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the Elizabeth warren speech that has everyone talking
No, that negates them as a source of 'information' on the subject.
EDIT: By now, I think you know the difference between scientific organizations and political ones masquerading as scientific organizations. You have a habit of listening to, and quoting political organizations as if they were not propaganda machines. it has been pointed out to you over and over again.
I think you also know the difference between someone pointing out your source is not credible and someone saying your point is wrong. When your source is not credible, it's likely your point is wrong, but often I don't even deal with that until you get the facts right, then I'll move on to conclusions. When you consistently want to listen to, and quote those who have the facts wrong, because they come from organizations not interested in fact but interested in furthering their own pre-conceived notions (one's they are paid to hold), there's little point in discussing your conclusions before debunking your 'facts' and sources.
If you could start with non-politically skewed 'facts' we could move on to your conclusions about them.
And that somehow negates Warren's support of the Ex-Im Bank how, exactly?
But fine. You don't like Mercatus' take on Ex-Im, how about Rolling Stone's very own Wall St. lefty, Matt Taibbi's, take on the Ex-Im Bank which he describes as "A federal slush fund that gives away massive low-interest loans to companies that a) don't need the money and b) have repeatedly made gigantic contributions to the right people."
Yup, sounds like something any true "Champion" against Corportatism would want to support. <eyeroll>
terminator genisys trailer
That's a valid explanation for how your changing the past can skew the future timeline after the manipulation took place.
There's no such valid excuse for the simple act of going backwards in time landing you in a different parallel universe that is totally unrelated to the universe from which the time traveler left.
Alternate universe.
Infinite parallel universes (multiverse). Try to shoot your grandfather, well you just shot him in a different universe. Paradox avoided.
Doubt - How Deniers Win
We, meaning people, but yes, I did really mean America, the most prolific space fairing nation in the past. The Chinese may go there again soon, but not yet. I'll reserve my opinion about their ability until I see their manned rocket land there and return.
Florida is thousands of times the size of Kiribati and probably tens of thousands of times the population...and is FAR from the only place in jeopardy. I was not ignoring Kiribati, or the dozens of other island nations, or Venice, or Alaska, or, well, any place with a coast line, I was giving one example. It's a little funny that you decided to say 'Florida?!? It's far worse over in Kiribati' while you're trying also to say 'Don't panic, it's not bad'. WHAT?!? I think the people of Kiribati would disagree that it's not time to panic! ;-)
That's not the data I've seen. What I've read (from numerous sources) said the rate of rise is accelerating, not a steady rate over the last 100+ years, and it is expected to continue accelerating. When you say they can "cope" with it, what do you mean, because even the little amount of rise we've seen so far has already displaced tens of thousands of people, and very few have just adapted to the new situation? What evidence have you that there's a solution to the loss of useable land?
Oh, from your volcano example, I see that by "cope" you mean "die". That's not how I intend to "cope", thanks. ;-)
Kiribati has seen tsunamis, and survived them. Being in open ocean, most are barely perceptible. There's no continental shelf to make them 'grow'. That said, 1 foot of sea rise puts a large portion of the island underwater and makes the rest FAR more susceptible to damage from even a small tsunami.
Really? That's not what I've been reading for decades. California alone, which produces over 1/4 of America's food, is in the worst drought ever recorded due to climate change, and production is falling like a stone there. They are not alone by any means. Africa, Australia, etc have the same issues. It's not mainly an issue of violence world wide, it's an issue of lack of water. The violence is often CAUSED by the lack of food, making the 'men with guns' have a reason to steal and control food sources. If food were plentiful, it would be impossible for them to do so. Africa did have the means to grow their own food, before they stopped getting enough water. That's the biggest road block, the seed can be donated and fertilizer only increases yields, it's not needed in most cases to sustain crops.
Because some war torn countries have issues with roving gangs of gun toting thugs does not make gun toting thugs the reason Africa is food poor. The thugs SELL that food, so it doesn't just disappear, it still gets eaten, and there's still a huge famine, so.....
Yes, adopting new tech, even quick adoption, absolutely CAN be an economic boon, just not for the oil companies in this instance. Just consider the adoption of the automobile, it was fast, and great for the economy in numerous ways.
