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Ghost in the Shell (2017) - Official Trailer

00Scud00 says...

Are you implying that white people are shitty to everyone else because they are white? Or is it less about skin color and more about how a dominant culture/race treats and mistreats others?
No matter which group is currently dominant, power always corrupts.

I'm not sure you could call this cultural misappropriation, I'm pretty sure GITS is owned by a Japanese company and sold the movie rights to Hollywood. And the credits will still feature the name of GITS's creator, Masamune Shirow, a Japanese man. So white people are not taking credit for something they didn't create.

People say they want to see more cultural diversity but they start throwing fits whenever someone uses a cultural element in their work and they themselves are not from that culture.
I see a world where older cultures are gradually going to mix together and become newer ones, this to me, is inevitable; and I look forward to the day where we can simply enjoy good works without all the moral hand wringing.

As for the trailer itself, I think it looks better than what little I've seen before. Although I am not sure I like some of the turns they are taking in the story that this trailer seems to imply. The first of her kind? I seem to recall there were lots of people like her in the mangas and the anime.

JustSaying said:

Uhm, nope. The far future is most likely to have less caucasians than today. The genes for darker skin color and asian facial features tend to be rather dominant. Also, white people are already outnumbered on this planet. Which is great, cause they're really shitty to everybody else.

African American Sisters Destroy Hillary Clinton

newtboy says...

These ridiculous women again? They make their living selling discount Trump items, so their income is totally dependent on his success, yet they balk when asked about this and pretend they're just ordinary supporters, and not paid spokespeople.

When exactly did they 'destroy Clinton' here? They made a single ridiculous metaphor that made no sense...there can be no smoke without fire? They can't really be that ignorant, can they? Do they really not know that 99.9% of the idiotic conspiracy theories their boy spouts are totally baseless rantings, and they still believe Obama is a Muslim Kenyan bent on destroying America? You can't teach that level of stupid, it's innate.

I can't see how these characters help him anyway, they are prime examples of stereotypes that many in the black community find offensive. I guess it's the "see, I have black friends" argument, made so white people can try to pretend they aren't voting for a clearly racist douchebag.
I'm still astonished at the blinders and 3" thick rose colored glasses the Republicans are seeing the world through today. You would think I would have gotten over that by now.

And did that idiot at the end really claim that if he's dead, the Democrats will cast his vote, implying that voting for a dead person is something Democrats consistently do, but not Republicans? Better check your figures there, buddy. You've got it backwards, the dead consistently vote Republican.

Toto's 'Africa' by Kristen Bell And Dax Shepard

How To Play Frisbee All By Yourself (and other trick shots)

Fascinating Kenya's Women-Only Village

Fears about Gay Marriage

Politics in the Animal Kingdom: Single Transferable Vote

ChaosEngine says...

There's no assumption going on, the electorate decide who their second choice is.

To make things easy, let's imagine an electorate of 100 voters, with 3 representatives and a 33% threshold.
So let's say 60 people give White Tiger their no.1 and among those people, their second vote is spilt 40 to Orange Tiger and 20 to Silverback.

So White Tiger has 27 surplus votes. Those surplus votes are divided by proportion to Orange Tiger and Silverback.

So in this case Orange Tiger gets 66% of the surplus vote and Silverback 33% giving them 18 and 9 votes respectively.

Magicpants said:

Except it doesn't work, the flaw occurs when applying unused votes to other candidates, this video assumes everyone who picked white tiger for their first choice will pick orange tiger as their second.

Queen Humiliates Obama During Toast

JustSaying says...

Well, get the pitchforks then! What are you waiting for?

Seriously, I'd rather be upset about the british government that does inacceptable things right now than an overpaid old lady who is only there for show. Unnecessary? Sure. Profiting from some very horrible history? Certainly. But which country is without skeletons in their closet? They all have bloodstains on their oh-so-white wests.
The only thing one should be mad about is the denial of those past crimes.

MilkmanDan said:

I'm an American citizen with ancestors originally from Germany, so by those standards I should personally be held to blame for slavery, Little Bighorn and smallpox blankets, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, AND the holocaust.

Rep. Bridenstine (R - Okla) Questions Obama's Leadership

lantern53 says...

Blind adherence to the cult of personality.

Why do liberals love Obama?

1. he's black (not really...he's half white) so...white guilt
2. big choom smoker back in the day
3. has a great smile
4. young, so he's cool
5. trying to lessen the impact of America in the world, because they believe America is the root of all evil
6. supports abortion

How Obama gets away with it:
1. No one wants to be the person in the history books who 'brought down' Obama.

But don't give up hope, people, his chickens will come home to roost.

Close Call For Man On Stairs

Close Call For Man On Stairs

If you are a man on the Internet, you NEED TO SEE THIS.

Porksandwich says...

Hmmmmmm......commenting on stuff just because someone else said something negative despite knowing nothing more than what this guy has said in this video.........

That seems like white-knight trolling to me. When you're only interest in the topic is that someone said something negative about someone/something and you are otherwise completely uninformed on what is happening.

Is it OK that someone is bullying someone else? No. But I also don't know what the first person did to person the second off, if it's based on something or just random..... white knighting is a great way to undermine someone's ability to stand up for themselves. Doing it without them asking or being asked directly for your opinion on it, may not necessarily be's more feeding the troll.

So, I disagree with him.

I look at it like this.... If I ask generally for an opinion on someone/something, like a car or a game. If there's handful of people who say nothing but negative things about it, but generally don't seem to be making comments based on's a waste of time for them to post it and me to read. Then I get double that amount of people showing up to give nothing but positive reviews because of those negative reviews, again these are a complete waste of their time and my time and are generally based on zero experience with thing I asked about.

The reviews that mean the most are the ones who express an opinion that seems informed, and if they base it off similar thought out reviews saying why they disagree....even better.

I can easily cull uninformed overly negative and overly positive review with time. But why waste your time and my time with these pointless commentaries? It makes it worse if you comment only because you wanted to make another uninformed comment just because you didn't like another uninformed comment.

So, white knighting is pretty much defending something that shouldn't need defended, because stupid comments are obvious. And if it's spread beyond the internet, then she needs the police and not more people commenting worthless time-wasting crap.

When I was younger, much like messenger I used to do stupid shit...I grew up before the internet really was available. During more BBS-based internet than the internet as we know it now. And would do stupid stuff such as gang up on people in comments and what not. But the other pendulum of "stupid stuff" was being overly defensive on behalf of women. They were very rarely thankful for it, assuming they were even really women.

So just take a "who cares what they are doing" approach unless you are interested in their content (not their boobs, or interested in sleeping with them, etc except if their content is their boobs/sex/etc...just don't expect them to ever notice you...ever.). And if they want to do something controversial and rile up the dumb asses on the internet, that's their choice and you SHOULDN'T have to defend them. Defend the project, defend their ability to choose, but it's not your place to white-knight for them. You'll feel stupid later when all your efforts go unnoticed by your "hero"/heart-throb/crush/whatever and you're stuck with a bunch of people who now hate your ass and you have nothing to show for your efforts. The people you defend will let you hang, there's too many white-knights for them to return the favor when you attract the attention of people who take it a little too far and start taking it off the internet. Or in other words, this guy and that woman don't give a shit about you if it were happening to you.

KC and The Sunshine Band: That's The Way *Uh Huh* I Like It

Seven Styles of Overtone Singing (Tuvan Throat Singing)

Seven Styles of Overtone Singing (Tuvan Throat Singing)

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