look progressively less realistic and blobby (it is also more RealFlow friendly). The angles of the wall panels and lines on the floor indicated that the camera is not centered but was placed a few feet to the right and panned left to appear centered. Most viewers do not notice there are actually 3 different angles of this scene shown in the movie. This leads me to suspect there may have been another camera centered on the miniature set but the footage was not used.

I arrived at the 140fps frame speed by using Fusion to speed up the slow motion shot from the film until it appeared to move at a realistic speed which was x6. Six times 24fps is 140. To save time, I began RealFlow simulations at 24fps. When I sped up the resulting render x6, the CG blood turned out to hit the walls and run out of frame on close to the same frames as in the real shot, so this affirmed the rate of 140fps and the dimensions of the set as being somewhat accurate. When they shot the miniature scene, the actual event would have taken place in about four seconds.

The overhead render was an afterthought where some flaws are more apparent.

I started thinking about rendering this after viewing a YT video titled 'THE SHINING - SOMETHING IN THE RIVER OF BLOOD' where the author presents a lengthy assertion that there are some obscure shapes viewable within the blood near the elevator that Kubrick intended as a sublminal representation of a corpse or something suggesting 'Tony' inside Danny's mouth. The seemingly mysterious shapes present a Rorschach image for commentors' to offer up a myriad of odd things they believe 'it' to be. It was apparent to me that the shapes are merely reflections of the set and I emailed a simple CG still to the author demonstrating that fact but he defends the presence of mysterious objects.

I thought it would be interesting to see what ReaFlow might do, and was surprised to find that no one else had attempted a Shining-blood-elevator sim that I could find. Oddly enough, very similar 'shapes' turn up in this CG render as in the movie since they are simply distorted reflections of the elevator door itself and surrounding frame and wall. But people prefer a mystery."

Computer Animates Famous Scene From Kubrick's "The Shining"

gwiz665 says...

Heh clicked through now to look for some more stuff like this, and found a lengthy description.

"This is a half-scale, all CG simulation of the 'elevator of blood' from The Shining that I did just for amusement in spare hours. I never expected it to look exactly like the real thing. The RealFlow fluid sim uses only about 1.6 million particles and therefore appears thicker and 'blobbyer' than an actual water-like liquid at this scale. I think at least ten million particles would begin to look convincing, but since this took about a month to calculate and render on on I-7, 3.2gh quad core, it isnt practical to attempt more particles without a far more powerful and prohibitively expensive computer.

I rendered, and modeled the hallway and furniture in Lightwave 9.6. Post processing was applied in Fusion 6.

In my work as a CG artist, I am often expected to integrate CG into photographic plates without any practical information from set such as what lens was used, the camera height and inclination, or the location and type of lights used. I have become rather proficient at 'eyeballing' these things. To come up with the dimensions of the set, I studied each shot in The Shining of the various hallways and fixtures. I settled on a 50mm lens, and my guess is that it was a half scale miniature since Kubrick was a perfectionist and smaller scale liquids look progressively less realistic and blobby (it is also more RealFlow friendly). The angles of the wall panels and lines on the floor indicated that the camera is not centered but was placed a few feet to the right and panned left to appear centered. Most viewers do not notice there are actually 3 different angles of this scene shown in the movie. This leads me to suspect there may have been another camera centered on the miniature set but the footage was not used.

I arrived at the 140fps frame speed by using Fusion to speed up the slow motion shot from the film until it appeared to move at a realistic speed which was x6. Six times 24fps is 140. To save time, I began RealFlow simulations at 24fps. When I sped up the resulting render x6, the CG blood turned out to hit the walls and run out of frame on close to the same frames as in the real shot, so this affirmed the rate of 140fps and the dimensions of the set as being somewhat accurate. When they shot the miniature scene, the actual event would have taken place in about four seconds.

The overhead render was an afterthought where some flaws are more apparent.