EDIT:And I have said clearly that I don't think anything done today will effect 2100. The greenhouse gasses stay in the atmosphere that long or longer, so today's change in emissions will only equate to a change in the climate after 2115, so we can't avoid 1 foot of sea level rise. We can, however, stop increasing the rate of change (the system reacts to greenhouse gas addition right away, but takes 100+ years to react to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, so we can make it worse, but not better than that prediction...and that's the road we're on, making it worse daily).
Yes, changing the resolution changed the measurements ON THAT ONE OUTLYING GLACIER ONLY. It explained why it alone wasn't following the models, which was because a large portion of it was incredibly high up, making it colder, but on average it was below the 'melt line', skewing the data.
78% less glacier (your figures) still mean more than 78% less runoff, so >78% less areas that are already completely dependent on glacial water to support humans and already have water supply issues today. Even the low 65% number is disastrous.
The glaciers do not need to be gone in order to be useless as sources of fresh water. I did not say all glaciers would be 'gone' I said they would no longer supply the demand, and there's no known tech in the pipeline that can.
So, in short, please stop twisting and exaggerating what I write to create strawman arguments to shoot down. It gets old fast.
The world's most beautiful sustainable font
The tank mods are added by retailers and print shops. You're right about how the system works -- the lines run from the big tanks and are inserted through a hole drilled into the carts small reservoir.

One issue with that is that most cartridges have a software page count that is used to tell you that the ink is running low / empty after a certain number of prints. So, along with the tank install, most shops will put in an aftermarket chip or PCB that resets or bypasses that counter.
For the other question, I think that Thailand still relies on printed documents more than in the US, but it is going down. I undoubtedly have a somewhat skewed opinion on things since I am a teacher, though. I teach 18 different classes of roughly 40 kids once a week, with a worksheet or some other printout being used nearly every week -- so I probably burn 700+ pages each week through my school's copy machines. Then I teach smaller private classes at home, with maybe 100 or so pages a week on my own printer(s). I have one inkjet with those tanks installed, 2 mono lasers, and 1 color laser... So yeah, I probably am a much heavier user of printed stuff than your average person.
Who is adding the tanks to the printer? The people selling them to retailers, the retailer, or is it a DIY? I'm guessing the lines connect to the cartridges in the printer and just kind of keep them full? Or do they tap directly into where the print cartridge connect to the heads? I think it's cool. Thanks for sharing.
Another question is do people in Thailand have a need for lots of printing? I'm in the U.S. and would say that personally, my printing needs have gone down 90% say over the last 10 years. At home, I print maybe 5 pages a month.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wage Gap
Simply by having the same education level does not grant you equal pay (unless you're working in government). You're paid for the supply and demand of your skills. There are by far MANY more men than women in engineering and physical sciences, and those fields pay rather well. There are by far MANY more women than men in veterinary and educational fields, and those fields pay atrociously.
It is indeed unfortunate if any discrimination occurs, and even if women achieve 99% of men, it is still not nice. However, recognize that nobody is particularly certain about these numbers. I see numbers ranging from 87% to 103% in this video, so our certainty is horrible. Inequality is bad, but if you're going to get particularly opinionated about it, crunch the numbers for yourself instead of letting other boneheads skew the numbers for you.
The statistics can be pulled either way by horrible analyses, and trying to compare 'equal jobs' can be hard...particularly when you factor in cost of living differences, seniority, relative success of different companies, etc. The most compelling evidence was the Yale study where identical resumes with different names were awarded different amounts of speculative money. That was the only real telling evidence that, at least among the people in that study, there is a bias towards paying women less for exactly the same job. However, the statistics can be pulled either way in a study like that as well; what is the uncertainty of the pay level for that poll? Is it random chance and statistical noise happened to end up with the woman paid less in that study? If they surveyed an order of magnitude more people, would the average salaries converge to the same value? In most polls and studies like this, the sampling size is usually quite poor, and getting such an exact dollar figure difference with high certainty is nearly impossible. It would be great to see that study to make an assessment of how much uncertainty was present for myself.
First, that's simply not ture. The pay gap is nowhere near 90% either by industry or by l
evel of education.
Second even if it was 99% that's still unacceptable. "Rational reason" or no, people shouldn't be penalised for their gender. It's not reasonable to ask a parent of either gender to work long overtime.
IXION Windowless Jet Concept
It wouldn't look like that. Thats not how perspective works. If you are standing at one of the the plane looking down the hall it would look correct to you, but the person sitting at a window at the other end would just see a skewed image, or vice versa. Unless the "Parallax Barrier" would produce a head tracking image with correct perspective for each individual passenger, this is just a novelty.
This was demo'd by Johnny Lee
in 2007. How has no one gone further with this yet?
RIP-Robin Williams :(
Shame your "evidence" comes from a website that is a front for a law firm to sue pharmaceutical companies.
The reality is that the link between antidepressants and suicide is complex and not fully understood yet. For a start, antidepressants (by their very nature) are prescribed to people who have an increased risk, thus skewing the results. While there may be a link, there's also a serious issue of people who go off their meds having an increased risk.
So it's certainly not as black and white as you paint it.
Yes, unlike others on the sift, I post information that is supported by evidence
The Middle East problem "explained"
@Sagemind man i didnt even know that!
i was looking for what @rbar posted and the affiliations with the heritage foundation and the hoover institute.
political think tanks which specialize in propaganda.
so,nothing to do with JEW @Taint but everything to do with manipulated information presented by an apologist wishing only to skew the opinion of those wishing to understand a very complicated situation.
that is the reason to discount his opinion,not the fact he is a jew.
Look over the watchmakers' shoulders.
I take it that the device seen in the thumbnail that is spinning the watches in two ways is a winder? Also, is the building's glass section set on a spinner? It looks like when they show the outside view like it is skewed to the main building.
TYT - A Great Way To Save USPS, But Will It Happen?
Payday loans EDB, in the United States: Fast-money strip-center locations have been popping-up all over in every city now like warts on a leper, for the past 25 years, operating in a regulatory blind spot. They loan you money at an exorbitant, unfair interest rate fully expecting and banking on the person loaned not being able to pay back the loan according to contract then penalize with fines when the debt can't be repaid. Criminal organizations have relied upon USURY as a means of extracting money from helpless or uneducated and desperate people for centuries. Mafia organizations the world over have relied on this practice since they began. I don't expect the federal government to do anything much different as much of their activity has been criminal for quite some time.
Inhumane, predatory, sick.
SO it looks perfectly reasonable at face value??I call bullshit when I see it before it happens usually... Cenk here sees it as a wonderful way to create revenue out of thin air by taking the model of the payday loan places that already exist over, not unlike a mafia organization takes over territory of another criminal's organization.
If you think I'm skeptical you are correct, if you think I am wrong that is your prerogative. If you choose to block my comments or 'ignore' them, I don't care at all-It simply proves the point I make continually here, that those who chose to place their hands over their ears, or their heads in a sand-bucket are minion, and the few dissenting opinions are met with torch and pitchfork, either because of the language used to do so is too caustic, or perhaps that the truths in my babble that are too horrible and painful to consider are much easier to deride and deny or to even consider, to damaged sensibilities combined with an ego the size of Asia.
I also consider that your stance on guns and gun ownership as equally skewed, as is much of your political rhetoric. But hey, there are a lot of folks here who think the way you do. I happen to be one of the other people.
And again, Cenk, yer a pompous git whose ego is also bloated beyond fat, and your smarmy, smug delivery makes me want to hack-up my lunch.
Japanese Dolphin Hunt Condemned By World
The first person to cry 'racist' is usually the racist him/herself-
Fuck Racism.
*edit-Another question? If I had written, 'Fuck Australia' after bashing her culture's shortcomings would you have been as quick to use the the 'cry racism' model so easily considering her peoples are a compendium of a mixed-bag similar to the America you expatriated from, equally as complicit in crimes against humanity at large and isolationism? You got yer crazy bag of fucks there as well expat, check a mirror.
I hold no racist views towards the Japanese, I am trashing a culture's savage and mundane aspects Mr. Official warning, and whom or what did I offend I would ask? YOUR sensibilities sir?
The Japanese suffer as a peoples because of the backlog of baggage they carry into the future-I do not discount their contributions to the planet, the shining aspects of their culture, HOWEVER. I do recognize their dysfunction and regret and lament their dwindling numbers, the erosion of families, their skewed sense of sexuality and their treatment of the female within their culture. Ask any Japanese woman of the age of 20 and not one will tell you that she has not been sexually exploited or violated in a public place. Sure, it's fun to watch and giggle at their television, their obsessions and odd social practices but form whence does the spectacle arise, from what psychological mindfuck that reaches much further back than Hiroshima or Nagasaki?