I started thinking about rendering this after viewing a YT video titled 'THE SHINING - SOMETHING IN THE RIVER OF BLOOD' where the author presents a lengthy assertion that there are some obscure shapes viewable within the blood near the elevator that Kubrick intended as a sublminal representation of a corpse or something suggesting 'Tony' inside Danny's mouth. The seemingly mysterious shapes present a Rorschach image for commentors' to offer up a myriad of odd things they believe 'it' to be. It was apparent to me that the shapes are merely reflections of the set and I emailed a simple CG still to the author demonstrating that fact but he defends the presence of mysterious objects.

I thought it would be interesting to see what ReaFlow might do, and was surprised to find that no one else had attempted a Shining-blood-elevator sim that I could find. Oddly enough, very similar 'shapes' turn up in this CG render as in the movie since they are simply distorted reflections of the elevator door itself and surrounding frame and wall. But people prefer a mystery."

Chatroulette Speed Painting

Sketchbook Pro for iPad looks really amazing

Lady Gaga - Telephone ft. Beyoncé

Tree + Chainsaw = Bioshock 2 Big Daddy

Chair goes into space

Pres. Obama: "We had a little bit of a buzz saw this week"

enoch says...

1.the health care debate is a moral argument not a fiscal one but those with corporate agendas have turned it into a fiscal argument.they will win that argument.
2.the term "mandate" is being bantered about more and more by politicians and less about "single payer".translation:"prepared to get fucked...hard".
3.historically the end result has always been the working class tax payer who bears the brunt of corporate opinion is they cannot bear much more.
4.for god and country has always been the battle cry to get citizens to act in a way that is ultimately NOT in their best interest.religion and nationalism has always been the propaganda tool choice of those in power to get YOU to do THEIR the end..YOU lose.
5."dey took our JOBS" is just a knee jerk reaction by those who have bought the malarky that somehow jose from mexico took their job when in reality it was the company you worked for who sent it to india or china.blame the company not jose.
6.the US was considered the land of opportunity for years,and for years this country earned that title but when we went to a financial economy that all started to we are all just wage slaves trying to do the best we can and it is in the best interests of large multinational corporations to have you believe that jose has somehow lessened your lot in life.he didnt but they sure as hell did.
7.labor unions back was broke during the reagan years.they were portrayed as evil and,,.shivers,,, is that working out for everybody now?

my point for these little nuggets?
that this has been happening at a pretty steady pace and we were all asleep.a slow tinkering over the past 90 years,sped up in the 70's..and the bush years accelerated immensely.
i like obama,seems a nice sort and is a talented speaker but politically he is cornered and without some serious growth of balls there is little he will be able to do.
he will deliver the well-meaning speeches but pay the end it will be the corporation who dictate how and what this country will do.
pay attention to that word "mandate".

Kid reading book gets a surprise

sirex (Member Profile)

Compressed Bondage

Amazing bird swarm created by 300,000 starlings

videosiftbannedme says...

"As above, so below".
As many of you already know, if you look at the patterns found in nature, they are repetitive, in both grand scale and small. These birds form the same chaotic patterns that gaseous clouds of dust form out in space, albeit the birds are much more sped up. Or maybe they exhibit the same behavior as super-heated plasma.

Another example, I was eating a picnic once and had a sandwich with poppy seeds all over the bun. By the time I had finished, there was a large number of poppy seeds that had fallen off onto my white paper plate. I noticed that they had fallen into such a pattern, black seeds on white paper plate, that if you had inverted the colors, you would have had the random cascades and invariable strings that stars form in the night sky. With each shake of the plate, I was able to recreate random, chaotic strings of seeds, which continued to look like an inverted picture of the heavens.

This is also why I believe the universe will not end with a "Big Crunch", and also will not conceivably keep expanding forever. Just like any explosion found in nature, it is always the "fireball" expanding into space that is already there. I believe that on a very simple scale, our universe is just an explosion, rapidly expanding and thinning out into an already existing medium (dark matter?). We won't collapse, and we won't keep expanding. We'll just eventually thin out and cool down enough that the universe will filter out into the background. One could ponder the question, "What is beyond the edge of the universe?" but it could very well be a fruitless question. There has always been something on the other side of the hill, ocean, sky, solar system. Who says that has to stop when we reach the edge of our universe? What is beyond the medium we are expanding into?

Anyway, cool birds.

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