Oh the IRONY of someone so self-important and all-powerful as to pass judgement on intent or meaning without first inquiring as to the motivation for the word.
Fuck em I suppose, is what set you off Dagmar-Pretty strong a statement I suppose but not so much in the context of the motivation behind my problem with their culture-on-the-skids.
Evolution IN Action
Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
The irony of you as an American trash talking the Japanese for irradiating the Pacific is hilarious - and sad.
But seriously - racist comments like this get you an official warning. Please consult the guidelines if you need guidance.
Bernie Sanders tears into Walmart for corporate welfare
ill take a crack at that deconstruction.
@Sagemind was basically prefacing the fact that the few remaining jobs are low paying crap jobs,like walmart for instance.
but you are correct that it is NOT a job of last resort.
you dont HAVE to apply at walmart.
nobody is FORCING you to work for slave wages.
you could always suck a dick.
handjobs in the local gas station bathroom for a quick buck.
sell plasma,blood,semen.
sell a kidney.
sell drugs..but not weed..might as well work at walmart.
you could always sell your integrity.
i hear wall street is a good place for that,but they require your soul as well.
how about insurance fraud?
reverse mortgages? fuck those old people..they gonna die anyways.
ya gotta eat,so ya do what ya gotta do.
who am i kidding?
while i would never work at walmart nor any corporation,some people have to do what they have to do.
and sometimes its a short list and working at walmart is the trade off for them.
guess they dont like dick.
so im with @Sagemind or is my skewed line of non-reasoning still a retarded polemic?
because at the end of the day who are we to judge anybody for their choices?
Bernie Sanders tears into Walmart for corporate welfare
Who'ses reality would be my first question, out of touch with 'WHO's' reality? Everyone has a 'choice' sir, and working at Walmart is FAR from any last resort-Don't know how or why anyone would desire to to deconstruct your skewed line of non-reasoning and retarded polemic...Suffice it to say that you have many other folks who are as developmentally-disabled as yourself with such horseshit thinking that at least you won't be lonely or have to enjoy your mind fucking itself in solitude.
Cheap prices they are able to "give?" Fuck that sorry noise. Walmart giveth unto itself and the machine that created it. So you understand the degree to which you are being ass-fucked and you are satisfied with that? No wonder the United States and the world is in such a de-evolving state...
Wow, so many of these people are so far out of touch with reality.
It's not a choice to work at Wall Mart - It's a last resort. If people had other options, they wouldn't be there. Few people chose to live in poverty
And Who cares about the cheap prices that Wal Mart is able to give. It's self serving. The largest employer keeps it's employees poor so they have no choice but to shop at their own store, which in turn just gives their wages back to employers. Sure other people reap the benefits of some cheap stuff, but let's stay real. It's cheap because the quality is often lowered to meet the competitive contracts targeted for manufacturers to be able to be Walmart's choice product. Nothing bought at WalMart lasts more than a year or two, you always end up re-buying it. So where is the cheap affordability now?
And while Wall Mart works hard to choke out the competition so they can raise their prices on certain products, their merchandising does the same thing. They only target certain manufacturers and give then the lion's share of the merchandising space on their shelves. Selection at Wal Mart is Slim. They are great at choosing your brands for you. The companies that play ball with WalMart. I have better selection on items at non department stores. Case in point Groceries. They have great prices on certain grocery items, but I don't have any choice on the brands I'm buying. And sooner or later, I'll still need to go to the grocery store, because WalMart just can't give me what I need to stock my kitchen with the basics. My Wall Mart doesn't even sell large bags of sugar.
The Robbery of the Century: Tax Evasion
I figured out how skewed the tax laws are when I found out companies like Google and Haliburton start up paper companies in various places in the world to funnel funds so that they can avoid US taxation. There's more than a few 1 person, single room offices out there pulling down BILLIONS every year.
What gets me is if I did it exactly the same way, but not as a corporation, I'd go to jail.
Ben Shapiro Lecture UCSD 2013 on Debating Liberals
wow. his understanding of events and concepts is so unbelievably skewed. like near psychotic.